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New proposal for the BRIKEN campaign

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1 New proposal for the BRIKEN campaign
« Search for the two-neutron radioactivity » S. Grévy, P. Ascher, M. Aouadi, B. Blank, M. Gerbaux, J. Giovinazzo, T. Goigoux, C. Magron, T. Kurtukian-Neto CENBG Bordeaux-Gradignan, France …. P. Ascher, BRIKEN Workshop, Valencia, July

2 From classical radioactivities... to exotic radioactivities
b- / b+ radioactivities Fission, alpha emission (2002) 2p radioactivity Découverte en 1981 Radioactivité 1p 1p radioactivity (1981) Z drip-line neutron N Découverte en 1981 Découverte en 1981 Découverte en 1981 Découverte en 1981 Découverte en 1981 Découverte en 1981 Découverte en 1981  What about neutron radioactivity ?

3 strong nuclear interaction
2n radioactivity 2n radioactivity is defined as a spontaneous and simultaneous emission of 2n from the ground state S2n < 0 AND S1n > → even N and at dripline centrifugal barrier → high  free neutrons paired neutrons strong nuclear interaction barrier Frag. exp.: T1/2 > 100ns → Q2n < 15 keV (orbital d) → Q2n < 150 keV (orbital f)

4 What about 1n radioactivity?
L. Grigorenko et al., PRC 84 (2011) Implantation experiment (T1/2 > 100 ns): Half-lives too short In-flight decay experiment (few ps < T1/2 < 100 ns): probable only for high  → therefore we will focus in the following on 2n radioactivity

5 What do we learn ? wave function composition barrier penetrability
pairing/correlations masses of nuclei at the drip-line When nuclear binding energy decreases, concept of separation between well localized bound states from the continuum scattering states is not valid anymore  difficulty to describe halo states, clustering…  new spectroscopic information on very exotic nuclei and complex decay modes is essential for a unified description of the nuclear structure and the nuclear reactions (SMEC…)

6 31F and 34Ne: 2 good candidates
S2n < 0 AND S1n > 0: near/at the drip line centrifugal barrier: high  SPEG/Gaudefroy et al., PRL 2012 pf SM calculations using the SDPF-U interaction (A. Poves et al.) for 31F f7/2² : 40% p3/2² : 27% dominance of f² f7/2p3/2 : 22% 31F and 34Ne already observed in impl. experiments → T1/2 > 100 ns Is it because they are bound or is it because of the centrifugal barrier??

7 Experimental Method Study the b-decay after implantation  if 2n radioactivity : b-decay of the A-2X daughter nucleus b bn b2n no 2n - T1/2(AX) = T1/2(A-2X) : strong indication - Decay scheme for firm conclusion 27Ne 28Ne 29Ne 30Ne 31Ne b bn b2n 2n 29F 31F b bn b2n no 2n 30Ne 31Ne 32Ne 33Na 34Na b bn b2n 2n 32Ne 34Ne In this experiment, we propose : measure T1/2 of 31F : if T1/2(31F) = T1/2(29F)  very strong indication of 2n radioactivity measure T1/2 of 34Ne : if T1/2(34Ne) = T1/2(32Ne)  very strong indication of 2n radioactivity to study the b-decay of 29F and 32Ne (T1/2, Pn, …)  background for proving the 2n radioactivity in 31F and 34Ne  spectroscopic data for exotic nuclei around the Island of Inversion -i- implantation in DSSSD Si detector -ii- Ge detectors -iii- He counters array

8 Counting rates and implantation in detectors
use of 48Ca 345 MeV/u, 500 pnA, Be target 2 different settings, 1 for the very exotic isotopes, 1 for the less exotic ones Setting on 34Ne (Br1 = Tm ) with F mm -> implantation profile ~ 5 mm (OK if 5 DSSSD) → 34Ne ~ 3.0 e-4 pps → 31F ~ 7.1 e-4 pps Same spectro setting but 2 different Al degrader (67 mm for 34Ne, 74 mm for 31F) Setting on 32Ne (Br1 = Tm) → 32Ne ~ 1.85 e-1 pps → 29F ~ 5.09 e-1 pps Same as 34Ne and 31F for the implantation

9 Beam time Thank you! Exotic setting
34Ne ~ 3.0 e-4 pps → ~ 26 counts/day 31F ~ 7.3 e-4 pps → ~ 63 counts/day 100 counts 34Ne and 31F  able to separate T1/2(31F) and T1/2(29F) with CL >99% (considering T1/2 from Gross theory) 4 days for 34Ne, 2 days for 31F Less exotic setting 32Ne ~ 1.85 e-1pps → ~ 600/hour 29F ~ 5.09 e-1 pps → ~ 1800/hour 10000 counts of 29F and 32Ne  g transitions with BR ≥ 5% (eg~3% )  Pn/2n values 1 day for 32Ne and 29F Thank you!

10 Implantation in detectors and counting rates
To produce both 31F and 34Ne :  use of 48Ca 345 MeV/u, 500 pnA - target = Be mm - Br1 = Tm (Setting on 34Ne) - F1=+/- 65 mm → 34Ne: ~ 9.5e-4 pps → 31F: ~ 2.2e-3 pps 32Ne and 29F also produced in this setting 29F not implanted in the DSSD 32Ne : 5.2e-2 / with 62 mm Al degrader 5x1mm DSSSD We could close the F1 slits but we would have to have 2 different settings for 31F and 34Ne By leaving the slits +/-65 mm, we lose but can have both in the same setting → 34Ne: ~ 3.0 e-4 pps → 31F: ~ 7.3e-4 pps With F2+-15 : 110 cont./s (mostly not implanted)

11 Recent related activites
 Search for 4n cluster  Observation of 2n emission from 16B

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