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Iowa Department of Natural Resources

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1 Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Chris Larson

2 Carter Lake Fishery

3 Fish Population Dynamics

4 What factors influence fish populations
* Indicates potential problems at Carter Lake WATER QUALITY* Watershed* Nutrients* Sediments* Algae* Bacteria* etc. Basin slope* Habitat* Productivity* Lake size Exotic species (plant & animal)* Temporal Harvest Growth Survival* Species Diversity Water levels (high or low)*

5 What Influences Fish Population Dynamics?
Reproduction Survival Recruitment Mortality Harvest Natural Predation Fish Population Dynamics Growth Density Competition Habitat Spawning Winter Cover Water Quality Species Diversity

6 What can DNR do to Affect Fish Populations?
Stocking Regulations Habitat improvement Water Quality improvement Education Renovation

7 What’s there now? Electrofishing

8 Netting

9 Fish species found in Carter Lake
Gizzard shad Yellow bass Bluegill Crappie Freshwater drum Common carp Bigmouth buffalo Channel catfish bullhead Walleye Largemouth bass

10 Game Fish!

11 # sampled = 285 There appears to be a good population of white crappies with some large fish.

12 # sampled = 125 There appears to be a good population of black crappies with numerous fish at the size that anglers like to harvest.

13 # sampled = 498 Carter Lake has a decent bluegill population with size structure that are available to anglers.

14 # sampled = 26 We did not sample very many small bass, which is a concern, but the fish appeared to be in good body condition. Poor water quality is probably hampering largemouth bass survival.

15 # sampled = 28 There are at least four different sizes of channel catfish, which is good. We annually stock 6,000 seven inch catfish in Carter Lake. I have had discussions with Nebraska Game & Parks this fall and we have agreed to split catfish stockings on an annual basis starting in 2006.

16 # sampled = 32 Common carp cause a variety of problems, most notably - poor water quality.

17 Other fish sampled # Black bullhead = 424 # Yellow bass = 470

18 Improvements that will benefit the fishery at Carter Lake
1. Improve water quality. a. Watershed improvement techniques (reduce stormwater run-off & lawn fertilizer) b. Water quality education c. Lake deepening (dredging) d. Expand no-wake zones e. Commercial fish removal (harvest) of common carp and bigmouth buffalo 2. Habitat improvement a. Shoreline protection (develop/protect near shore vegetation or rock rip-rap) b. Removal of soft sediments (dredging) c. In-lake contour changes (rock reefs, drop-offs, channels) d. Small rock spawning beds 3. Fish Renovation 4. Improved angler access a. Jetty construction b. Fishing piers

19 Good Water Quality + Good fishing =
Recreational & economic benefits for local community

20 Questions?

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