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Tuples Module 11.1 COP4020 – Programming Language Concepts Dr. Manuel E. Bermudez.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuples Module 11.1 COP4020 – Programming Language Concepts Dr. Manuel E. Bermudez."— Presentation transcript:

1 tuples Module 11.1 COP4020 – Programming Language Concepts Dr. Manuel E. Bermudez

2 Topics Tuples in RPAL The only data structure. Immutable, Indexable,
Extendable Sample programs using tuples

3 tuples The only data structure in RPAL. Any length, any nesting depth.
Empty tuple (length zero) is nil. Example: let Bdate = ('June', 21, '19XX') in let Me = ('Bermudez','Manuel', Bdate, 42) in Print (Me) // (’Bermudez’,’Manuel’,('June',21,'19XX'),42)

4 arrays Tuples in general are heterogeneous.
Array is special case of tuple: a homogeneous tuple (all elements of the same type). Example: let I=2 in let A=(1,I,I**2,I**3,I**4,I**5) in Print (A) // output: (1,2,4,8,16,32)

5 Multi-dimensional arrays
let A=(1,2) and B=(3,4) and C=(5,6) in let T=(A,B,C) in Print(T) // output: ((1,2),(3,4),(5,6)) Triangular Array: let A = nil aug 1 and B=(2,3) and C=(4,5,6) in Print(T) // output: ((1),(2,3),(4,5,6)) Singleton tuple

6 Tuples () is NOT the empty tuple. (3) is NOT a singleton tuple.
nil is the empty tuple. The singleton tuple is built using aug: e.g. nil aug 3. Build tuples using the comma, e.g. (1,2,3)

7 Indexing a tuple Apply the tuple to an integer, as if it were a function. Example: let T = ( 1,(2,3),('a', 4)) in Print (T 2) // Output: (2,3) let T=('a','b',true,3) in Print(T 3,T 2) // Output: (true, b)

8 Extending tuples Use aug (augment) operation.
Additional element added to RIGHT side of tuple. NEW tuple is built. NOT an assignment to a tuple. In general, ALL objects in RPAL are IMMUTABLE. Example: let T = (2,3) in let A = T aug 4 in Print (A) // Output: (2,3,4)

9 Tuple operations E1,E2,...,En tuple construction (tau)
T aug E tuple extension (augmentation) (e) not a tuple Order T number of elements in T Null T true if T is nil, false otherwise Istuple T true if T is a tuple, false otherwise Notes: parentheses do NOT define the tuple Tuples (tau or aug) evaluated from right to left

10 Sample program 1: sum_list
let Sum_list L = Partial_sum (L, Order L) where rec Partial_sum (L,N) = N eq 0 -> 0 | Partial_sum(L,N-1) + L N in Print ( Sum_list (2,3,4,5) ) // output: 14 // possible errors: L not a tuple // elements not integers

11 Sample program 1 (w/error checking)
let Sum_list L = not Istuple L -> ’error’ | Partial_sum (L, Order L) where rec Partial_sum (L,N) = N eq 0 -> 0 | not Isinteger(L N)-> Partial_sum(L,N-1) | Partial_sum(L,N-1) + L N in Print( Sum_list 3, Sum_list (2,’3’,4,5)) // output: (error, 11)

12 Sample program 2: vector sum
let Vector_sum(A,B) = Partial_sum (A,B,Order A) where rec Partial_sum (A,B,N) = N eq 0 -> nil | ( Partial_sum(A,B,N-1) aug (A N + B N) ) // parentheses required in Print (Vector_sum((1,2,3),(4,5,6))) // output: (5,7,9) // errors: A,B not a tuple // A shorter/longer than B // elements not integers

13 Sample program 2 (w/error checking)
let Vector_sum(A,B) = not (Istuple A) -> 'Error' | not (Istuple B) -> 'Error' | Order A ne Order B -> 'Error' | Partial_sum (A,B,Order A) where rec Partial_sum (A,B,N) = N eq 0 -> nil | (Partial_sum(A,B,N-1) aug V where V = not Isinteger(A N) or not Isinteger(B N) -> ’X’ // hack | (A N) + (B N) ) in Print (Vector_sum((1,2,’3’),(4,5,6))) // output: (5,7,X)

14 summary Tuples in RPAL The only data structure. Immutable, Indexable,
Extendable. Sample programs using tuples

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