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Presentation on theme: "HIGHLY CAPABLE PROGRAM REVIEW COMMITTEE"— Presentation transcript:

JANUARY18, 2017

2 Tonight’s Agenda 4:30-4:35 Tonight’s Agenda and Outcomes
4:35-5:00 Continue Review of Survey Data 5:00-5:30 Continue discussion of Service Models Break 5:30-6:25 Continue discussion of Service Models 6:20-6:25 Status of Our Work  6:25-6:30 Final Thoughts and Next Steps Michael

A representative committee will be formed to make recommendations to the Superintendent.   OUTCOMES: Define the the mission and vision of the Shoreline Highly Capable Program Determine how best to meet the new state service requirements Service in one or more areas of giftedness Service at home school if parent declines service at a self contained school Define selection based on broader range of evidence Study how to increase access and equity in the Highly Capable program

4 The Norms for Our Work

5 Julie’s Survey Data Julie Harris

6 Review & Discuss Data (mark up process)
Individually, then with group: What can we learn from the data? * for ideas affirmed or confirmed ! for surprises ? for questions you have Julie

7 Sharing Out Complete and Chart Sentence Stems:
Related to the (first) committee charge, the data can inform our work by __________________________________. Repeat for other committee charges. Post your chart for a gallery walk. Michael

8 Program Model Review Guidelines
In order to serve our students, any model must: Meet the Washington state requirements Meet the needs of all gifted students regardless of race, gender, special needs, ELL, etc. Meet the needs of students who qualify in just one or multiple areas Michael

9 Program Model Review Guidelines
There are obvious learning outcomes for HiCap students Must be inclusive, not exclusive Michael

10 Program Model Review Guidelines
In order to serve our students, any model must: Take into account potentially small numbers of students in any one school Be manageable within the district budget (additional HiCap students do not generate any additional revenue from the state) Meet both academic and social needs Michael

11 Research Based Models Self-Contained Classrooms at Home School
Differentiation/Flexible Grouping in the General Education Classroom Cluster Groupings: for Content within Grade Level or Cluster for Content Across Grade Levels Pullout from General Education Classrooms Schoolwide Enrichment Models Resource Room/Drop-In HiCap Teacher Michael

12 Results of Our Straw Poll on Service Models
Kathleen: Looking at data generated by committee (Rankings about minutes, plus10 for whole group discussion and to fill in chart)








20 Ranking Activity In pairs, review the 6 models and rank in terms of how well they meet our needs in both: Service in one area Service at home schools Share your rankings with another pair and reach consensus Share with the whole group Kathleen Question: Do we want a single ranking for each model or two separate rankings for service in one area vs. service at home schools? I am assuming (based on our conversation this morning) we wanted just ONE ranking for our chart on the next page. This ranking should take into account our two needs (service in one area and service at homeschools).

21 Overall Ranking of Models
1 2 3 4 5 6 SE SCC RR/DI D/F CG P-Out

22 Activity to Recommend Service Model(s)
Table group discussion: Which service models stand out as strong options? Are there any models that clearly don’t need to be considered further? Consider the top 2 models: In pairs, list advantages and challenges of one model on poster. The other table pair does the same for the other model. Be ready to share with the other pair at your table and whole group if time allows. Kathleen “Now it’s time to narrow down.” Table discussion – 10 minutes Advantages/disadvantages of each 10 more minutes 10 minutes share out – small and large group

23 Moving Toward Recommendations
How does our self-contained model at two schools fit into our plan to meet the needs of HiCap students? What service model best serves students at their home school? Qualified in one area Qualified in two areas Michael

24 Status Report Vision for HiCap program Increase equity in program
Program model Service model Additional program support Identification model to meet state requirements Home school service option Single area service option Michael

25 Next Steps Vote on service model Create vision statement
Finalize recommendations From our charge Additional work needed Michael

26 Committee Timeline Dates of Our Upcoming Meetings: Feb. 1
All meetings are from 4:30-6:30 in Room I-107. Recommendations will be submitted to the Superintendent. The Board of Directors will consider any policy changes in spring 2017. Michael


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