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Dr Lee Wai Chuen Raymond A/C ICU TMH

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1 Dr Lee Wai Chuen Raymond A/C ICU TMH
Joint Anesthesia/ ICU meeting Post cardiac arrest syndrome & Therapeutic hypothermia Dr Lee Wai Chuen Raymond A/C ICU TMH

2 Introduction 70% of patients successfully resuscitated die before hospital discharge

3 Introduction main causes of death: irreversible neurological injury
uncontrollable cardiovascular failure Severe multiple organ dysfunction syndrome

4 Introduction Dr. Vladimir Negovsky first described a systemic ‘‘post-resuscitation syndrome’’ (Negovsky VA. The second step in resuscitation—–the treatment of the ‘post-resuscitation disease’. Resuscitation. 1972;1:1—7) “Post-resuscitation” implies end of resuscitation, a new term post-cardiac arrest syndrome is suggested

5 post-cardiac arrest syndrome
Organ injury by ischaemia & hypoxia during cardiac arrest reperfusion injury after ROSC trigger a SIRS or sepsis-like syndrome unregulated leukocyte production of cytokines high levels of circulating cytokines, adhesion molecules, plasma endotoxin

6 Early postarrest phase
early interventions might be most effective intermediate phase injury pathways are still active aggressive treatment is typically instituted Recovery phase prognostication becomes more reliable Ultimate outcomes are more predictable

7 post-cardiac arrest syndrome
4 components: (1) postarrest brain dysfunction (2) postarrest myocardial dysfunction (3) systemic ischemia/reperfusion response (4) Persistent precipitating pathology individual components are potentially treatable

8 post-cardiac arrest syndrome
Treatment of the global ischaemic brain damage and the dysfunctional heart during the reperfusion phase is the main challenge The first intervention proved to be clinically effective is therapeutic hypothermia

9 Post resuscitation care
1. Optimising physiology Body temperature Blood pressure Blood glucose Acid-base status Electrolytes (potassium) 2. Revascularisation Thrombolysis PTCA CABG 3. Antiarrhythmic therapy ICD Beta blockers Amiodarone 4. Anticonvulsant therapy

10 postarrest brain dysfunction

11 postarrest brain dysfunction
unique vulnerability of the brain limited tolerance of ischaemia Unique response to reperfusion in the hippocampus, cortex, cerebellum, corpus striatum, and thalamus degenerate over hours to days

12 Hypoxic brain injury Without blood flow, cerebral tissue oxygen tension declines continuously reaching 0 after 2 min Neuronal energy(ATP) is depleted Dysfunction of the cell membrane ion pumps → accumulation of calcium in cytosol Release of excitatory amino acid ischemia persists, neuronal necrosis throughout the brain Permanent neurological injury occurs after 5 to 10 mins of no cerebral blood flow state

13 postarrest brain dysfunction
initial reperfusion phase in the first few minutes often hyperaemic elevated CPP and impaired autoregulation Hypertension (MAP >100 mmHg) in the first 5 min after ROSC was not associated with improved neurological outcome exacerbate brain oedema & reperfusion injury too much oxygen exacerbate neuronal injury production of free radicals & mitochondrial injury

14 postarrest brain dysfunction
delayed hypoperfusion in hours to days hypotension, hypoxaemia, impaired cerebrovascular autoregulation, brain oedema MAP during the first 2 h after ROSC was positively correlated with neurological outcome cerebral perfusion varies with CPP instead of being linked to neuronal activity CPP necessary to maintain optimal cerebral perfusion will vary among individual post-cardiac arrest patients at various time points after ROSC

15 postarrest brain dysfunction
failure of cerebral microcirculatory reperfusion despite adequate CPP (no- reflow phenomenon) Fixed and/or dynamic no reflow intravascular thrombosis during cardiac arrest edema of endothelium, blood cell sludging, leukocyte adhesion persistent ischaemia & small infarctions ? responsive to thrombolytic therapy Thrombolysis in Cardiac Arrest (TROICA) trial, tenectaplase did not increase 30-day survival

16 postarrest brain dysfunction
Cerebral edema limited evidence that brain oedema or elevated ICP directly exacerbates post-cardiac arrest brain injury early transient brain oedema rarely associated with clinically relevant increases in ICP delayed brain oedema, days to weeks after cardiac arrest due to delayed hyperaemia likely the consequence of severe ischaemic neurodegeneration

17 postarrest brain dysfunction
Pyrexia T >39 ◦C in first 72 h post cardiac arrest increased risk of brain death T >37.8 ◦C was associated with increased in- hospital mortality Unfavorable outcome increased for every degree Celsius that the peak temperature > 37◦C. Hyperglycaemia seizures

18 postarrest brain dysfunction
Management: avoided hyperventilation: normocarbia Maintain oxygen saturation 94—98% hypoxaemia is harmful hyperoxia ass with worse neurological outcome production of free radicals & mitochondrial injury Anticonvulsants: no evidence to support prophylactic anticonvulsant control of glucose: normoglycaemia

19 Therapeutic hypothermia

20 Therapeutic hypothermia
The Hypothermia after Cardiac Arrest Study Group. Mild therapeutic hypothermia to improve the neurologic outcome after cardiac arrest. N Engl J Med 2002;346:549—56 portion of patients with favorable neurological outcome increased by 40%

21 Therapeutic hypothermia
The Hypothermia after Cardiac Arrest Study Group. Mild therapeutic hypothermia to improve the neurologic outcome after cardiac arrest. N Engl J Med 2002;346:549—56 mortality reduced by 26%

22 Therapeutic hypothermia
The Hypothermia after Cardiac Arrest Study Group. Mild therapeutic hypothermia to improve the neurologic outcome after cardiac arrest. N Engl J Med 2002;346:549—56 included a small subset of patients with inhospital cardiac arrest

23 Therapeutic hypothermia
Bernard SA, Gray TW, Buist MD, et al. Treatment of comatose survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with induced hypothermia. N Engl J Med 2002;346:557—63

24 Therapeutic hypothermia
Holzer M, Bernard SA, Hachimi-Idrissi S, Roine RO, Sterz F Mu¨ llner M. Hypothermia for neuroprotection after cardiac arrest: systematic review and individual patient data metaanalysis. Crit Care Med 2005;33:414–8 NNT to allow one additional patient with no or only minimal neurological damage is 6

25 Therapeutic hypothermia
Arrich, HolzerM, HerknerH, MüllnerM. Hypothermia for neuroprotection in adults after cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2009, Issue 4 patients in the hypothermia group more likely to reach a best cerebral performance categories score of one or two during hospital stay (RR, 1.55; 95% CI 1.22 to 1.96) more likely to survive to hospital discharge (RR, 1.35; 95%CI 1.10 to 1.65)

26 Therapeutic hypothermia
growing amount of data from nonrandomized studies reported benefit in comatose survivors of out-of-hospital non-VF arrest and all rhythm arrests


28 Therapeutic hypothermia
therapeutic hypothermia has become more feasible and minimal side effects, it is widely used in the management of anoxic neurological injury whatever the presenting cardiac rhythm and include inhospital cardiac arrest

29 Therapeutic hypothermia
Contraindications: The patient can follow verbal commands; More than 8 hrs have elapsed since ROSC; life-threatening bleeding or infection Cardiopulmonary collapse is imminent, despite vasopressor or mechanical hemodynamic support; An underlying terminal condition exists

30 Therapeutic hypothermia
physiological effects reduces metabolism & cerebral oxygen demands Metabolism is reduced by 6% to 10% /°C reduction protection of ATP stores decrease in apoptosis via Reduction in calcium overload and glutamate release Attenuates oxidative stress & lipid peroxidation direct inhibition of apoptosis antiapoptotic protein Bcl-is enhanced proapoptotic factor BAX is suppressed

31 Therapeutic hypothermia
physiological effects reduction of brain edema and increase cerebral blood flow Preservation of the blood brain barrier inhibtion of coagulation cascades & inflammatory reactions improve cerebral reperfusion inhibiting neutrophil infiltration31 and function reducing lipid peroxidation and leukotriene production


33 Therapeutic hypothermia
Uncertain areas: inhospital cardiac arrest treatment in children cooling characteristics “door-to-cool” time target temperature cooling rate duration of hypothermia cooling methods (external or internal)

34 Cooling methods Although there are great differences in efficacy and invasiveness among them, it currently not clear whether one particular technique should be preferred to the others. No studies are available that have compared different cooling devices the choice of the cooling method was at the physician’s discretion

35 Active surface cooling
0.9°C per hr 1.2°C per hour Rare but serious skin complications

36 Active surface cooling
Nasopharyngeal evaporative cooling with the Rhino-Chill-device (BeneChill, Inc, San Diego, USA) spraying a convective coolant into the nasal cavity cooling basal brain regions cooling rate 1.4°C per hour out-of-hospital use


38 Active internal cooling
No preference of choice of fluid Need muscle paralysis to avoid shivering cooling rate of 3.4°C per hour Compatible with other cooling devices

39 Icy catheter & the CoolGard 3000

40 Icy catheter & the CoolGard 3000
Endovascular cooling via a closed-loop indwelling catheter inserted into the femoral vein Icy catheter with a CoolGard 3000 system: temperature monitor, temperature control unit, heat exchange unit, a roller pump saline circulate through the closed catheter membranes to facilitate steady achievement and maintenance of the desired body temperature Feedback from a bladder thermister regulates the temperature of sterile saline providing an extra infusion port to allow for central infusions

41 Active internal cooling
rates of 0.8°C -1.2°C per hour Limited to the hospital setting Expensive delays the induction of hypothermia complications of central venous catheterization

42 Active internal cooling
Venovenous cooling uses a double lumen dialysis catheter inserted in the femoral vein connected to a heat exchanger for rapid extracorporeal blood cooling Total liquid ventilation with perflourcarbon induce hypothermia effectively while allowing oxygenation and ventilation

43 Cooling methods cooling with the endovascular device or any other cooling method were similar except time to cooling & rewarming rates water circulating blankets, adherent gel pads, and the intravascular cooling device are more efficient means of induction than ice packs and cold fluids or a surface air- cooling system intravascular cooling device was the most effective at maintaining temperature

44 Therapeutic hypothermia
3 phases: Induction Maintenance Rewarming temperature normally decreases within the first hour after ROSC

45 Therapeutic hypothermia
Rapid induction phase: as early as possible 31% reduction of favorable neurological recovery per 1 hr delay Active external cooling Easy and fast Can be given pre hospital facilitated by concomitant neuromuscular blockade with sedation to prevent shivering

46 Therapeutic hypothermia
Controlled maintenance phase external or internal cooling devices, with continuous temperature feedback avoid significant temperature fluctuation cooling blankets or pads with water-filled circulating systems Intravascular cooling catheters 32°C-34°C for 12 to 24 hours For asphyxia induced cardiac arrest ? Up to 72 hrs

47 Therapeutic hypothermia
Controlled rewarming/Decooling phase optimal rate of rewarming is not known ≈ 0.25—0.5 ◦C/h or in hrs avoid an overshoot hyperthermia Controlled, not passive rewarming Maintain normothermia of < 37.5°C associated with electrolyte shifts, vasodilation, “postresuscitation” syndrome the most challenging period of postarrest care

48 Therapeutic hypothermia
Monitoring: Continuous Pulse Oximetry: Peripheral cold-induced vasoconstriction, digital sensory may be inaccurate forehead lacks sympathetic vasoconstrictive properties-> Forehead sensors

49 Therapeutic hypothermia
Monitoring: Temperature Source: continuous feedback to the cooling device is required to maintain the desired temperature range and avoid overcooling Core temperatures: Esophageal temperature most practical, very accurate and reliable Peripheral temperature: lag behind core temperature Bladder temperature: depends on adequate urine output

50 therapeutic hypothermia
Complications Shivering: occurs between 34°C and 35.5°C common during induction phase Sedation, muscle relexant, Magnesium sulphate increases SVR: reduces cardiac output Arrhythmias: Only occur < 31°C bradycardia (slow AF) is most common

51 therapeutic hypothermia
Complications Diuresis causing hypovolaemia and electrolyte abnormalities hypophosphatemia, hypokalaemia, hypomagnesemia and hypocalcemia Intracellular shifts of electrolyte during hypothermic and rewarming phase Electrolytes replacement during the maintenance phase but stopped during the rewarming phase serum amylase may increase Hyperglycaemia

52 therapeutic hypothermia
Complications impaired coagulation & increased bleeding observed with temperatures ≤ 32°C impair the immune system and increase infection rates clearance of sedative drugs and neuromuscular blockers is reduced by up to 30%

53 therapeutic hypothermia
these complications can usually be managed by intensive care strategies The two large randomized clinical trials did not find a significant increase in severe complications when compared with normothermia

54 THE End

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