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Jo Allan, Karen Clarke and Michael Jopling

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1 Jo Allan, Karen Clarke and Michael Jopling
Notions of effective teaching: an exploration of students’ perceptions of first year education undergraduates in a UK university. Jo Allan, Karen Clarke and Michael Jopling

2 The Context A ‘modern’ University charter in 1992;
teaching underpinned by research; applied and vocationally oriented; funded through Ciel located within CeDARE. Becta has a variety of roles to support the delivery of the e-strategy: Insight partner – monitoring the impact of technology on education Strategic adviser Coordinating partner Delivery partner

3 The literature ‘effective’ is inherently contentious;
through student outcomes; may ‘stand as a proxy for other kinds of learning’ (Campbell, 2004 p.457); May be associaetd with ‘perfomativity’ & marketisation (Ball, 2003); 3 Es of economy, efficiency & effectiveness; some consensus re dimensions of effective teaching in HE (Ramsden, 1991). ; funded through Ciel located within CeDARE. Becta has a variety of roles to support the delivery of the e-strategy: Insight partner – monitoring the impact of technology on education Strategic adviser Coordinating partner Delivery partner

4 Academic expectations
Supportive learning environment Academic expectations Scaffold Learning Clarity Becta has a variety of roles to support the delivery of the e-strategy: Insight partner – monitoring the impact of technology on education Strategic adviser Coordinating partner Delivery partner Scaffold Learning

5 Methodology of our research
Phenomenographic (Marton, 1981; Marton & Booth 1997). Initial focus group (16 students). Focus groups (65 students). Student survey (80 respondents). Becta has a variety of roles to support the delivery of the e-strategy: Insight partner – monitoring the impact of technology on education Strategic adviser Coordinating partner Delivery partner

6 Our findings – effective lecturers:
demonstrate excellent knowledge of their subject (99%); include group activities during sessions (95%); encourage discussion (94%); are approachable (91%); start sessions on time (91%).

7 The top 5 characteristics with the least dissension.
demonstrate excellent knowledge of their subject; ensure the relevance of information within sessions; are patient; respect students’ opinions; are enthusiastic about learning.

8 Students are not sure if effective lecturers…
explain inconsistencies clearly; limit the information given in any one session; convey knowledge in a way that is accessible to students. Becta has a variety of roles to support the delivery of the e-strategy: Insight partner – monitoring the impact of technology on education Strategic adviser Coordinating partner Delivery partner

9 Importance of affective dimensions
Correlations between respect enthusiasm and other variables Are enthusiastic about learning Relate their research directly to modules Give examples drawn from their own experiences Do not put students on the spot Respect students’ opinions 0.829** 0.800** 0.799** 0.516** Give examples drawn from their own experiences Explain any new language or concepts clearly Allow adequate time for discussion Are approachable Are enthusiastic about learning 0.813** 0.778** 0.762** 0.068 Becta has a variety of roles to support the delivery of the e-strategy: Insight partner – monitoring the impact of technology on education Strategic adviser Coordinating partner Delivery partner ** p<.01

10 Importance of affective dimensions
Correlations between respect enthusiasm and other variables Value students’ contributions Are prepared to explain Respect students’ opinions Recognise that students learn at different rates Are patient 0.634** 0.615** 0.504** 0.357** Demonstrate excellent knowledge of their subject Encourage students to ask questions Encourage discussion Create safe climate for discussion Are approachable 0.591** 0.357** 0.294** 0.039 Becta has a variety of roles to support the delivery of the e-strategy: Insight partner – monitoring the impact of technology on education Strategic adviser Coordinating partner Delivery partner ** p<.01

11 Conclusions: Students rank the provision of a supportive learning environment very highly; lecturers rank high academic expectations; students don’t rank any items relating to clarity in Table 1; students see themselves as partners in learning not recipients of knowledge; do we need to (re) conceptualise HE lecturers as subject-specialist-cum-teacher? Becta has a variety of roles to support the delivery of the e-strategy: Insight partner – monitoring the impact of technology on education Strategic adviser Coordinating partner Delivery partner

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