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Staff Plan to Plan Touch the Bosses August (drill)

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Presentation on theme: "Staff Plan to Plan Touch the Bosses August (drill)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Staff Plan to Plan Touch the Bosses 14-16 August (drill)
CONOPS Brief, Staff to Commanders (graphic and narrative) AUG CO & Sgt Maj contact Ft Ethan Allen Peers (make this happen) Outline tasks from mountain warfare T&R manual (approved 14 Sept) Approve tasks for FINEX from infantry T&R (approved 14 Sept) Staff Estimates and supportability from shop heads Annex deadline set (1 Oct) Draft JTARS/ISR (submit to Regiment) Complete CONOPS brief to commanders (This Document, graphic and narative) FOS message drafted (1 SEPT) Develop POAM 1 September Ammunition request sent to Reg Gunner Formal FOS message sent Touch the Bosses

2 Staff Plan to Plan 11-13 September (drill)
Camp commandant break out group (after I&I PDSS 3-4 SEPT) Staff estimates for support (PAX) SMCR Participation in PDSS CO briefed Force protection Camp tax requirement Logistic support laydown (motor pool) Annexes drafted and reviewed 1 October Draft annexes sent to S3 by 1 OCT RSO/OIC identified and assigned (matrix built by 1 NOV) 16-18 October (drill) Staff synchronized and collectively reviews annexes PDSS to Ft Ethen Allen (XOs and B-Staff)

3 Staff Plan to Plan 14 November (drill) Operation order issued
Equipment issue complete 4-6 Dec (drill) ROC at Bn HQ MRX (gear practice) Partial medical complete (as per FRAG O) Distribute Smart Pack COMM MEDIVAC MAPS (Ordered by not received as of 14 AUG Day by Day Training Schedule

4 MWO AT 2016 Ft Ethan Allen VT BLUF (Purpose and Scope of 14 Aug OPT)
The Commander has chosen a COA, We need to support it and develop FOS message NLT 1 Sept M: From 3-17 January 2016, 1st Bn 25th Marines conducts annual training in a cold weather mountainous environment at Ft Ethan Allen VT IOT sustain offensive and defensive core competency 4 Phase operation Shape: Jan –Oct 2015 Pre-exercise training: Nov-Dec 2015 Exercise execution: 3-17 Jan 2016 (focus of 14 Aug OPT) Retrograde/Re Deployment & PECM: 18 Jan-28 Feb 2015

5 MWO AT 2016 Ft Ethan Allen VT Phase 3 (5 stages)
Activate and movement to Training Area ADVON and assistant instructors RSO/OIC requirement Professional classroom instruction Company Commanders preparation Final Exercise Police/Base maintenance/Liberty


7 MWO AT 2016 Ft Ethan Allen VT

8 AD 1 3 Jan 16 ADVON Occupies Main Side Prep for force laydown

9 TD 1 3 January 2016 Standard T/O (detach ADVON)
Attach MWSS mechanics and Reg Trucks Start Stage 1 (Activate and movement to Training Area) 0800 0n 3 January the Bn activates and musters at respective home stations detaches ADVON and assistant instructors TOT departs HTCs for EA cantonment area As early as possible ADVON and assistant instructors depart for Ft EA IOT receive TOT/Start Training/establish life support

10 ADVON Occupies Main Side
AD 2 4 Jan 16 ADVON Occupies Main Side

11 AD 2 4 January 2016 Standard T/O (-ADVON)
Companies complete final preparation at home station HTCs Assistant instructors L/U with MWTC instructors for planning ADVON receives TOT and establishes force lay down

12 MD 1 5 Jan 16 Main Body Arrives Start Stage II

13 MD 1 5 January 2016 Standard T/O (aggregate ADVON)
HMG attached to Line Co Mortars organized for Bn mortar shoot Companies conduct ground movement from respected HTCs to Ft EA ADVON receives TOP Start Stage 2 (Professional classroom

14 TD 1 6 Jan 16 Bn Occupies Main Side for Professional instruction

15 TD 1 6 January 2016 Standard T/O (Line Cos reinforced with W Co)
Consolidate Light/Medium Mortars for duration of Exercise Bn/Cos are task organized into manageable class sizes and given MWO instruction from MWTC/AWTC instructors supported by organic assistant instructors Refer to NAVMC A (MWO T&R) Training standards approved (14 Aug)

16 TD 2 7 Jan 16 Bn Occupies Main Side for Professional instruction

17 TD 2 7 January 2016 Standard T/O (Line Cos reinforced with W Co)
Consolidate Light/Medium Mortars for duration of Exercise Bn/Cos are task organized into manageable class sizes and given MWO instruction from MWTC/AWTC instructors supported by organic assistant instructors Refer to NAVMC A (MWO T&R) Training standards approved (14 Aug)

18 TD 3 8 Jan 16 A W B C

19 TD 3 8 January 2016 Start Stage 3 (CMDR’S time)
Standard T/O (Line Cos reinforced with W Co) MWO instruction from MWTC/AWTC accompany Units to TAs Co A(+): Movement to R 7-1 conducts static LF Co B(+): Movement to R 3-2 conducts static LF Co C(+): Movement to TA 2a/2b conducts mobility Bn mortars (60s & 81s) detach to occupy FP 93/OP 1 FDC stood up (location TBD, ask W6 & AO) Bn Re-Trans stood up and sustained (T/O) Combat trains stood up and sustained (T/O) Ambulances manned and staged Bn required to evacuate the barracks/LSA Bn moves to LSA IVO LZ Birch

20 TD 4 9 Jan 16 B CMDR’s time IVO TA 2/3/7 Rotation In Effect C A

21 TD 4 9 January 2016 Standard T/O (Line Cos reinforced with W Co)
MWO instruction from MWTC/AWTC accompany Units to Tas Co A(+): Movement to TA 2a/2b conducts mobility exercise Co B(+): Movement to R 7-1 conducts static LF Co C(+): Movement to R 3-2 conducts static LF Bn mortars (60s & 81s) occupy FP 93/OP 1 FDC stood up

22 TD 5 10 Jan 16 C CMDR’s time IVO TA 2/3/7 Rotation In Effect A B S

23 TD 5 10 January 2016 Standard T/O (Line Cos reinforced with W Co)
Co A(+): Movement to R 3-2 conducts static LF Co B(+): Movement to TA 2a/2b conducts mobility exercise Co C(+): Movement to R 7-1 conducts static LF Bn mortars (60s & 81s) occupy FP 93/OP 1 FDC stood up STA occupy HAR

24 TD8 Staff Estimates Admin Intel C2 Manu Fires Log Force Pro Function
Total Requirement Total Capability Short Fall Excess Potential solution Admin Intel C2 Manu Fires Log Force Pro

25 TD8 Implied Tasks S1 S2 S3 S4 BAS S6

26 TD6 11 Jan 16 Stage IV FINEX Day 1 C B S A

27 TD6 11 January 2016 Start Stage 4 (FINEX)
T/O: Line Cos reinforced with W Co, Assault sections detach for mobility/counter mobility training, Bn mortar shoot ISO Co Defense Bn has the option to re-occupy Main Side LSA Bn Mortars to FP 60 or 15, OP 1 or 2 (ask W6) STA at HAR & shoot house on R 6-3 (ask S2) Assault sections to R 5-3 mobility counter mobility A Co: R 4-3 INF-MAN-5002 (conduct a movement to contact X 3) B Co: TA 3 INF-MAN-5301 (conduct patrolling operation) C Co: R 6/MPMG INF-MAN-6101 (conduct a position defense)

28 TD Jan 16 Stage IV FINEX Day 2 B A S C

29 TD 7 12 January 2016 Standard T/O (Line Cos reinforced with W Co, Assault sections detach for mobility/counter mobility) Bn Mortars to FP 60 or 15, OP 1 or 2 (ask W6) STA at HAR & shoot house on R 6-3 Assault sections to R 5-3 mobility counter mobility A Co: TA 3 INF-MAN-5301 (conduct patrolling operation) B Co: R 6/MPMG INF-MAN-6101 (conduct a position defense) C Co: R 4-3 INF-MAN-5002 (conduct a movement to contact X 3)

30 TD 8 13 Jan 16 Stage IV FINEX Day 3 A C S B

31 TD 8 13 January 2016 Standard T/O (Line Cos reinforced with W Co, Assault sections detach for mobility/counter mobility) Bn Mortars to FP 60 or 15, OP 1 or 2 (ask W6) STA at HAR & shoot house on R 6-3 Assault sections to R 5-3 mobility counter mobility A Co: R 6/MPMG INF-MAN-6101 (conduct a position defense) B Co: R 4-3 INF-MAN-5002 (conduct a movement to contact X 3) C Co: TA 3 INF-MAN-5301 (conduct patrolling operation)

32 TD 9 14 Jan 16 Stage V Bn consolidates at Mainside

33 TD 9 14 January 2016 Reorganize Bn to standard T/O
Start stage 5 (Police/Base maintenance/Liberty) NLT JAN, All Cos arrive at LSA Reorganize Bn to standard T/O Retrograde all units to main side LSA BPT provide police call unit to TAs BPT provide labor to camp commandant for facilities and equipment maintenance L/U Marines with sea bags

34 TD Jan 16 Stage V Consolidate at Mainside

35 TD 10 15 January 2016 Libo (bring the SgtMaj into the conversation)
BPT release C Co early IOT make retrograde timeline

36 RD1 16 Jan 16 Bn starts Retrograde

37 RD 1 16 January 2016 Start Phase 4 (Retrograde/Re-Deployment)
All Marines released from HTCs and at home of record NLT 23:59 C Co

38 RD 2 17 Jan 16 RBE closes out

39 TD January 2016

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