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Family tree assignment

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1 Family tree assignment

Family Tree Assignment (due at beginning of class) Using your 4 Generation Bowtie family tree from your packet: 1. With the help of your family try your best to fill in your bowtie family tree going back 4 generations Starting with your name in the center, work your way out on each side of the bowtie. For privacy I recommend using either first name with last initial OR first initial last name. Also for privacy if you want to skim a few years off the dates you may! 2. Once names and dates are in place, the next step is to look at each generation and ask yourself/family/guardian if anyone during that generation: a. Invented anything, if so what did they invent? b. Worked in the medical field, if so what did they do? ***It is OK if you cannot fill in #2 skip to #3**** 3. Next research the dates of each generation and write down on bowtie: a. 2 inventions that happened during that generations’ dates b. 1 health concern that was prevalent during that time that might have affected them in some way. i. If that generation was living in a different country at that time, make sure to research health concerns in that country for those dates!


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