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The Politics of United States Foreign Policy Chapter 6

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1 The Politics of United States Foreign Policy Chapter 6

2 Military History: Past
Small career military Decentralized Source for political recruitment

3 Military History: Modern
Greater centralization National Security Act (1947) Emergence of a large, professional force Expansion of size and scope DOD Society within society

4 Military: Functions Defense of the government and state
Conduct operations under civilian leadership Fight and destroy

5 Defense Department With end of Cold War, every strategic doctrine and weapons system built has to be reevaluated in light of current needs Department needs to redefine its mission

6 Structure of Defense Department
National Security Act of 1947 created CIA and national Security Council. Also created National Military Establishment (Department of Defense) that consisted of three executive level service departments (Army, Navy and Air Force – in 1952 Marines achieve equal status) Service departments subordinated to Secretary of Defense Joint Chief of Staff were to serve as primary advisors to President, NCS, and secretary of defense DOD is implementer of US military policy and powerful influence in formulation of fp Secretary of defense also major advisor to president regarding foreign policy Office of International Security Policy Office of International Security Affairs Joint Chiefs provides link between professional military and civilian DOD leadership

7 Organizational Structure
Services: Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS): coordinate strategy Office of the Secretary of Defense Ideal: hierarchical pyramid Reality: fragmented, decentralized

8 Organizational Structure
OSD Joint Chiefs of Staff Individual Services Ideal: Pyramid:

9 Organizational Structure
Post World War II: Operational process Advisory process Administrative process OSD services JCS

10 Organizational Structure
Post-Goldwater-Nichols: Administrative process OSD Advisory process COCOM’s CJCS services Operational process

11 The Modern Military Establishment
Three key aspects: Organizational structure and processes Military subculture American way of war

12 Organizational Structure: Modern Fragmentation
Causes: Budget and personnel Resulting trends: Information problems Duplication Coordination problems

13 Military Subculture: Personnel Characteristics
Managerial style Procurement and high technology Preoccupation with careerism Belief in separation of politics and combat Concentration in warfare strategy

14 Subculture of DOD officers tend to come from South, Midwest and West
lower-middle class politically conservative more religious manly virtues rural each service has own subculture

15 The American Way of War Training and organization
Pre- and following WWII – conventional Following Korean War – conventional and nuclear Vietnam – conventional and counterinsurgency Post Vietnam through 1980’s – counterinsurgency weaknesses

16 Lessons of Vietnam and Grenada
Problems: Tactics Equipment Training Others?

17 Vietnam and Grenada: Impetus for Reform
Goldwater Nichols Act (1986) Strengthens chair of JCS Head of military Advisor to president Clarified military operational chain of command Made joint service of increased significance Results: coordination, information and duplication problems helped, not remedied

18 DOD in flux? What are implications?
must reorient itself in thinking, weapons, strategic concepts, budgeting, and roles and missions

19 Problems with DOD cut backs low moral
fewer opportunities to rise in the ranks early retirements issue of gays in military and women in combat

20 Military Advice Civilian and Military advice on the use of force
Haig and Schultz v. Weinberger Weinberger-Powell Doctrine Limitations on presidential choice Options expectations

21 Modern Warfare: Military Successes
Panama Gulf War Kosovo

22 Modern Warfare: Unconventional
Iraq War Civilian leadership: Donald Rumsfeld Influence Goals Impact

23 Modern warfare: the current climate
Unconventional wars Iraq, Afghanistan Pakistani instability Military issues Readiness and waste Recruitment Leadership and Morale

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