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Implementing Coordinated Entry in New Hampshire

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing Coordinated Entry in New Hampshire"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing Coordinated Entry in New Hampshire
Bureau of Homeless and Housing Services Office of Human Services NH Department of Health and Human Services

2 Balance of State CoC

3 The Vision Build on current infrastructure utilizing 211
1 universal assessment tool used statewide Regional Coordinated Entry (CE) implementation based on what works best for that region or CoC Utilization of HMIS with an open system among CE programs

4 Goal Each region in NH will have an operational CE system
Each regional system will develop a process for inter-regional referrals Each region will develop a communication system that facilitates prioritization of the most vulnerable

5 Data Collection Each region will enter CE data into HMIS
Each region will track diverted clients Each region will develop a process for timely data entry

6 Statewide Efforts Stakeholder group in place for approximately 3 years
Reviewed HUD documents and data from other states to understand best practices 2 Regional Pilots Assessment tool developed by merging best parts of existing tools

7 Statewide Efforts July 1, 2015 providers statewide started piloting the assessment tool August 1, 2015 providers started entering CE data into HMIS October 21, 2015 a workshop was held for all statewide CE Stakeholders, facilitated by a consultant

8 Areas and Types of Implementation
9 distinct regions, 2 are CoCs and 7 are within the BoS Single point of entry, 1 agency Single point of entry, multiple agencies providing staffing No Wrong Door

9 Next Steps Continue to adapt the assessment tool to meet the needs of the homeless population Develop a tool to assess vulnerability Develop a process for prioritization by vulnerability, serving the most vulnerable first Contractually require participation in CE

10 Questions?

11 Contact BHHS Website: BHHS Administrator: Maureen Ryan
BHHS Administrator: Maureen Ryan Main Phone Number: Program Administrator: Melissa Hatfield

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