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2014 Reporting Cycle Results, Good Practices and Lessons Learned

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Presentation on theme: "2014 Reporting Cycle Results, Good Practices and Lessons Learned"— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 Reporting Cycle Results, Good Practices and Lessons Learned
UN-SWAP Evaluation Performance Indicator (EPI) Isabel Suarez, Evaluation Specialist, UN Women 2014 Reporting Cycle Results, Good Practices and Lessons Learned

2 Background UN System Action Plan on GEEW
The UN SWAP Evaluation Performance Indicator Business ownership and UNEG role Development of the Technical Note and Scorecard Review Process

3 EPI 2014 Reporting Cycle Results

4 EPI 2014 Results by Entity Type (frequencies)
Type of UN entity Not Applicable Missing Requirements Approaches requirements Meets requirements Exceeds requirements Total Secretariat Departments 11 2 9 10 1 33 Funds and Programmes 6 7 14 Entities with Technical Focus 4 3 Specialized Entities 5 Training Institutes 16 19 22 62

5 Use of the Technical Note and Scorecard

6 Number of evaluations included in the assessment and scoring obtained
Name of entity Report against UN-SWAP EPE Number of Evaluations included in assessment Scoring obtained DPI Meets requirements 1 9 ECE Missing requirements 7 2 ECLAC Approaches requirements 4 7.25 ESCWA 3 8.33 FAO 28 7.68 IFAD 15 9.66 IOM 11 4.73 OCHA OHCHR 7.66 OIOS Exceeds requirements 6 10.85 PSBO UNCDF UNCTAD 6.71 UNDP 30 5.9

7 Number of evaluations included in the assessment and scoring obtained (cont)
Name of entity Report against UN-SWAP EPE Number of Evaluations included in assessment Scoring obtained UNEP Missing requirements 17 2.2 UNESCO Approaches requirements 19 3.53 UNFPA Meets requirements 11 9 UN-HABITAT 6 7 UNICEF 15 UNIDO 18 7.78 UNODC 4 UNOV UNRWA 6.25 UNV 2 UN Women 22 7.57 WFP 7.26 WHO 4.5 WIPO 3 4.67 The GEF 5 2.6

8 Status of EPI Reporting Practices
Improved reporting across entities Challenges for broad use of the scorecard Internal vs external assessments Level of reporting requirement of UN-SWAP EPI and the other 14 UN-SWAP indicators

9 Challenges, Good Practices and Remedial Actions
Integration of GEEW considerations in newly adopted evaluation policies Integration of UNEG HR&GE Guidance in the evaluation process Capacity development on GEEW responsive evaluation Internal coordination Interagency initiatives Support to field offices

10 Recommended Remedial Actions
Make a clear reference to UNEG HR&GE Guidance Include UN-SWAP EPI in all evaluation TORs Include UN-SWAP reporting in any evaluation training Consider the profile of GEEW experts when hiring evaluators/companies Establish coordination mechanisms with field offices Develop a checklist for evaluation managers

11 2015 Reporting Cycle Web based reporting system
Next UN-SWAP reporting deadline: January 2016 Web based reporting system UN-SWAP FPs and UN-SWAP Evaluation Business owners Additional Qualitative Reporting UN Women Evaluation Performance indicator Helpdesk:

12 Key References Updated UN-SWAP Evaluation Performance Indicator Technical Note and Scorecard (available on UNEG website) UNEG Guidance: Integrating Human rights and Gender Equality in Evaluation

13 Thank you for your attention!

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