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Planetary Ionospheres

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1 Planetary Ionospheres
How is an ionosphere formed ? 1. What is an ionosphere ? 4. How are aurora and airglow related to ionospheric formation and decay ? 3. What determines the peak density and height of an ionosphere ? 5. What are the differences and similarities between the ionospheres of Earth, Mars and Venus ?

2 The Ionosphere is a Weakly Ionized Plasma
broad definition: “the ionosphere is that region of the atmosphere (or gaseous envelope) surrounding a solar system body where significant numbers of low-energy free electrons and ions are present”

3 Existence of ionosphere suggested -- by Gauss, Lord Kelvin and Stewart Balfour in the 19th century First direct verification of its existence -- Marconi succeeded in sending radio signals across the Atlantic ‘ionosphere’ coined by R.A. Watson in First direct evidence of an ionosphere on a planet other than earth -- radio occultation measurements by Mariner 5 as it flew by Venus on October 19, 1967

4 Formation of Ionospheres
Free electrons and positive ions can be formed by a) photoionization of neutrals b) energetic particles knocking electrons off neutrals

5 Photoionization in an Exponential Atmosphere
In the following we assume, for simplicity, and to get across the basic concepts: • monochromatic radiation (i.e., small wavelength interval over which absorption and ionization cross-sections can be taken as constant) • isothermal atmosphere • horizontal stratification, i.e., n = n(z) • curvature of planet neglected

6 z    =photons cm-2sec-1 (photon flux)
As z decreases, nj increases, so q increases; however, at some point  is diminished so much by absorption that q begins to decrease as z decreases. Therefore, there is always a height at which q becomes maximum. Let us now derive that height and obtain an expression for the plasma production rate as a function of height. z  ds = -dz sec Assume c ≤ 60º so that curvature can be neglected  =photons cm-2sec-1 (photon flux) = intensity (erg cm-2sec-1) h = Planck’s constant c = speed of light = wavelength = (hc/l) 

7 Optical Depth and Unit Optical Depth
The attenuation of F along s due to absorption is given by (this relation basically defines sa, the absorption cross-section): si = ionization cross-section q = electron production rate

8 Peak Production of Plasma
We have just shown that the peak production occurs at the altitude of unit optical depth. The level where F = F∞e-1 is a measure of penetration of a particular wavelength of radiation into the atmosphere.

9 Chapman Layer q/qo y By manipulating the previous equations, (see following page) it can be shown that where y is the distance in scale heights from the level of peak production. For secc must be replaced by the ‘Chapman function’: In reality, one must sum over several constituents and a range of l’s:

10 For Reference Only: Derivation of Chapman Layer

11 The ionosphere above 100 km is mainly produced by photoionization of O, O2 and N2
followed by Fast leaving

12 E and F-Region Chemistry
Photoproduction fast “rate- limiting” Charge transfer Ion-atom Interchange Dissociative Recombination fast Radiative Recombination slow metastable

13 Ionosphere Profile Shape: E-Region and Bottomside F-Region
To get across the essential ideas, for now consider only an O and O2 atmosphere. Below some altitude near km [O2] >> [O], and the primary processes are Electron production rate (P) = Production of e- due to photoionization of O2 Electron loss rate (L) = Assuming photochemical equilibrium, i.e., P = L, the electron density profile follows that of the production rate: peak production E-region

14 = Above the transition height, [O] >> [O2],
and the primary processes are To first order, the last reaction “neutralizes” the O2+ as fast as it is produced. Assuming photochemical equilibrium, i.e., production = loss: Rate of Production of O+ Rate of Loss of O+ =

15 Note: Since , then the quantity in brackets is < 0, and hence the
e- concentration increases with height. (loss decreases more rapidly with height than production)

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