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DPG Activities DPG Session, ALICE Monthly Mini Week

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Presentation on theme: "DPG Activities DPG Session, ALICE Monthly Mini Week"— Presentation transcript:

1 DPG Activities DPG Session, ALICE Monthly Mini Week
DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week

2 DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week
Outline Data Processing Status MC Productions Analysis QA train Validation of HLT new CF Ongoing DPG Developments DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week

3 DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week
DPG Overview DPG aims at data validation and certification, including: Data preparation (RAW + MC) production configuration, setup, calibration monitoring Data processing monitoring, execution, reporting, bug tracking QA validation, good run lists, RCT DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week

4 Overview of 2017 Data Reconstruction following the last APW, Mar’17
DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week

5 Overview of 2017 Data Reconstruction following the last APW, Mar’17
Feb → May DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week

6 Data Processing Workflow
Data processing (JIRA request) cpass0/cpass1 10 % QA JIRA: manual calibrations → Check- box list JIRA: QA PPass Final QA QA feed-back table RCT flags Good runlist in DPG twiki … ANALYSIS All production scripts have been relocated to AliDPG QA is anticipated immediately as data processing starts + The execution thresholds have been updated to make sure QA is reached only on good reco rates CPass0 → CPass1 - 90%, CPass1 → QA - 90%, PPass1 → QA - 95% Large team of people contributing to this chain DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week

7 MC Processing Workflow
… Data processing - DPG good runlist General purpose MC 10% QA detectors + analysis Full processing Final detector QA QA feed-back table Dedicated PWG productions P1, P2... Analysis QA DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week

8 MC Production in setup stage SQM/EPS following QM`17 campaign
PWG - specific production always needs a General-Purpose MC for QA and validation of MC settings Proposal being discussed with PB: Define default setting for Gen Purp MC (generator, sampling – minimum number of events to allow QA NB. Productions can always be extended at a later stage with more statistics if needed DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week

9 DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week
MC Productions Status In progress 13 TeV (16k, l) HF – 10% QA General purpose p-Pb productions Restarted several times (TPC, T0 OCDB uploads) Split by period/reco type/dataset – 18 sub- cycles Close to 10% detector QA Dedicated PWG p-Pb productions In setup Large GA/JE production 15o 35 Mio MB events produced General purpose 13 TeV productions In setup Anchored to recently processed data 16f, I Development G4 production 2 test sub-cycles with old/new AliRoot Factor 2 increase in time/evt wrt G3 – needs to be investigated MC-to-MC embedding production Testing ongoing Approach (received a lot of useful feed-back during Offline week) – details next slides Aimed for the next Pb-Pb run in 2018 DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week

10 DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week
MC-to-MC Embedding BKG1 SIG Event 1 BKG2 Event 2 BKG3 Event n + ... Maximum TTL Standard way BKG SIG Event 1 Event 2 Event n + ... Maximum TTL n times New approach Significant time reduction factor – MB events – central events – output size How many times a BKG event can be reused Implemented in AliDPG following at large extent the work of PWGPP-mc DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week

11 MC Production Workflow
Statement Custom Generator Configurations (aka CGC) are going to be stored in $ALIDPG_ROOT/MC/CustomGenerators, where all PWGs have a dedicated sub-directory, e.g, for the case of DQ, the configurations will be stored in independent files under $ALIDPG_ROOT/MC/CustomGenerators/PWGDQ. On the side, loading of a specific configuration is done via --generator PWGDQ:MyGenerator, which will load the configuration from $ALIDPG_ROOT/MC/CustomGenerators/PWGDQ/MyGenerat or.C file. This file has to comply with the GeneratorCustom.C format. MC productions opened for PWG on github being exercised via pull requests (to be validated by PWGs in the future) github stats DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week

12 DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week

13 DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week
Analysis QA Train DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week

14 DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week
HLT new CF validation Ongoing joint effort of BTG+TPC+DPG Motivation Improved rejection of noise clusters heavily seen in 2016, maintaining the current physics performance Performance could indeed slightly improve, because noise clusters could disturb tracking Improved compression algorithm using track model compression, data format improvement, arithmetic encoding DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week

15 DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week
Summary DPG is working on the next goals, after QM campaign Manpower always welcome! New tools provided to the analyzers to understand and deal with the data New Twiki’s always available Data reconstruction focused on 2016 and 2015 pp data samples till 2017 data taking starts QA activities will be very high – need responsive and well- organized QA experts QA status, RCT development, covered into next talk Monte Carlo focusing on p-Pb and pp simulations for next conferences Development of MC-to-MC embedding targeted at next Pb-Pb campaign HLT new CF being validated QA tools high activity, will be summarized in this session AOT/EP activities continue to develop, summarized in this session DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week

16 DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week
DPG Material: TWiki DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week

17 DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week
THANK YOU! DPG, ALICE Monthly Mini-Week

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