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Graduate Teaching Assistants Orientation 1/6/2012

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Presentation on theme: "Graduate Teaching Assistants Orientation 1/6/2012"— Presentation transcript:

1 Graduate Teaching Assistants Orientation 1/6/2012
Bill Woodward Office of Counsel x6633

2 Disruptive Students

3 Classroom Management Strategies
Preventive Techniques Be clear about expectations re classroom behavior Syllabus CLASSROOM CONDUCT: All participants in the class are expected to treat others with civility and respect and to conduct themselves during class sessions in a way that does not unreasonably interfere with the opportunity of other students to learn. Failure to comply may result in up to 10 points deducted from a student’s final numerical grade In-class explanation on first day of class Involvement of students re setting rules Use of a “contract” Spell out consequences of disruptive behavior

4 Classroom Management Strategies, cont…
Dealing with “disruption” problems – what to do Distinguish between disruptive, irritating , and dangerous behavior Working crossword puzzles Reading/posting to Twitter/FaceBook accounts Answering cell phone and engaging in conversation Threatening to choke a fellow student who “asks too many questions” in class Reiterate standard(s) to class at large Meet with student

5 Classroom Management Strategies, cont…
Confront persistent or severe misconduct Provide written warning Negotiate a voluntary withdrawal Refer matter to disciplinary system Seek assistance – supervisor, Dean of Students, Counseling Center, Office of Counsel Remove student from class Rare measure Applies to current class session only Contact supervisor, Chair, Associate Dean, etc.

6 Classroom Management Strategies, cont…
Dealing with “dangerous” student Distinguish between disruptive and dangerous behavior Call campus police

7 Classroom Management Strategies, cont…
Document disruptive events Needed if intend to take matter to Student Judicial Board or to take action affecting students grade in the course Prepare written memorandum without undue delay Include detailed description of disruptive behavior Include exact quotes where language is a factor Include date/time and duration of disruptive events Include the names of other students who were directly affected or were seated nearby

8 Procedural Options A. Referral to Disciplinary System (University Judicial Board) Various kinds of misconduct covered Disruption of University activity Physical abuse or violence Two tracks “Regular” track - Fairly lengthy screening/hearing process “Expedited track – “exigent” circumstances w/o screening Poses a substantial threat to persons (including himself/herself) or property or to normal institutional functions. Interim suspension (hearing first) Immediate suspension (hearing later)

9 Procedural Options, cont…
B. Use of Mental Health Withdrawal Process Basis: Unable to comprehend student judicial board process, can’t distinguish right from wrong, can’t control own actions Non-emergency situation (evaluation and hearing first) Emergency situation (hearing later) C. Criminal Trespass D. Use of Academic Sanctions Conduct standard stated in syllabus Notice of consequences stated in syllabus

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