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CAD/CAM Snježana Korčij

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1 CAD/CAM Snježana Korčij
ERASMUS+ SECTOR SKILLS ALLIANCE CAD/CAM Snježana Korčij The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

2 Cad/Cam

3 What is Cad/Cam? Cad/Cam represents the integration of design(CAD) and production activities (CAM) through computer systems Cad/Cam enables automatic transfer from product design to its manufacturing

4 Implementation of CAD/CAM in CNC

5 Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
Cad (Computer Aided Design) means using computer programs in order to assist with creating, modifying, analysing and optimising the design.

6 CAD system components

7 3D models created in different CAD programs

8 Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
Cam (Computer Aided Manufacturing) is an efficient use of computer technology for the planning, managing and controlling of production processes.

9 CAM system components

10 Programming of CNC machine in two different CAM programs

11 The need for Cad/Cam to increase design quality
to increase productivity to improve communication between participants in product manufacturing to enable fast and simple changes in construction to create data bases

12 Softwares for Cad/Cam

13 Basic functions of CAM system
generate prepared items generate and optimise tool paths create and use data bases and catalogues of cutting conditions and tools calculate production time generate NC programs simulation and visualisation of production processes generate production documentation

14 Algorithm of CAD/CAM programming
Analysis of drawings and supporting documentation Designing a 3D model of processed item in a CAD program Defining the technology of processing, tools, work conditions etc. in a CAM program 3. Simulation of machining and corrections in a CAM program 4. Generating NC code and technological documentation

15 Algorithm of CAD/CAM programming

16 5-AXIS MACHINING 5-axis machining is applied in the production of processed items having demanding geometry with surfaces curved at different angles Before the 5-axis machining appeared, the problem of such processed items was solved with 3-axis machining complemented with various special tools which prolonged the time of production and made the product more expensive

17 Implementation of 5-axis machining
In the industry of moulds and tools Cutting tool holders machining Propeller machining Turbine blades machining Machining of products with demanding geometry

18 5-Axis Mill

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