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CALS21 for Arizona21 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences – Office of the Dean. The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.

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Presentation on theme: "CALS21 for Arizona21 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences – Office of the Dean. The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona."— Presentation transcript:

1 CALS21 for Arizona21 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences – Office of the Dean. The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

2 “The College” College of Agriculture and Life Sciences – Office of the Dean. The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

3 Projected CALS budget with no change in hiring plan (Jan 9 2012)
FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 Permanent salary $310,241 $(215,415) $(763,250) $(1,215,483) Temporary $133,109 $(2,375,901) $(541,533) $(730,686) $443,350 $(2,591,316) $(1,304,783) $(1,946,169) College of Agriculture and Life Sciences – Office of the Dean. The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

4 “On doing more with less”
Dr. Bruce Beattie College of Agriculture and Life Sciences – Office of the Dean. The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

5 Performance-based budgeting
Gov. Brewer, budget 2012 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences – Office of the Dean. The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

6 New People, New Knowledge, New Economy
Morrill Act of 1862: "focus on the teaching of practical agriculture, science and engineering and military arts ("without excluding ... classical studies"). Direct response to the industrial revolution and changing social class structure. Hatch Act of 1887: "conduct original and other research, investigations and experiments bearing directly on and contributing to the establishment and maintenance of a permanent and effective agricultural industry. . .” Direct response to the need for research-based information to increase American agricultural productivity. Smith-Lever Act of 1914: "establish an educational outreach arm to 'extend' the results of research programs at the land grant colleges of agriculture and their affiliated state agricultural experiment stations to all citizens who might benefit from them.” Direct response to the need for a focused direct approach to get new knowledge into the marketplace to be used to improve American agricultural productivity. New People, New Knowledge, New Economy Social, Environmental & Economic Resilience

7 "Agriculture is a knowledge business"
Neil Conklin, Pres. Farm Foundation Labor force by occupation: farming, forestry, and fishing: 0.7% manufacturing, extraction, transportation, and crafts: 20.3% managerial, professional, and technical: 37.3% sales and office: 24.2% other services: 17.6%

8 DEGREES Agribusiness Economics and Management
Agricultural Technology Management and Education Animal Sciences Biosystems Engineering Crop Production Environmental and Water Resource Economics Environmental Sciences Family Studies and Human Development Microbiology Natural Resources Nutritional Sciences Plant Sciences Retailing and Consumer Sciences Veterinary Science No major/undecided DEGREES

9 CALS21: Active Strategic Thinking/Planning (Jan-July 1, 2012)
Winter Spring May 15 Summer Fall Semester CALS21 Plan enacted External Stakeholder Input SUBJECTIVE: “WHY” and “WHAT” we need to do”. First attempts at “HOW”. REVIEW Facilitated Visioning EC: CALS Strategic Plan (WHY, WHAT, HOW, WHO). Budget Re-Alignment EC HODS, CEDs, AEDs CALS’ Faculty OP&CD; ED&CES; Res & AES; and other Cabinet areas: Strategic Plan Realignment to fit CALS21 Unit Strategic Plan Realignment to fit with CALS21. Strategic thinking A. facilitated by heads: 12 Questions Strategic thinking B. facilitated by heads: Refined questions. By April 15 Unit Strategic Plans facilitated by unit heads. By May 15 UNITS EC & Admin Cabinet data collection and evaluation OBJECTIVE: Where are we now and what more information do we need to determine WHAT we need to do and HOW? Faculty Consultative Group on Efficiencies, Effectiveness and Innovation Ancillary data: e.g. Unit Annual Reviews, Recent Academic Program Reviews Dean’s Research Advisory Council Economics Education Report Staff Consultative Group & Appointed Personnel Consultative Groups AD’s + Cabinet Officer’s review & Strategic planning for their responsibility area

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