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We laugh and cry, We work and play, We help each other Every day

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Presentation on theme: "We laugh and cry, We work and play, We help each other Every day"— Presentation transcript:

1 We laugh and cry, We work and play, We help each other Every day
We laugh and cry, We work and play, We help each other Every day. The world’s a lovely Place to be Because we are A ….


3 My family tree


5 Vocabulary age [ eɪdʒ ] - возраст aunt [ɑːnt] –тетя
cousin [ˈkʌz(ə)n] - двоюродный брат, кузен или двоюродная сестра, кузина кузен или двоюродная сестра husband [ ˈhʌzbənd ]- муж middle-aged [ ˌmɪdl̩ˈeɪdʒd ] -среднего возраста parents [ˈpɛərənts] -родители twin [twɪn]- близнец uncle [ʌŋkl] -дядя wife [waɪf] -жена be married -быть женатым



8 Game This is a family     Let’s count them and see, How many there are, And who they can be   This is the mother     Who loves everyone And this is the father   Who is lots of fun. This is my sister   She helps and she plays, And this is the baby   He’s growing each day. But who is this one?  He’s out there alone, Why it’s Jackie, the dog, And he’s chewing a bone.  

9 Our family trees

10 My Mother’s face I know a face- A lovely face As full of beauty as of grace? In darkness it gives a light. A face that is itself like joy, To see it I’m a happy girl. And I have a joy that have no other. This lovely woman is my mother!

11 Help your Mother! Help your mother, lay the table; Put a knife and fork and spoon. Help your mother, lay the table Every afternoon. Help your mother, clean the table; Take a knife and fork and spoon. Help your mother, clean the table Morning, night and afternoon.

12 The tree of our lesson

13 Every tree has it's leaves
Every tree has it's leaves. You have got green and yellow leaves in front of you. Green means - Everything is OK. It's easy for me. Red - I have some problem. I need help.

14 Homework Ex. 8 p. 7 (написать письмо другу по переписке о семье)

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