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Positioning for [product]

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1 Positioning for [product]
[Name] Positioning Presentation MKT/421 WKe Faculty: [Name] Assignment: You will develop and give a presentation on the marketing mix of your current company using the “Record Presentation” feature of Microsoft PowerPoint. In addition to submitting your assignment for grading, you will post your assignment to a WK4 discussion thread for review and discussion with your classmates. For information about how to use the Microsoft PowerPoint Record Slideshow feature 6/9/2018 Name

2 Introduction Presentations need the same document elements as a paper, including an introduction, conclusion, and header elements. Tips for preparing a good introduction Capture your audience’s attention with a “hook.” Indicate what the presentation is about. Explain how you will approach the topic. Refer to the 5-paragraph tutorial from Writing Wizards in the Tutorials & Guides section of the Center for Writing Excellence for more information about writing introductions. 6/9/2018 Name

3 Definitions Use this section to define the basic concepts you will cover in the presentation to lay a foundation that will support your analysis and recommendations. Key sources include: Chapter 9 of Kerin, Roger A., Hartley, Steven W., & Rudelius, W. (2015). Marketing, 12th ed. McGraw-Hill Education. New York: NY. Key concepts to explore Positioning Competitive analysis SWOT analysis Perceptual mapping Make sure you cite your sources on your slides and in the Speaker’s Notes Meet academic standards Enhance the credibility of your analysis and recommendations 6/9/2018 Name

4 Perceptual mapping Define perceptual mapping.
Explain the process of perceptual mapping. Explain how you will apply this process to create the perceptual map for your product. Identify the two product attributes you will use to compare competing products. Explain why you selected those attributes. List the key competitors in the product category. Allocate scores for each product using the attributes you selected. Cite your sources. 6/9/2018 Name

5 [EXAMPLE: DELETE THIS SLIDE] Perceptual map to reposition Milk Chug for adults
Jim Beam Latte Red Bull Instructions: Using the “Text Box” icon, place the name of each product where customers perceive it in comparison to others Milk Chug Nestea Muscle Milk XYZ OJ V8 Age: Child or Adult Hershey’s Adapted from: Dawar, N., & Bagga, C. K. (2015). A Better Way to Map Brand Strategy. Harvard Business Review, 93(6), Kerin, Roger A., Hartley, Steven W., & Rudelius, W. (2015). Marketing, 12th ed. McGraw-Hill Education. New York: NY. Nesquik Kool Aid Nutrition: Low to high (Kerin, Hartley, & Rudelius, 2015, pg ; Dawar & Bagga, 2015) 6/9/2018 Name

6 Perceptual map for [product]
Attribute 1 Adapted from: Dawar, N., & Bagga, C. K. (2015). A Better Way to Map Brand Strategy. Harvard Business Review, 93(6), Kerin, Roger A., Hartley, Steven W., & Rudelius, W. (2015). Marketing, 12th ed. McGraw-Hill Education. New York: NY. Attribute 2 6/9/2018 Name

7 Analysis Explain the placement of each competitor.
Based on your analysis, make recommendations for positioning your product using one of the approaches explained in Chapter 9 of Kerrin, Hartley, & Rudelius (2015). Head-to-head Differentiation From your analysis, what is the positioning statement that emerges? Tips: Kerrin, Hartley, & Rudelius (2015), pg. 242 includes a sample analysis and perceptual map that positions a chocolate milk product for adults. Use this as a model for the analysis of your product. 6/9/2018 Name

8 Conclusion Consider the conclusion like the closing argument in a jury trial. Summarize key concepts as “proof” to support your analysis and recommendations. Summarize what you have intended to communicate in the presentation. Leave the audience with a final thought or challenge. 6/9/2018 Name

9 References cited Use at least 3 references to course material to support your marketing concepts and recommendations. The assignment provides two: Dawar, N., & Bagga, C. K. (2015). A Better Way to Map Brand Strategy. Harvard Business Review, 93(6), Kerin, Roger A., Hartley, Steven W., & Rudelius, W. (2015). Marketing, 12th ed. McGraw-Hill Education. New York: NY. Cite the sources you used to get information about the products you selected. Possible sources include: Company website SWOT database in the library For the purposes of this and other assignments in the course, your client (me) requires that you develop your deliverables using APA style and attributions Your organizations and clients will likely have their own styles they require you to use; so, get in the habit of learning and applying specific styles for each situation. 6/9/2018 Name

10 Presentation tips When you finish your slides, record your presentation using the “Record Slide Show” feature under the “Slide Show” tab. Record your slide show in PowerPoint> Include your presentation script in the Speaker’s Notes for each slide. To edit the Master Slide elements: View > Master View > Slide Master Edit the name, title, and background elements as necessary. You’re welcome to apply your own creative flare to the slides; but, focus on the content and substance. don’t waste too much time on fluff Always design within the Microsoft framework; if you find yourself doing things manually, you’re likely doing things wrong Make sure you delete the instructions. 6/9/2018 Name

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