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Canfield Athletic Complex Renovation January 21, 2017

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1 Canfield Athletic Complex Renovation January 21, 2017

IT is about much more than a physical education building and lockers. It is about our Community rallying together for our Community. It is about our Schools being the heart of our Community. The Image of our Community. The Pride of our Community. Ultimately, it is about our Children. Giving our children the Community, the schools and the Memories that will keep CANFIELD a Strong part of their Life. Obviously, renovating an athletic building would be a Strong undertaking. But the next 500 days are going to greatly impact Canfield Schools.

3 CANFIELD SCHOOLS - Mission Statement
As a community, we educate, motivate, and innovate for individual lifelong success.

4 CANFIELD SCHOOLS - Vision Statement
We will meet each student’s individual learning needs, leading to a top ten ranking in the state of Ohio by 2017.

5 CANFIELD SCHOOLS - curriculum
New Math Series - Bridges K-5 - CPM Algebra 8-9 College fast track – associate of arts or science Number 1 in performance index (100.8) in Mahoning, Trumbull, and columbiana counties District 5 year act trend continues to be higher than state average English 23.3 (state 21.2) - Math 23.8 (state 21.6 Reading 23.7 (state 22.5) -Science 24.0 (state 22.0) Composite 23.8 (state 22.0)

6 CANFIELD SCHOOLS - curriculum
96% of graduates attend higher education $10,965, scholarship dollars offered to class of 2016 Sandy hook promise Safe schools

70.4% of funds are spent on classroom instruction Canfield cost per pupil $8,328 (state average $8,711) 3 year trend of spending less than we are taking in

8 CanFIELD success 2016 best community for music 6th in northeast ohio
Newsweek top 500 high school in the nation 216 (2016) 332 (2015)

9 CanFIELD SCHOOLS Re-newal Levi
NO new taxes 5.9 mills November 7th, 2017

10 Which one of these is not like the others?

11 Western reserve schools
Austintown Schools canfield schools South Range Schools Western reserve schools

12 State contribution to Canfield Schools – 13%
Preliminary Studies - $20-30,000,000 in HIGH to Medium importance repairs/replacements. State of Ohio has been asked to do evaluation of enrollment and facilities. State contribution to Canfield Schools – 13% - Is it worth State control? 3-5 year planning for a 50-year plan Another component of the athletic building renovation is the seed planting/discussion starting for renovated or new Education facilities.

13 Why do we need to renovate our athletic facilities?

14 Space – locker room, weight room, offices, restrooms
age – pipes, hvac, roof, flooring, lockers


16 The renovation plan

17 The phases: 2nd floor above weight & locker rooms
relocate wrestling room to 2nd floor & Relocate Weights to wrestling room Build locker room in former weight room & Wrestling locker room in old locker room Field turf replacement The red & Black Hall of Fame room

18 The Funding: CANFIELD/STRONG Kick-off – You! Now! canfield proud 500
naming rights – athletic buildings and athletic facilities. Locker naming rights

19 Why are you here? Communicate the message:
Private funds for building, levi re- newal, education building discussion Make introductions for the team – boosters, businesses, community groups, individuals,



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