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Barbaros Yet1, Zane Perkins2, Nigel Tai3, William Marsh2

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1 A Framework to Present Bayesian Networks to Domain Experts and Potential Users
Barbaros Yet1, Zane Perkins2, Nigel Tai3, William Marsh2 1Hacettepe University 2Queen Mary University of London 3The Royal London Hospital 01/09/2014

2 Similarities between Clinical and Legal BN Models
Users wants to understand a BN model before using it Different BN structures for alternative world views: Legal: Different stories (BN structures) of what happened Clinical: Different understanding (BN structures) of how diseases work

3 Clinical Models of Alternative World Views

4 Models from Prosecution and Defense

5 Similarities between Clinical and Legal BN Models
Users wants to understand a BN model before using it Different BN structures of alternative world views: Legal: Different stories (BN structures) of what happened Clinical: Different understanding (BN structures) of how diseases work Limited (relevant) data to learn the NPTs Critical outcomes

6 Bayesian Networks Graphical structure
Suitable for modelling our causal understanding of the domain Relations (CIs) are clearer Is that enough? 01/09/2014

7 Our Vision Clear BN models that can be browsed, reviewed, criticised and modified by domain experts and users. 01/09/2014

8 Framework to Present Bayesian Networks
Aims: Organise the data about the knowledge, definitions and assumptions of a BN, and evidence supporting them. Present the BN in a clear and user-friendly way. Clinical Evidence Framework 01/09/2014

9 Clinical Evidence vs. Legal Evidence in BNs
Legal Evidence: Observations entered to BN Clinical Evidence: Knowledge (publications, data and expert knowledge) supporting or conflicting with the BN structure

10 Clinical Evidence Framework

11 Clinical Evidence Framework – Structure
OWL BN Model 01/09/2014

12 Structure

13 Fragment (Objects) Description Elements

14 Node Description States Where do numbers come from? Evidence
Excluded Parents, Excluded Children, Excluded Relation

15 Edge (Relation) Has supporting evidence Has conflicting evidence

16 Source Every clinical evidence has a source Data Publication
Domain Experts

17 OWL A flexible database structure to Define, Modify, Query a database

18 Clinical Evidence Framework - Browser


20 Acute Traumatic Coagulopathy (ATC)

21 Completeness Queries Review evidence
Variables / edges with/without evidence SPARQL SELECT DISTINCT ?x WHERE{ ?x a :Edge. ?x :hasSupportingEvidence ?evidence.} MINUS{ ?x :hasSupportingEvidence ?evidence.}} 01/09/2014

22 Thanks! Yet B, Perkins ZB, Tai NR, and Marsh DWR (2016). “Clinical Evidence Framework for Bayesian Networks” Knowledge and Information Systems DOI: /s 01/09/2014

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