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Individual Assignment

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1 Individual Assignment
Research report

2 Sample report for Assignment 1
Interview and Report

3 Business communication
Workplace Business communication Barriers Solution

4 Introduction Define the topic Issues related to the topic
Include some researchers’ opinion on the topic Example: Visual aids are materials that are related to a speech in which an audience can see before their eyes. They are prepared prior to a presentation. It is believed that we as humans can remember only about 20% of what we hear, but our level of recollection will increase by 50% if a second channel of information is added; for example, we can hear and see the message conveyed at the same time. When one’s speaking time is limited, visual aids will allow a summary or compression of the complexity of the information given. Because we are accustomed to receiving two channels, we are both visually literate and oriented. Other than that, visual aids can add a stronger interest to our speech and aid retention. In a way, visual aids will enhance every aspect of our speech.

5 Purpose/Rationale of the study
Why should we research about this topic? Example: Visual aids help communication. There is also evidence to show that they can overcome of the barriers to effective communication. Usually we can overcome of the barriers when we give sufficient thought to the planning and use of the visual aids for promoting better communication and more effective learning. Decide what we require of the visual aid to help people overcome the barriers. Aids should be used as an important and integral part of the learning process. They being used to create interest to help learners understand the information given to help them recall major points that they must remember and also to help them develop a mental perception of the information. The person who is going to present the visual aids must plan the visual aids carefully. Good visual aids do not appear by chance or rarely so. Usually a great deal of thought goes into their creation. It is advisable to prepare a rough sketch and ask the question. This may be able to lead the communication to a successful reputation. Basically, visual aids will be in an interesting way including pictures, sounds, and interviews and so on. People can understand the message or the important points very clearly. According to scientist, a study material with pictures and sounds easily influence a person. So, by applying studies through visual aids, make people to remember it easily and also fewer barriers across between the sender and receiver.

6 Method to collect data Importance of interview
Share a little bit about how interviewing these employers/employees would help you collect data/complete this assignment

7 Findings What were the answers to your interview questions? Responses from the interviewees Example: Various data and information delivered by the people that we interviewed. We have choose four people which sees visual aids in different perspective and different usage although it’s related to their field. This four person uses the technology of visual aids in many ways, according to them this way helped them to deliver information and gain it in successfully, even though they had face many barriers which some they could overcome and some they could not solve then ignoring it. Besides the lecturer and the student that we interviewed, we managed to find the other two more parties which well experienced and redeemed knowledge and benefits with via visual aids. Shalini Balakrishnan, working as a pre-school teacher, also has her own way using visual aids. Despite than the other two people that we interviewed, which obtain power point slides as their main option, Mdm Shalini uses pictures and flash cards as her visual idea to deliver message to children. The usage of flash cards drew children’s attention easily, as they get attracted fast; their learning intention makes it easier for them to gain knowledge. Apart from that, so far there is no barrier that she faced. She also had stated the solution for the barriers that might occur, such as, the pictures can be laminated or put it in a proper box. We also interviewed an engineering student which goes through the usage of visual aids. Saravanan Balakrishnan, an engineering student. He assumed that usage of charts and graphs helped him to recall. Saravanan gets to face physics paper which previews numbers and calculations; he finds it easy when it’s all formed in charts and graphs.

8 Data analysis Your analysis based on the topic and the responses from your interviewees. Example: Based on our interview questions and people response we find that visual aids via power point slides have been the main choice and preferable visual aids. Educators find it easy to teach or conduct their class using power point slides. Moreover there are also student whom categorised in certain listeners who emphasis on studies via power point slides. Apart from that, pictures, flash cards, graphs and charts are used as visual aids. Children find it easy to learn from observing pictures and flash cards to identify the object. Numbers and calculation also can be simplified by using charts and graphs, but this via are not widely used. It has been the option for the students and educators who deals with numbering and calculations. Hence, the usage of visual aids helps student to fasten their learning process, the same situation goes to lecturers and teachers who emphasis more on power point slides which simplified the points and reaches students. The usage of visual aids helps students scores well and take the education level to the technology era.

9 Conclusion Sum up from INTRODUCTION to DATA ANALYSIS Example:
In conclusion, visual aids are an instructional aid such as a posters, images, charts, posters, scales models, props slides, and videos and so on. Visual aids produce an effective result among the audience. Based on the research, we have found out that audience can absorb 20% from listening and their recollection increased by 50% if a second channel of information is added. Besides that, a picture worth a thousand words and the speaking time is limited because visual aids allow or compression on complex information. The audience is visually literate and visually oriented through receiving two channels verbal or visual. We also found visual aids add strong interest to our speech and it can aid retention. At the same time, visual aids can enhance every aspect of our speech. According to our interviews, power point slides become a high usage among people. A power points slide highlights main points and can be used with large groups. Although power point slides and other visual aids can overcome some of the barriers to communication, it must be visible and legible for the audience. Check the room for sight- lines, check any electronic equipment, prepare in advance and rehearse maintaining speech flow in explaining visual aids are the important things which we have to consider. Visual aids are helping people in various ways in overcoming the barriers to communication are proven by our research.

10 Recommendation From you and your intervieews/respondents
In order to solve the barriers we face during the assignment, there are a few recommendations we can consider. First of all, for us to solve the problem we faced with the time, the lecturer who assigned us this task could lengthen our deadline and give us more time to complete this research study since the first-half of the semester is shorter than the second-half and we had been subdued by other assignments as well. Besides that, for the other barrier that we faced, which is the lack of interest to participate in our interview sessions by the subjects, we could have looked for people who were more open towards such study method and not afraid to speak their mind. At the same time, these subjects shouldn’t be afraid that their video would be presented in front of a class or criticized by an audience.

11 Reference Example: McLean, S. (2003). The basics of speech communication. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Kostelnick, C., & Roberts, D. (1998). Designing visual language: Strategies for professional communicators. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

12 Appendices (interview questions)
Do you think visual aids help you in communicating with your peers?  What kind of visual aids, do you often use?  Why do you think using “slides” (example) as a visual aid could help you to communicate better? Do you face any barriers while using visual aids? How do you overcome those barriers?

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