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History of Computers.

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Presentation on theme: "History of Computers."— Presentation transcript:

1 History of Computers

2 Why do we use base 10?

3 Abacus China 3000 BC

4 Adding Machine Blase Pascal 1642 Invented as a teenager Built 20

5 The Difference Engine Charles Babbage England 1833 Steam powered
Lacked funding to complete the device

6 Office Technology 1850 - 1900 What was a bank like in 1850 ?
They has lots of “Computers”.

7 Electricity Distribution
Thomas Edison Incandescent Light 1882 NYC distribution “Con Edison” still powers NYC

8 Typewriter 1874 Remington – (Gun Manufacturer) Bridgeport, CN

9 Cash Register 1880 John & James Ritty Dayton, Ohio

10 Adding Machine 1885 William Borroughs St. Louis, Mo

11 Programmable Punched Card Processing Machine
Herman Hollerith US Census of 1890 tallied the U.S. Census in 6 weeks (as opposed to 7-10 years).

12 Communication

13 Telegraph 1844 Samuel Morse Washington to Baltimore
“What hath God wrought?"

14 Telephone 1875 Alexander Graham Bell, Scottish Boston University

15 ENIAC – first electronic computer
1944 weighed 30 tons calculate artillery fire drew enough energy to dim the lights of Philadelphia when it was run operated at 5000 instructions per second

16 I.B.M. 1924 – International Business Machines New York
Thomas J. Watson, Sr. instilled a strict, professional demeanor in his workers. spectacular success with its tabulating machines and the punch cards

17 I.B.M. launched its computer business in 1953
hired scientists leaving US war effort controlled 90% of computer industry thru 1970’s

18 Famous Quotes I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.   -- Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943 Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.   -- Popular Mechanics, 1949

19 Triumph of the Nerds

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