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Perform high quality CPR for a child

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2 Perform high quality CPR for a child
Learning Objectives Perform high quality CPR for a child Perform high quality CPR for an infant Part I: pediatric chain of survival Part II: Child/Infant BLS Part III: 2-rescuer child/ Infant CPR Part IV: BVM Part V: AED

3 REVIEW Cardiac Circulation: Pulmonary circulation:
Blood flow within the heart Pulmonary circulation: Blood flow from heart to lungs and back to heart Systemic Circulation: Blood flow to the entire body

4 review

5 AP AED CPR BLS Infant Rescue breathing for infant/child CPR infant ratio for 2 rescuers Perfusion Altered mental status 2 thumbs encircling technique Pediatric dose attenuator Cyanosis Children CPR infant ratio for 1 rescuer Brachial pulse Temperature Chest recoil Pediatric capable Mottling

6 Video segment ( Stop after differences): 15 min
Scenario: Chain of survival: fill in notes with video Differences between adult and child BLS: fill in notes

7 Please read pages 45-49 in your Student Workbook
(stop at chest compressions) In Unit packet: fill in the procedure for finding pulse Determining poor perfusion

8 Skills Practice: use skills PRACTICE LAB sheets
Perform: Verify scene safety, assess for breathing and pulse: Brachial Verify scene safety, assess for breathing and pulse: Femoral Verify scene safety, assess for breathing and pulse: Carotid Rescue breaths for child/infant with mask Practice with rubrics THEN Lab partners are to evaluate using rubrics and notes section. Get instructors initial as you go.

9 Word part review: Cardiopulmonary Cyanosis Pediatric Brachial

10 Quizlet review (on Mrs. Whites Foundations page)
all BLS Child/ infant CPR/AED terms that we have done so far Then:

11 Please read pages 49-55in your Student Workbook

12 IF: THEN: Victim is breathing normally and pulse present Monitor Victim is not breathing normally but a pulse is present Rescue breaths -compressions if pulse remains 60/min or less with poor perfusion Victim is not breathing normally or is only gasping and has no pulse (alone and witnessed) Leave victim, call 9-1-1, get AED (alone and not sudden and witnessed) High quality CPR for 2 min

13 Was the collapse sudden?
If the victim is not breathing or only gasping and has no pulse, and the collapse was sudden and witnessed, leave the victim to activate the emergency response system (unless you have already done so by mobile device) and retrieve the AED.

14 High quality CPR chest compressions: Boxes 5, 6
Infant: 2 finger chest compressions Child: 1 or 2 hands **After about 2 min of CPR, if you are still alone and were unable to activate the emergency response system (no mobile phone) leave the victim to activate the emergency response system and get the AED. Use the AED as soon as it is available. Compression rate is universal: 100 to 120/min. Single rescuer compression-to-ventilation ratio: 30:2 for adults, children and infants 2 rescuer compression-to-ventilation ratio 15:2 for children and infants

15 Infant (1 rescuer) 2 finger technique
Infant: 2 thumb encircling hands technique Procedure highlights: 2 fingers in the center of the infant’s chest just below the nipple line Compress 1 ¼ inches Ratio: 30:2 Place both thumbs side by side in the center of the infant’s chest on the lower half of the breastbone. The thumbs may overlap. Encircle the infant’s chest and support the infant’s back with the fingers of both hands Ratio: 15:2 Critical concept: 2 thumb technique is recommended when CPR is provided by 2 rescuers because: Produces better blood supply to the heart muscle Helps ensure consistent depth and force of chest compressions May generate higher blood pressures


17 Infant/Child Breaths 2 methods: head tilt-chin lift and jaw thrust If you tilt (extend) the infant’s head beyond the neutral position, the infant’s airway may become blocked. Position the infant with the neck in a neutral position so that the external ear canal is level with the top of the infants shoulder Breaths are important! Typically when sudden cardiac arrest occurs the oxygen content in the blood is sufficient to meet oxygen demands of the body for the first few minutes. BUT infants and children often have respiratory failure or shock before sudden cardiac arrest, reducing the oxygen content in the blood. Therefore: chest compressions only are not effective for delivering oxygen. It is very important to give both compressions and breaths for infants and children during CPR

18 2-rescuer high quality Child CPR
Video segment Practice with video Decide who will be rescuer 1 and 2 Skills practice: with skills sheet

19 With a neighbor discuss:
3 different sites of pulse If you witness a child collapse what steps of action should you take If you did NOT witness a child collapse what steps of action should you take The difference between child and infant 1- rescuer compression technique The compression-ventilation ratio for 2 –rescuer CPR

20 High quality infant CPR
Video segment Scenario Practice with video: 1 –rescuer BVM 2-rescuer THEN Skills LAB sheet practice

21 Infant AED use Video segment (2 min)

22 Use child pads for infants and for children less than 8 years of age.
Infant/Child AED: The AED shock dose may be reduced by pediatric cables, an attenuator or preprograming the device. When attenuator is attached to an AED it reduces the shock dose by two thirds Use child pads for infants and for children less than 8 years of age. If not available use adult pads but make sure they don’t touch. You may have to put the pads in AP position

23 Procedure steps for Victims less than 8 years of age:
Use the AED as soon as it is available Use child pads if available. No child pads, you may use adult pads. Place the pads so that they do not touch each other If the AED has a key or switch that will deliver a child shock dose, turn the key or switch Place the pads as illustrated on the pads. Adult dose is better than no attempt at defibrillation for and infant or child

24 Skills Practice: use skills PRACTICE LAB sheets
Perform: ALL skills Practice with rubrics THEN Lab partners are to evaluate using rubrics and notes section. Get instructors initial as you go.

25 Exit ticket: Review questions worksheet
***unit quiz next class + skills test***

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