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Please print the form of the Self Test before starting the presentation as you will need to fill in its points. Thank you.

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1 Please print the form of the Self Test before starting the presentation as you will need to fill in its points. Thank you

2 Evangelism and communication

3 Communication …. It is a power (constructive and destructive)
It is a gift It is a skill It is a responsibility

4  My responsibility Whose fault that you don’t understand ????
“How can you say to your brother ‘let me take the speck out of your eyes’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?” Mat 7:4 If you start blaming people you won’t find time to love them .. Mother Theresa

5 How we communicate You are meeting someone for the first time. During the first 4 minutes of that meeting, ‘how we communicate’ is split into 3 elements: the words we say how we say them (tone, volume) and non verbal behaviour.

6 Retention of information after 3 days: 15% hear only
55% of the message the receiver gets will be from your non verbal behaviour Retention of information after 3 days: 15% hear only 35% see only 65% see and hear

7 The Lord Jesus Christ sat down by the well …
The Lord Jesus Christ sat down by the well … when a Samaritan woman came … (Joh 4: 6-7) What if … He met her on the way to the well? He was standing by the well? He was surrounded by His disciples?

8 Communication It needs two and we are different
I have my strength & weakness and you too I am special … and you are too “For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful” (psalm 139:13-14)

9 Summary Communication is a power, a gift and is my responsibility
We are different How I communicate is more influencing than what I say

10 If I were forced to choose, I would say I am …
Column A Column B 1. More easy-going or more dominant 2. More go along or more take charge 3. More hesitant or more assertive 4. More accepting or more challenging 5. More thoughtful or more active 6. More supporting or more confronting 7. More quiet or more talkative 8. More retiring or more bold 9. More relaxed or more intense 10.More subtle or more forceful

11 Total column A - transpose to Horizontal line

12 If I were forced to choose, I would say I am …
Column A Column B 11. More informal or more formal 12. More spontaneous or more disciplined 13. More responsive or more self-controlled 14. More impulsive or more methodical 15. More close or more distant 16. More feeling or more thinking 17. More people-oriented or more task-oriented 18. More outgoing or more reserved 19. More dramatic or more matter-of fact 20. More warm or more cool

13 Total column A - transpose to Vertical line

14 Types of personalities

15 Expressive (Socialise) Like recognition Highly social
Informal Expressive (Socialise) Like recognition Highly social Like to take risks Like to be different Opinionated Excitable Amiable (relator) People oriented Buys on trust Highly social Like to build relationships Slow to make decisions Supportive High assertiveness low Dominant Low responsiveness High Easy-going Driver (director) Task oriented Time sensitive Often seems brusque Less social Demanding Insensitive to others Analyst (thinker) Detail oriented Seek proof Ask questions Less social Like structure Like certainty Formal

16 How to deal with the …. Expressive Get them talking about themselves
Share their dreams and add to them Don’t focus on details too closely – they get bored easily They love special attention They are motivated by challenge, applause and recognition. Be conversational – they enjoy philosophical argument They have very strong personalities, often too optimistic

17 How to deal with the …. Amiable
Like to share their personal life history They resist change and enjoy the known Prefer to share decision making with others Help them to take decisions, but go slowly Identify their personal needs and show them love Offer personal assurance of support They dislike pressure of any kind and need lot of reassurance

18 How to deal with the …. Driver Don’t waste time with small talk
They are impatient and conscious of time Approach them directly and be organised Get yourself well prepared Keep your conversation focussed Be energetic and maintain direct eye contact. Be firm, let them feel you’re sure of yourself Give them solutions that work and fast

19 How to deal with the …. Analytical
Approach their needs in a logical and practical manner Provide them lots of factual evidence Avoid innovation or any hint of risk-taking Work on a step-by-step approach – don’t rush They will ask lots of questions Support their organised and thoughtful approach

20 Behaviours that tend to destroy relationships
Don’t criticise – even indirectly. No one likes it whatever they say. If it has to be done, be constructive and sensitive. Don’t be tactless or hurt people’s feelings. Think in terms of other people’s feelings and don’t offend by ignoring people, making fun of them. Don’t interrupt people when they are talking. It’s rude and shows you do not listen

21 Behaviours that tend to destroy relationships
Don’t create emotional barrier in people’s mind (bad language, unprofessional appearance…) people buy people first Don’t be pessimist – no one likes somebody who always sees the black side of things and never has a cheerful word. The newspapers are full of all the bad news anyone can take in a day! Don’t show impatience or lose your temper – even when right is on your side. It creates a barrier between you and the other person, which will help neither of you

22 Creation and maintenance of Rapport
Match or mirror the body movements of the one you talk to. Keep it subtle (slight, clever) Adopt a similar posture or gesture rather than mimic the person Match or mirror his voice Rate of speech Pattern or rhythm of speech Volume Sentence length

23 Creation and maintenance of Rapport
Match or mirror his moods Do a temperature check of his current mood Respect his frame of mind (temporarily) Eventually lead him into a solution-oriented or more positive vein Use statements of fact to help him into a ‘yes mode’ Repeat statements made by him or statements that are undeniably true Begin or end statements with phrases that ask for agreement (right? Ok? Would you agree? Isn’t it?)

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