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Effect of miR-29a inhibition on miRNA and SCD expression in GIFT

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1 Effect of miR-29a inhibition on miRNA and SCD expression in GIFT
Effect of miR-29a inhibition on miRNA and SCD expression in GIFT. GIFT juveniles weighing ∼4.5 g were received a tail-vein injection of PBS, negative antagomir (four mismatch mutations in each miRNA sequence) or miR-29a antagomir at a dose of 50 mg kg−1 body mass every 3 days. Effect of miR-29a inhibition on miRNA and SCD expression in GIFT. GIFT juveniles weighing ∼4.5 g were received a tail-vein injection of PBS, negative antagomir (four mismatch mutations in each miRNA sequence) or miR-29a antagomir at a dose of 50 mg kg−1 body mass every 3 days. The relative expression of SCD (A) and miR-29a (B) was detected using real-time PCR. The data were expressed as the relative change compared with the PBS group. *P<0.05. Jun Qiang et al. J Exp Biol 2017;220: © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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