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Presentation on theme: "DIGESTIVE SYSTEM."— Presentation transcript:


2 gastrointestinal tract aka digestive tract
FUNCTION Process of breaking down food into chemical substances that can be used to obtain energy Occurs in the gastrointestinal tract aka digestive tract

3 Where does digestion begin… end?
A long winding tube beginning at the mouth to the anus

4 Mechanical & Chemical breakdown of food into nutrients
Structure Mechanical & Chemical breakdown of food into nutrients Mouth: Begin with a bite, mechanical phase mixed with saliva chemical phase, forced down pharynx swallowing action Esophagus: A simple conduit between the mouth and stomach - clearly important but only marginally interesting compared to other regions of the tube. Stomach: J shape bag with muscles; mechanical & chemical- enzymatic digestion of proteins initiated and food reduced into liquid

5 Structure Liver: The center of metabolic activity in the body - its major role in the digestive process is to provide bile salts to the small intestine, which are critical for digestion and absorption of fats Gallbladder: stores & concentrates bile Pancreas: Important role provides a mixture of digestive enzymes to the small intestine which are critical for digestion of fats, carbohydrates and protein

6 Structure Small Intestine: long coiled tube that performs Chemical digestion: glands inside release enzymes that complete digestion & Absorption: end product of digestion, lining surface where nutrients are transferred into the circulatory system

7 Structure Large Intestine: (colon) final organ of digestion some absorption, solidification of waste move material towards rectum finally out the anus


9 What is Halitosis? Bad breath resulting for decomposing food particles accumulate in the mouth allowing bacteria to flourish

10 Mixture of water, mucus and digestive enzyme called salivary amylase
What is spit? Mixture of water, mucus and digestive enzyme called salivary amylase

11 What is heartburn? Sharp burning pain that occurs when gastric juice is regurgitated (reflux) into the esophagus.. Symptoms similar to heart attack

12 Why do you get diarrhea? Result of contents moving through intestines without sufficient time for the water to be absorb

13 Urinary System

14 Function Group of organs that filter, store and eliminates waste products Kidneys & Lungs & Skin all excrete waste

15 What are the main waste products of the body?
Carbon dioxide from cellular respiration &nitrogenous compounds from the breakdown of proteins

16 Release of urine is necessary because of toxic materials
Structure Urine flows from kidneys down tube called ureter into the bladder ( muscle storage sac) until forced out of the body through a tube called the urethra Release of urine is necessary because of toxic materials


18 Function Kidneys- Primary excretory organs, two bean shape about size of a fist, located behind the stomach Removes toxins, urea, water and mineral salts from the blood. Excrete waste in form of urine.


20 Why does urine smell like ammonia?
Ammonia is a chemical compound of Nitrogen

21 How much urine must be released every day to remove the toxic materials & maintain homeostasis?
AT LEAST 17 oz.

22 How much urine does a normal adult release a day?
Between 1.5 L – 2.3 L depending on the amount of water intake and lost


24 HOMEWORK Read Study for Final

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