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LEADER/CLLD gahering: Role of bottom-up approach renewing ESI Funds for 2021-2027” Aurelio García Bermúdez. REDR President 31 th May 2017 Brussels.

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Presentation on theme: "LEADER/CLLD gahering: Role of bottom-up approach renewing ESI Funds for 2021-2027” Aurelio García Bermúdez. REDR President 31 th May 2017 Brussels."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEADER/CLLD gahering: Role of bottom-up approach renewing ESI Funds for 2021-2027”
Aurelio García Bermúdez. REDR President 31 th May 2017 Brussels

2 1. - Development action example
1.- Development action example. Sustainable Rural Development Spanish Law The purpose of this law is so that Spain can apply the policy to extend and complement the European programs, through actions and additional measures fully adapted to our economic, social and particular environmental conditions.

3 1. - Development action example
1.- Development action example. Sustainable Rural Development Spanish Law The aim is to establishment a policy aimed at achieving greater economic and social integration of citizens of all rural areas, regardless of where they reside, facilitating a relationship of cooperation and complementarity between all territories. Given the political and administrative features of our state, the new rural policy must be supported by concerted action by all levels of government.

4 1. - Development action example
1.- Development action example. Sustainable Rural Development Spanish Law

5 4.- Main complications that Spain is facing implementation CLLD
Delay in the approval of the RDPs and consequents delays in the selection of LAGs. Substantial reduction in the co-financing rates in the 17 Spanish Regions. Zero visibility of the rural enviroment in the national and regional political agenda. Loss of synergies between European structural funds due to the impossibility of applying CLLD multifund in Spain.

6 5.- Learning points – which are the biggest learning points while implementing CLLD?.
Due to flexibility of applying the CLLD approach, the vast majority of regions has reduced to implement it. UE should reduce the freedom and focus on homogenising rural policies across the EU. Improve taxation in rural areas to attract investment and alleviate the economic conditions of its inhabitants. Increase the focus on groups with fewer opportunities in the territory such as young women or older people. Real simplification of cost and processes in the implementation and evaluation of programs. Bring back the transnational cooperation among LAGs (agile tools and syncronization).

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