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Quizzo Review Game Brain and Biology Quizzo Theme Song.

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Presentation on theme: "Quizzo Review Game Brain and Biology Quizzo Theme Song."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quizzo Review Game Brain and Biology Quizzo Theme Song

2 Today most psychologist believe that the connection between the brain and the body has a…
Significant Impact on Behavior? Little Impact on Behavior?

3 Quiz Questions 1. What is the smallest functioning unit of the brain?
2. At what millivolt will a neuron fire? 3. How do endorphins impact a “Runner’s High?” 4. What sense is the thalamus linked to? 5. Which part of the brain is responsible for smell?

4 Answers 1. Neuron mv 3. Reduce pain and promote pleasure during a workout 4. All except smell 5. Olfactory Bulb

5 Anchorman Brain Scene

6 Is Ron Burgundy correct? Explain…

7 Q What special function does the brain have when it comes to repairing itself after an injury?

8 A Plasticity

9 Q Which part of the brain is cut during a split brain operation?

10 A Corpus Callosum

11 Q Which hemisphere is responsible for speech production?

12 A Left

13 Q Name the four lobes of the brain and their “cortex.”

14 A Frontal= Motor Cortex Parietal= Somatosensory Occipital= Vision
Temporal= Auiditory

15 Q Which parts of Phineas Gage’s brain were separated?

16 A Prefrontal Cortex and Limbic System

17 Q True or False: - Aphasia is an impairment of language usually caused by right hemisphere damage to Broca’s or Wernicke's Area.

18 A False: Left hemisphere damage

19 Q True or False: Retrograde Amnesia is the inability to convert short term memory into long term memory

20 A False: Anterograde Amnesia

21 Q Can you name all 6 neurotransmitters…

22 A Serotonin Dopamine Acetylcholine Norepinephrine GABA Glutamate

23 Q Hormones are primarily produced in Glands.

24 A Endocrine

25 Q Can you list 3 specific jobs of hormones?

26 A Promote bodily growth Aiding digestion Regulate metabolism

27 Q Melatonin is generated in the pineal glands deep within the brain… True or False?

28 A True

29 Q Where do neurotransmitters exist?

30 A Brain and Spinal Cord

31 Q 3 main parts of a neuron…

32 Dendrite Cell Body Axon

33 Q A nerve is a group of bundled together…

34 A Axons

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