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Poetic Scansion Terms Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Poetic Scansion Terms Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetic Scansion Terms Review

2 NOMENCLATURE Terminology
The next few slides are key to mastering the building blocks of sonnets. We’re drilling them here… You need to commit them to Memory

3 How many syllables in a Poetic Foot?

4 How many syllables in a Poetic Foot?
Two or Three

5 Specific Poetic Feet Four typical feet are used. Two syllables:
_________ - / Mac BETH _________ / - DUN can Three Syllable Poetic Feet: _________ / FIN ger bone _________ - - / Mer i LEE Hick or EE

6 Specific Poetic Feet Four typical feet are used. Two syllables:
Iambs - / MacBETH i AMB Trochees / - DUN can TRO chee Three Syllable Poetic Feet: Dactyls / FINger bone Anapests - - / a na PEST

One foot: Two feet: Three feet: Four feet: Five feet: Six feet: Seven feet: Eight feet:

One foot: Monometer Two feet: Dimeter Three feet: Trimeter Four feet: Tetrameter Five feet: Pentameter Six feet: Hexameter Seven feet: Heptameter Eight feet: Octameter

9 Nomenclature - Line Groupings
2 Lines – ________ 4 Lines –– _______ 6 Lines – ________ 8 Lines – ________

10 Nomenclature - Line Groupings
2 Lines – Couplet (just a couple of lines) 4 Lines – Quatrain (think of quarters) 6 Lines – Sestet (Do not think – sextet) 8 Lines - Octave (think of Octogon, octopus)

11 Next slide required for Sonnet Unit Exam

12 Styles of Sonnets - Structures
Italian Style – P________________ Reads as a ____ part structure O__________ and a S___________ Anticipate a Rhyme Scheme of: abbaabba cde _ _ _ English Style – Elizabethan – S__________ Reads as a ___ part thesis with a couplet as conclusion. Quatrain, Quatrain, Quatrain Couplet Anticipate a Rhyme Scheme of: ab_ _ cd _ _ ef_ _ gg

13 Styles of Sonnets - Structures
Italian Style – Petrarchian Reads as a two part structure Octave and a Sestet Anticipate a Rhyme Scheme of: abbaabba cdecde English Style – Elizabethan – Shakespearian Reads as a 3 part thesis with a couplet as conclusion. Quatrain, Quatrain, Quatrain Couplet Anticipate a Rhyme Scheme of: abab cdcd efef gg


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