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Engineering Design Process

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1 Engineering Design Process
You will be required to research and understand this process and the steps involved: This is your first grade – describe each step of the Engineering Design Process

2 Engineering Design Process
You will be required to research and understand this process/steps in order to utilize it for designing and testing the following: Building a straw bridge Designing a cushion for your egg drop Designing a kit (extra points for using recycled material – not purchasing supplies) NO cutting instruments or knives allowed!!!

3 Collaborative Group NO more than three (3) in a group; collaborative pairs are okay - with the following roles: Logistics Manager – manages group, ensure that each person is assigned a supply to bring in, research the information, guide the discussion and progress of the group, records On Task Manager – time keeper, ensures the group cleans up before class change, manages behavior, records Artist – illustrator, records NO cutting instruments or knives allowed!!!

4 Designing a Bridge The bridge can be built by using the following supplies: glue (liquid Elmer’s glue), tape, straws Straws cannot be longer than 7 3/4 inches Straws cannot be wider than 0.209 inches NO cutting instruments or knives allowed!!!

5 Egg Drop For your egg drop only the following supplies may be used:
NO frozen or hard boiled eggs At least 2-4 eggs are needed ( do NOT bring in any eggs until you are ready to test) Extra points for using recycled materials for your cushion (nothing that has to be purchased) Your egg will NOT be thrown but dropped NO cutting instruments or knives allowed!!!

6 Let’s Go Fly a Kite You may ONLY used the following procedures and supplies for your kite: Points will be deducted if your kite was made from purchased materials) Extra points for using recycled materials for your kite (nothing that has to be purchased) Your kite must have a frame, covering, bridle and line Your kite must fly for 2 or more minutes NO cutting instruments or knives allowed!!!

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