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Growth Issues Looking Back & Looking Forward

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1 Growth Issues Looking Back & Looking Forward


3 Is cumulative impact of DC changes & charging full costs to growth:
Providing competitive advantages to some developers/areas?  Papamoa existing surplus water capacity funded by ratepayers $255; Wairakei no capacity $3,133 deterring growth in some locations?  North West Bethlehem negative for existing and future ratepayers?  Modelling indicates in ratepayer interest to subsidise DC with larger rating base spreading rating burden & avoid escalating cost of capital.

4 TCC Approaches to Growth
Past Present Future Refer table

5 Looking Ahead Growth needs to occur where infrastructure is provided
If growth not viable in planned areas – where will it go? Consequences of this? Housing price points critical to maintain affordability and increase rating base. 64% of households income <$70,000 pa $400,000 house $132,000 deposit on $70k 20%  in no. houses <$400,000 in last 5 yrs (compared to prior 5 yrs).

6 Looking Ahead (cont.) Rating base needs to increase to share burden of growth costs. Is cumulative impact of DC changes and charging full costs to growth: Providing competitive advantages to some developers/areas? deterring growth in some locations? negative for existing and future ratepayers?

7 Benefits of Planned Growth
Rating base grows  spread rating burden Economic development Implementation of growth management strategy Fair & competitive market Housing affordability

8 Discussion & Questions

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