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Dynamical Properties of Forming Galaxies at Redshift z > 5

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1 Dynamical Properties of Forming Galaxies at Redshift z > 5
Yoshi Taniguchi Research Center for Space & Cosmic Evolution Ehime University

2 ZOO of Star-Forming Galaxies at High Redshift
LAE LBG ERO DRG BzK SMG ・・・・・・・ z > 5 z < 5

3 LAEs vs. LBGs LAE surveys LBG surveys but w/ or w/o Lya doesn’t matter
 may miss weak Lya emitters, but faint cont. doesn’t matter LBG surveys  may miss faint continuum sources, but w/ or w/o Lya doesn’t matter

4 LAEs vs. LBGs LAEs tend to be younger (larger EW of Lya)
less massive (fainter UV) …………. than LBGs But, not always !

5 LAEs vs. LBGs But, …… Difference between LAEs & LBGs
LAEs & LBGs are overlapped in many physical properties by definition But, …… Difference between LAEs & LBGs as a function of redshift & environ give us hints to understand SF history in early universe

6 (Yamada+05, PASJ, 57, 881; Sumiya+08, in prep.)
LAE to LBG z ~ 3 – 7 z=6 sample by Dow-Hygelund07 SDF SDF MAHOROBA-11 (Yamada+05, PASJ, 57, 881; Sumiya+08, in prep.)

7 HST/ACS Imaging of LAEs @ z=5. 7 & z=4
HST/ACS Imaging of z=5.7 & z=4.9 in the COSMOS Field  Morphology of LAEs

8 Cosmic Evolution Survey Subaru Intensive Program
HST Treasury Program (Cycle 12 & 13) Scoville et al. ACS I814 Cosmic Evolution Survey - COSMOS - Subaru Intensive Program (S03B , S04B, S05B,…) Taniguchi et al. Other optical bands

9 COSMOS-20 12 IB 2 NB NB816 NB711

10 119 LAEs @ z=5. 7 in COSMOS (Murayama et al
119 z=5.7 in COSMOS (Murayama et al. 07, ApJS, 172, 523)  85 LAEs are imaged w/ACS-F814W ● Not imaged w/ACS (34 LAEs) ● Detected w/ACS (47 LAEs) × Not detected w/ACS (38 LAEs) ● Masked out areas

11 Half-Light Radius (RHL)
(1”=6 z = 5.7) 0.15”

12 47 LAEs detected w/ACS Compact (RHL <0.15 arcsec) 24 LAEs
Extended (RHL > 0.15 arcsec) 23 LAEs 21: single 2: double   < RHL > = 0.21±0.06 arcsec ALL   < RHL > = 0.16±0.10 arcsec

13 Compact (5”x5” for each panel)

14 Extended - Single

15 Extended - Double D=0.94” D=0.36”

16 Non-detection

17 What do we see in F814W? ACS I814 vs. S-cam NB816
● extended ● extended-double ● extended-sp. confirmed ○ compact ○ compact-sp. confirmed No correlation between I814 & NB816  We don’t see Lya emission in I814

18 What do we see in F814W? NB816 LAE spectrum

19 What do we see in F814W? Good correlation between (I814z’) & z’
● extended ● extended-double ● extended-sp. confirmed ○ compact Good correlation between (I814z’) & z’  We see UV continuum (>121.6nm) in I814

20 Three Topics 1. Size-Magnitude Relation 2. Dynamical Structures
Disk-like or Spheroid-like ? 3. Multiple-component LAEs

21 Size-Magnitude Relation @ z~6 - RHL vs. z850 mag -
● + * : LAEs ■ + ▲ + ●: LBGs LAEs are more compact LAEs are younger than LBGs ? (Dow-Hygelund+ 07, ApJ, 660, 47)

22 RHL vs. z850 mag for High-z LAEs and LBGs
Bouwens06 i-dropout (UDF, UDF-P, GOODS-N&S) Bunker z =5.7 Bunker04 UDF i-dropout Stanway04a 3 LAEs Stanway04b 2 LAEs in GOODS-N Dow-Hygelund z ~6 (UDF&UDF-P) z~5 Rhoads05 1 z =5.42 Overzier V dropouts in RG (z =5.2) field z~4 Overzier g dropouts in RG (z =4.1) field 13 spectroscopic confirmed LAEs

23 RHL vs z850 Relation for High-z LBGs and LAEs
LAE (Red) LBG (Black) Little difference in sizes between LAEs & LBGs Little redshift evolution from z=6 to 4 ?

24 HST/ACS Imaging of LAEs @ z=4.9 in the COSMOS Field

25 79 LAEs @ z=4. 9 in COSMOS (Shioya et al
79 z=4.9 in COSMOS (Shioya et al. 08, ApJ, submitted)  61 LAEs are imaged w/ACS-F814W ● Not imaged w/ACS (18 LAEs) ● Detected w/ACS (55 LAEs) × Not detected w/ACS (6 LAEs) ● Masked out areas

26 RHL vs z850 Relation for High-z LBGs and LAEs
? LAE (Red) LBG (Black)


28 RHL vs z850 Relation for High-z LAEs and LBGs
Little difference in size between LAEs & each z Size evolution from z=6 to 4 is weak although z=6 are slightly smaller than z =4 – 5

29 Dynamical Structures of the LAEs @ z=5.7 in COMSOS
Disk-like or Spheroidal-like ?  Azimuthally-averaged profile w/ PSF deconvolution (Hathi et al. 08, arXiv: )

30 Azimuthally Averaged Composite (PSF-deconvolved analysis)
COMPACT 22 LAEs RHL=0.08” ~480 pc Sersic n=0.8 RHL=0.21” ~1.3 kpc Sersic n=1.4 1” EXTENDED 21 LAEs < 1kpc for z~5 LAEs (Pirzkal+06)

31 Dynamical Structures of LAEs @ z=5.7 in the COSMOS Field
Disk-like or Irregular morphology for both compact & extended LAEs Note that 40% of bright z=2.5 – 5 show disk-like morphology, but 30% show spheroid-like structures (Ravindranath+06) Need systematic analysis of dynamical structures of LBGs & LAEs as a function of z

32 Multiple-component LAEs in the COSMOS Field
Fraction of multiples 2/47 = 4 z = 5.7 8/55 = 15 z = 4.9

33 ZOO of Star-Forming Galaxies at High Redshift
LBG LAE ERO DRG BzK SMG ・・・・・・・ z > 5 z < 5

34 Summary There must be overlaps in observational properties between LAEs and LBGs by definition. However, systematic studies of both populations as a function of z are absolutely necessary to understand the whole history of star formation in early universe.

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