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Boys & Girls Clubs Day for Kids (Insert role of presentation here)

2 (Use this page to introduce your organization
and its history to potential sponsors/partners)

3 Mission To celebrate and honor America’s youth through the gift of meaningful time with adults

4 Brand Celebrated annually the third Saturday in September.
Call to action encourages all adults to celebrate kids by providing the gift of meaningful time. Aligns with BGC of [your org name] mission of hope and opportunity. Brand attributes include fun, relationships, caring, family, memories, recognition and community.

5 Local community goals Establish BGC Day for Kids on the official calendar for [your city] Educate and engage adults on the importance of spending meaningful time with kids Build resources and awareness to benefit children (Tailor to your specific community needs)

6 BGC Day for Kids in our Community
(Use this page to tell future sponsors/partners about your past BGC Day for Kids events) Last year event/campaign or since you started conducting BGC Day for Kids

7 2007 BGC Day for Kids Activation Plan
(Use this page to describe your plans for 2007)

8 What your support of BGC Day for Kids means for our community
Opportunity to be a part of making history A great introduction to the programs and services [your org name] offers year-round Positions youth-serving organizations and elected officials in [your city] as leaders in issues affecting children A unique property to raise resources and awareness to benefit youth in our community (Use this page to list the specific ways in which BGC Day for Kids can build your community through the help of local partners)

9 Community Support We are making history!
(Use this page to list local sponsors and other youth-serving and community organizations who support your BGC Day for Kids efforts)

10 Boys & Girls Clubs Day for Kids Pledge
We pledge to spend meaningful time together, to talk, to listen, to learn and to play, to share a moment, create a memory and make a kid’s day

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