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The Supremacy of Christ

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1 The Supremacy of Christ
Colossians 1:15-20

2 The image of the invisible God
Eikon = manifestation, representation, the perfect expression of God All the fullness of God dwelt in Him v. 19 He reflects/radiates the glory of God and bears the very stamp of His nature, upholding the universe by the word of His power Hebrews 1:3

3 He who has seen Me has seen the Father John 14:9
Miracles e.g. walking on water Clear sense of purpose e.g. to Jerusalem Love e.g. talking to the Samaritan woman Forgiveness e.g. man lowered through the roof Unconventional religion e.g. not washing hands Prayer e.g. ‘alone’ often

4 The firstborn over all creation
Protokos = pre-eminence rather than birth order The eldest son succeeded to the rank and position of head of the family. He inherited a double portion of his father’s property. He was the representative of his family or tribe’s prerogative.

5 Every first born male (man and animal) was holy to the Lord
Could not be used for ordinary tasks Belonged to the sanctuary for sacrifice (Human) firstborn males were redeemed (Exodus 13:13, 34:20) and later substituted by the Levites.

6 By him all things were made
He is the creator All things in heaven and earth Visible and invisible Thrones, powers, rulers, authorities An institution operating for anything except Him is ultimately futile and misdirected

7 In him all things hold together
Stand together Consist If you take Christ out of things what do you have left?

8 He is the head Pre-eminent Controller Source Authority

9 Through him to reconcile all things to himself
By making peace Through his blood shed on the cross

10 So for 2009 … Christ is the preeminent One Determined to know Him
Worship, obedience, respect, awe Determined to know Him Spend time with Him Eager to learn Determined to make Him known Personal proclamation Team effort

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