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LIVE YOU DREAM Made by Dyachenko E.V..

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Presentation on theme: "LIVE YOU DREAM Made by Dyachenko E.V.."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIVE YOU DREAM Made by Dyachenko E.V.

2 Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you what is possible for your life. Les Brown
1How often do you dream? Do you remember your dreams? 2. Do you like dreaming? 3. Do you think dreams have meanings? Explain it. 4. What do you want out of your life? 5. What can bring you joy and happiness? 6. What are your special talents that can lead you to success?

Aim- try or intend to do something Ambitions- a strong desire to achieve something Goal- something that you are trying to achieving or reach Purpose- what you intend to do, a plan or a aim.


5 «Success is doing ordinary things extra ordinary well» Jim Rohn.

6 Read the following definitions of goals
. Read the following definitions of goals. In pairs decide what they mean and if you agree with them. Justify your answers “Setting goals is the fist step in turning the invisible into the visible” Tony Robbinsю. “If we don’t start it’s certain we can’t arrive” Zig Ziglar. “Forgive yourself for your faults and your mistakes and move on” Les Brown. “It doesn’t matter where you are coming from. All that matter is where you are going” Brian Tracy. “Success is doing ordinary things extraordinary well” Jim Rohn. “People with goals succeed because they know where they are going” E.Nightingale. “You are the only one who can use your ability. It is an awesome responsibility” Zig Ziglar.


8 Do You Live your dream? Do you have your goals? Do you believe, that it’s possible to get your goal? Do you think that the way to get your goal is simple? What feeling you can feel in the process of working on your dreams? Have you ever had the rough times in you life? Who do you understand that you are the one? Why do you think most people don’t work on their dreams? What does mean to invest in you? How often do you do it? Do you think that somebody can steal your dream? What is necessary to do if you’re still talking about your dream? How do you follow in your life this rule: “IT’S NOT OVER UNTIL I WIN”.


10 How am I working towards my goal?
Why am I trying to achieve it? What am I trying to achieve? Health Spirituality Relationships Finance Development


12 Mark Zuckerberg 5 secrets to success
2. Purpose Truly successful companies stay true to their purpose, or their reason for being, however large they get. Apple’s purpose is to create stylish, intuitive products. Amazon provides low-cost internet shopping. The greatest companies change the way we live: they create movements rather than products. Apple didn’t invent the mp3 player, but they streamlined the process of downloading and listening to music and so brought it to a mass market. Amazon popularized internet shopping by making it easy to use. Facebook has stayed true to their long-term vision “to make the world more open and connected” and this has shaped their development, no matter how large they have become. Mark Zuckerberg 5 secrets to success How did founder Mark Zuckerberg create such a staggeringly successful business, and what can we all learn from his own story 1. Passion There is no such thing as ‘failure’ if you really want to pursue your dream. It is simply an invaluable learning experience towards the next iteration of an idea or a product. they are passionate about what they do. Mark Zuckerberg has always been passionate about using technology to connect people, but he has also put in the hard work to achieve it.

13 Mark Zuckerberg 5 secrets to success
2. Purpose Truly successful companies stay true to their purpose, or their reason for being, however large they get. Apple’s purpose is to create stylish, intuitive products. Amazon provides low-cost internet shopping. The greatest companies change the way we live: they create movements rather than products. Apple didn’t invent the mp3 player, but they streamlined the process of downloading and listening to music and so brought it to a mass market. Amazon popularized internet shopping by making it easy to use. Facebook has stayed true to their long-term vision “to make the world more open and connected” and this has shaped their development, no matter how large they have become. Mark Zuckerberg 5 secrets to success How did founder Mark Zuckerberg create such a staggeringly successful business, and what can we all learn from his own story 1. Passion There is no such thing as ‘failure’ if you really want to pursue your dream. It is simply an invaluable learning experience towards the next iteration of an idea or a product. they are passionate about what they do. Mark Zuckerberg has always been passionate about using technology to connect people, but he has also put in the hard work to achieve it.

14 Mark Zuckerberg 3. People
A company’s culture comes from the people it hires and Facebook have a rigorous screening process so they only hire the employees for the company who have both the skills and the right outlook. “One of the things that we’ve focused on is keeping the company as small as possible. How do you do that? You make sure that every person you add to your company is really great.” – Mark Zuckerberg 4. Product For Zuckerberg, the product comes out of his desire to connect people using technology, and so he and his team are always looking for better ways to do this. Staying true to their passion for connectivity has meant that the Facebook product has stayed relevant.They have always focused on “the best, simplest product that lets people share information as easily as they can” and this simplicity has been a key factor in Facebook’s success.

15 5 secrets to success 5. Partnerships There have been some phenomenally successful entrepreneurial partnerships over the years: Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, or Pierre Omidyar and Jeffrey Skoll, to give just a few examples. Mark Zuckerberg may be the most famous face at Facebook . To me, “Think Like Zuck” is an analogy of a leader who follows his passion, leads with purpose, builds great teams, and strives for continued excellence in her product (or services). It is a mentality that drives great leaders to build successful business.

16 The 5 steps to reach any goal.
Below are the 5 steps that can help you reach any goal: Step one, have a burning desire: In order to reach any goal you want you must first develop this burning desire. Finding out this burning desire and becoming aware of it is the first step towards Step two, Acquire knowledge and missing skills The second step to reach any goal you want is to find out the missing skills that you need in order to reach that goal and acquire them. Step three, Fix your beliefs The third and most the important step to reach any goal you want is to by understanding that success doesn't happen overnight, that the number of tries is the only factor that you need to put into consideration in order to succeed.

17 Step four, Adjust your actions:
The fourth and the extremely important step in reaching any goal you want is to adjust your methods whenever you fail. Reaching any goal you want is all about trying enough number of times until something works but unless you find out what was wrong in the previous attempt you might keep doing the same mistake. That's why this step is crucial for reaching your goals. Each time you fail adjust your actions, fix what was wrong and try once again.

18 Step five, know what failure is and learn how to get past it: Since success is all about trial and error a fifth step is needed in order for you to be able to reach any goal you want. You must learn and how to keep going even if you are facing numerous rejections.

19 Fight for your dream!


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