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By: Cole Hecimovich, Thomas Murff, and Will Riley

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1 By: Cole Hecimovich, Thomas Murff, and Will Riley
Sons of Apollo

2 THE BIRTH OF ASCLEPIUS Asclepius mother was the princess of Thessaly, Coronis. Apollo was in love with her, but she loved someone else, the Arcadian prince named Ischys. When Apollo saw that Coronis was with the Arcadian prince, he was furious. He sent Artemis to kill Coronis. Artemis killed Coronis, but when Apollo put her body on the funeral pyre, he realized that she was still bearing a child. At once Hermes got the child from her. Hermes was struck by the way the baby watched himself being born, so he brought the child to the famous teacher Chiron, he taught him diagnostic, surgery, herbology, and hunting. 2

3 ASCLEPIUS’S CHOICE Athena heard about his great skills in medicine, and gave Asclepius a choice for a potion that makes life, and the other death(poison). Asclepius said no to his aunt, and that he only wanted the first potion. With the healing potion, Asclepius began healing people all around. 3

4 ANGERING HADES Using the healing potion Athena gave him, Asclepius saved lives that were near death Hades was outraged that Asclepius was robbing him Hades told Zeus and Zeus stood on Mount Olympus and threw a thunderbolt that struck Asclepius dead! 4

5 A CLOSE SHAVE! Apollo finds out and is furious, in revenge, Apollo shoots all of the Cyclopes. When Zeus finds, out he banished Apollo to the pit of Tartarus forever Luckily, Mother Leto finds out and asks Zeus to release Apollo, and he said yes Zeus also brings Asclepius back to life 5

6 JEALOUSy Aphrodite gets very jealous that Zeus did that for Apollo, and he had never done anything like that for her She had her son Eros (also known as Cupid) shoot a love arrow at Apollo and Daphne daughter of the river god Penaeus with an indifference arrow 6

7 THE GIFT Apollo chases Daphne through the forest until she stops and prays to her father to help her, and he turns her into a tree to protect her Apollo is devastated that she hates him and sobs at the foot of the tree. Daphne feels pity for him and gives him a gift. It was an everlasting Laurel wreath, to crown heroes, poets, and young men who win games. 7

8 Apollo God of the sun, music, and poetry The father of Asclepius
Symbol: The White Mouse and the sun

9 Coronis Asclepius mother The princess of Thessaly
She loved an Arcadian prince instead of Apollo

10 Asclepius He started modern healing and medicine
He was born out of his dead mother, Hermes saved him He was given a magic healing potion by Athene He stole souls from Hades

11 Daphne She was a mountain nymph
She was the daughter of the river god, Penaeus She was turned into a tree by her father, When Apollo was chasing her

12 Aphrodite She was the goddess of love Symbol: the Dove
She was jealous that Zeus had never done so much for her, so she had her son Eros shoot Apollo and Daphne with the arrows of love and indifference

13 Questions? Do you think it was unfair that Hades told Zeus to kill Asclepius, because he was stealing Hades souls with his Magic potion? Which potion would you chose from Athene, life or death?

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