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Lightning Ridge Central School Lightning Ridge NSW

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1 Lightning Ridge Central School Lightning Ridge NSW
List members of the group, roles and % contribution to the presentation Tameika Allport (x%) Susan Barta (x%) Michelle Grogan (x%) Kristy Johnson (x%) Courtley Mancell (x%) Christie Paton (x%) Delete ONE of these boxes to confirm that all group members agree to the percent contributions.

2 CONTEXT ANALYSIS Remote Location Family Diversity NAPLAN
Isolated community Difficulties in accessing health professionals Family Diversity 40% Indigenous 5% LOTE Located on rural farms, mining communities as well as in town NAPLAN Substantially below national average Above or close to similar schools

3 CONTEXT ANALYSIS Lightning Ridge Central School Source: Australian Opal Centre Source: Sonja’s Bed and Breakfast Narration: Lightning Ridge is a school which caters for students from Kindergarten to Year 12. It is located in the remote mining town of Lightning Ridge which is approximately 770 kms north west of Sydney and only 50kms due south of the Qld boarder. It is located in the Walgett shire with the town itself 75kms north of Walgett.

4 CONTEXT ANALYSIS Source: Lightning Ridge Central School Narration: Lightning Ridge Central School is a government school with 385 students attending Kindergarten to year 12. There are 35 teaching staff members with 14 non-teaching staff. This translates to 36.7 full-time equivalent staff and 11.2 full-time equivalent non-teaching staff. The school will celebrate its centenary in September this year. The 385 students are made up of 175 girls and 210 boys. 40% of these students are Indigenous and 8% have a language background other than English. There is an attendance rate of 88%. (Note: annual report states 43% Indigenous and 11% LOTE).

5 CONTEXT ANALYSIS Narration: Health issues

6 CONTEXT ANALYSIS Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage
School ICSEA Value 810 Average ICSEA Value 1000 Bottom Quarter Middle Quarters Top Quarter School distribution 62% 17% 4% Australian distribution 25% Source: My Schools Narration: Students come from families mainly involved in the opal mining or agricultural industries. Some students live within the township of Lightning Ridge, with many others living on rural properties or on mining camps on the outskirts of the town. Students and their families have a rich variety of backgrounds, all of which contribute to the diversity of this isolated north-western town. LRCS attracts significant additional funding to assist the school provide equity and opportunity for its students. In 2010 the school received funding from the Priority Schools Program (PSP), the Country Area Program (CAP) and the National Partnership (Low SES) program. According to the ‘My Schools’ data, LRCS achieves an ICSEA value of 810 compared to the average value of 100. As you can see, the majority of families fall into the bottom quarter and very few in the top. LRCS’s NAPLAN results show the students to be above or close to schools with a similar ICSEA value, however they are generally substantially below the national average.

7 CONTEXT ANALYSIS Once the group has completed the context analysis for the chosen school, synthesise your findings on this slide. VISUAL: Show contextual factors relevant to teaching Health Education in your school. Show by listing or construct a graphic (e.g. context map) Acknowledge sources of information AUDIO: Provide a commentary to explain why your group selected these factors

8 PRIORITY HEALTH AREA Research the health status of children in Australia and the school locality. Present the implications of your research for Health Education on this slide. VISUAL: Identify the area of health which the group believes should be given greatest priority. Example: injury prevention AUDIO: Present the evidence that led the group to select this health area as a priority. Examples: morbidity statistics such as hospital admissions

9 OUTCOMES VISUAL: Describe what your group aims to achieve when targeting this priority health area? Use syllabus terminology e.g. aims, objectives, foundation statements, outcomes and indicators. AUDIO: In the commentary, share your group’s commitment to realising these outcomes.

10 REALISING OUTCOMES Policy Plans Procedures Programs
TASK: Describe how the group proposes to realise the outcomes shown on the previous slide. Examples of descriptions may include one or more of the “4P’s”: Policy Plans Procedures Programs

11 SCOPE and SEQUENCE VISUAL: Show the scope and sequence (i.e. school plan) that your group has developed to address the priority health issue from Early Stage One to Stage 3. AUDIO: Describe features of your scope and sequence that should contribute to the quality of student learning.

12 EVALUATION AUDIO: List challenges when addressing this health priority area in primary school education. VISUAL: The commentary may include a set of unanswered questions which other groups in EDPE346 may wish to discuss when completing the critical review of your presentation.

VISUAL: List resources which may be valuable to other teachers addressing this health area AUDIO: Commentary may include an appraisal of ONE particular resource (e.g. kit, website; software, DVD; computer-assisted instruction)

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