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The effect of sound motivation in branding – A case study of a bookstore Instructor: Kate Name: 陳建佑 Student No.: 9822618 Date: 6/02/2010.

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Presentation on theme: "The effect of sound motivation in branding – A case study of a bookstore Instructor: Kate Name: 陳建佑 Student No.: 9822618 Date: 6/02/2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 The effect of sound motivation in branding – A case study of a bookstore
Instructor: Kate Name: 陳建佑 Student No.: Date: 6/02/2010

2 Introduction Literature Review Methodology - statement of the problem
- background - statement of the problem - purpose of the study - research question Literature Review - brand and brand equity 1.Brand Awareness 2.Brand Association 3.Perceived Quality 4.Brand Royalty - mark and sound trademark - sound stimuli in branding Methodology

3 Introduction - Background
Sound advertising are everywhere in our daily life. Undoubtedly, sound has played a significant role in consumer marketing and is a major force in the interactive process of consumer behavior. Most retailers agree that sound is one of their most important considerations and expenses. (Yalch & Spangenberg, 1998)

4 Introduction - Background
The phenomenon that good audio design can add something extra to a brand. (Lindstrom, 2005) Music has been used in stores, offices, and as a background in advertisements and will influence listeners’ emotions and behaviors. (Lam, 2000)

5 Introduction - Statement of the problem
Bruner (1990) provided an early collection of relevant research involving music and advertising as part of the literature review for his “Music, Mood and Marketing” but that is now more than a decade old.

6 Introduction - Purpose of the study
This study aims to explore the relationship between musical advertising and consumers’ response toward brand preference. To investigate if there are any significant findings in consumer’s response when music presence and absence.

7 Introduction - Research Question
Does the music presence or absence influence behaviors’ moods and feelings resulting in higher brand preference?

8 -Brand and Brand Equity
Literature Review -Brand and Brand Equity “A brand is a name, symbol, design, or mark that enhances the value of a product beyond its functional purpose”. (Farquhar,1989) By the definition of American Marketing Association (AMA), “brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service from those of other sellers.

9 -Brand and Brand Equity
Literature Review -Brand and Brand Equity Farquhar (1989) defined brand equity as the added value to a product. AMA defines the brand equity “The value of a brand. From a consumer perspective, brand equity is based on consumer attitudes about positive brand attributes and favorable consequences of brand use”.

10 -Brand and Brand Equity
Literature Review -Brand and Brand Equity Studies about brand had concluded a strong brand benefits both the firms and consumers. - To the firms, strong brands provide resistance from competitive attack. - To the consumers, brand can signal a certain level of quality so that satisfied buyers can easily choose the product again. (Kotler & Keller 2001)

11 Brand and Brand Equity -Brand Awareness
Hoyer and Brown (1990) claim that effect of brand awareness on consumer choice, brand awareness provides a convenient cue for choice. Brand awareness is defined as “recognition or recall of brand presence in consumer’s mind”.

12 Brand and Brand Equity - Brand Association
Brand associations of products can be stored in consumer’s minds after brand awareness of the product are already in their memories. (Pitta and Katsanis,1995)

13 Brand and Brand Equity - Brand Association
Brand association is defined as all brand-related thoughts, feelings, perceptions, images, experiences, beliefs, attitudes, and so on that become linked to the brand node.

14 (Farquhar, 1989) Brand and Brand Equity - Perceived Quality
Quality is the cornerstone of a strong brand. A firm must have a quality product that delivers superior performance to the consumer in order to achieve a positive evaluation of the brand in the consumer’s memory. (Farquhar, 1989)

15 Brand and Brand Equity - Perceived Quality Perceived quality is defined as “consumer’s judgment about product’s overall excellence or superiority”.

16 Brand and Brand Equity - Brand Royalty
Brand loyalty is a key consideration when placing a value on a brand because a highly loyal customer can be expected to generate a very predictable sales and profit. A brand’s value to a firm is largely created by the customer’s loyalty. (Aaker,1996)

17 Brand and Brand Equity - Brand Royalty
Brand loyalty makes customers buy products of a particular brand name routinely and resist them not to switch to another brand. (Mats,2000) Brand loyalty is defined as a deeply commitment to repurchase a preferred product or service consistently in the future.

18 Literature Review -Brand and Brand Equity
Brand Awareness Brand Association Brand and Brand Equity Perceived Quality Brand Royalty

19 Literature Review - Mark and Sound Trademark Trademark is as important as brand to a corporation and a trademark can convey information relating to the quality of products and therefore facilitates and enhances consumers’ purchase decisions. (Ramello,2006)

20 Literature Review - Mark and Sound Trademark Sound trademark is any sound used in branding or marketing to identify specific product or brand or defined as “registered trademark in type of sound”.

21 Literature Review - Sound Stimuli in Branding Music to become a trigger for emotional reaction will lead to increase brand loyalty. The notion that sound can actually influence a purchasing decision has been pretty much ignored. (Fulberg, 2003) Brand can be built using sound while the world over underestimate the value of sound. (Lindstrom,2005)

22 Methodology The sound collection and analysis in stage one
and stage two is to determine what sound samples would be hired in the third stage to examine the influence of sound stimuli towards brand preference. Collection sound samples and classify them Explore to consumers’ perception toward sound stimuli Questionnaire design and survey, data collection and statistical analysis

23 150 customers are selected from leaving the store
Methodology Participant Place Instrument Questionnaire 150 customers are selected from leaving the store Bookstore

24 Thanks for your attention

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