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Sami H. AlZahrani (MD), Bahaa A. Aba AlKhail (MD, Dr.P.H, MME)

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1 Resident Physician’s Knowledge and Attitudes toward Biostatistics and Research Methods Concepts
Sami H. AlZahrani (MD), Bahaa A. Aba AlKhail (MD, Dr.P.H, MME) Affiliation: King Abdulaziz University - Jeddah - Saudi Arabia DISCUSSION ARABIC ABSTRACT RESULTS INTRODUCTION Our analysis showed that the resident physicians at our target population lacked the required knowledge in biostatistics to interpret most results published in the medical literature, a finding that is probably a result of insufficient training. More than half of the respondents reported that they had never had coursework in biostatistics, epidemiology, or EBM during their postgraduate medical education or training years. More so, physicians were not very knowledgeable in biostatistics probably due to lack of interest in reading journals, as reflected by the high proportion of resident physicians in this study who did not read medical journals. Previous coursework in EBM, male gender were important predictors for high knowledge scores. Residents with Previous coursework in biostatistics scored less in the knowledge test. This goes with a similar result in a study that suggested that independent courses in biostatistics are unlikely to rectify clinicians’ research abilities and skills. In contrast, the integrating approach of biostatistics with epidemiology and research methods will positively affect clinicians’ research abilities and patient care decisions. This study highlights the importance of integrating biostatistics, epidemiology and EBM courses throughout the years of education. Residents should be encouraged to enroll in biostatistics or epidemiology courses and perform several researches. In addition, there should be an accredited guideline aimed at helping residents to conduct researches properly. This highlights the importance of planning and implementing new interactive, integrated, and self-directed policies. Such as integrating effective multi-task researches during educational years to encourage physicians to read medical journals regularly. For example, the scientific committees of different specialties in the Saudi commission for health specialties can implement an effective strategy during training years by encouraging residents to conduct a research after introducing courses in biostatistics, epidemiology, and research methods which only few specialties do. قياس المعرفة والسلوكيات تجاه مفاهيم الإحصاء الحيوي و مناهج البحث لدى الأطباء المقيمين في جدة ، المملكة العربية السعودية الإحصاء الحيوي و منهجية البحث هي أساسيات البحوث السريرية ، و الطب المبني على البراهين وتطور العلوم الطبية . فإذا كان هناك قصور في فهم الأطباء المقيمين للمبادئ الأساسية للإحصاء الحيوي و منهجية البحث ، فهذا يجعل ممارساتهم الطبية اليومية أكثر عرضة للإتخاذ قرارت و استنتاجات خاطئة. الأهداف: تقييم و قياس المعرفة و المواقف و السلوك تجاه الإحصاء الحيوي و مناهج البحث على الأطباء المقيمين في جدة. الطريقة: أجريت هذه الدراسة مقطعياً خلال شهر نوفمبر من العام 2014 م في مستشفى جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز بجدة. و ذلك بإستخدام استبيان تم توزيعه يدويا إلى جميع الأطباء المقيمين المشاركين. شارك في الدراسة 162 طبيب مقيم و كان معدل الإستجابة 90%. النتائج: كان معظم المشاركين على دراية بالمفاهيم الأساسية مثل القيمة الإحتمالية ، قوة الدراسة ، دراسة الحالة المقترنة بحالات ضابطة . كما كان أكثر من نصفهم أيضاً على ثقة بتمكنهم من تفسير البحوث العلمية. و على العكس من ذلك كان أكثر من ثلثي المستطلعين غير مألوف لديهم المصطلحات المتقدمة في الإحصاء. الأطباء العامين و الذين لديهم تدريب سابق في الطب المبني على البراهين كان لديهم نتائج أفضل في قياس المعرفة. الإناث و الذين لديهم تدريب سابق في الطب المبني على البراهين كان لديهم موقفاً إجابياً تجاه الإحصاء الحيوي. الأطباء الذين أخبرونا بقرائتهم للمجلات الطبية كانت نتائجهم في قياس الإحصاء الطبي أقل ممن لا يقرئونها. خاتمة : الذكور و من كان لديهم دورات سابقة في الطب المبني على البراهين لديهم ارتباط بتحقيق مستوى أعلى في قياس المعرفة. و لذلك ينبغي تعزيز التدريب حتى بعد التخرج من كلية الطب و التركيز خصوصاً على دمج الإحصاء الحيوي بعلم الاوبئة و طرق البحث عند التدريب. Biostatistics is considered to be an important element of Evidence-based Medicine; however, it is taught at the undergraduate level, and very little emphasis is placed on its practical aspects and applications. Consequently, after graduating from medical school, clinicians do not have in-depth knowledge of concepts in biostatistics and have to improve their knowledge. In Saudi Arabia, medical biostatistics and research methodology is included in a one year pre-medical course that students are required to pass. Little time is dedicated for teaching biostatistics and epidemiology, further precluding students from developing an interest in research. Consequently, physicians are less productive in research and lack knowledge of statistical methods through most of their careers. Residents may acquire the required knowledge if they are more involved in research. The main aim of this study is to assess resident physician’s knowledge and attitudes toward biostatistics and research methodology. Most participants were knowledgeable about basic concepts such as “P” values, study power, and case control study; over half were also confident that they could interpret results of scientific papers. Conversely, more than 67% of the respondents were unfamiliar with more sophisticated terms in biostatistics. General practitioners (P = 0.003) and those who had previous training in EBM (P = 0.05) were more likely to have better knowledge scores. Females (P = 0.003), and those with prior training in biostatistics and epidemiology had a positive attitude toward biostatistics (P < in both cases). Physicians who read medical journals scored lower than those who never read journals (P = 0.001). METHODS AND MATERIALS Study design and study population A cross-sectional survey was conducted among Residents at the western region of Saudi Arabia during November 2014.The residents were enrolled in the Saudi commission for health specialties training programs. King Abdulaziz University Hospital was our chosen place to conduct this study. We included residents of all levels and specialties. Graduates who did not complete their internship and residents of academic affiliation as demonstrators were excluded. Overall, 180 residents were invited to participate, of which 162 responded. The response rate was 90%. All participants were informed of the nature of the research, and they gave their consent prior to inclusion. They were also informed of the confidentiality of their response. The research and ethics committee of King Abdulaziz University, Hospital granted permission to conduct this research. Survey Instrument We used a self-administered questionnaire, which was adopted from the study by Windish et al. The questionnaire is valid, reliable, and available online.   Multiple Linear Regression Model for Covariates Predicting Mean Knowledge Scores F = 4.86 P= r²=0.24 Covariant β ‘T’ test P Sex I -4.75 -2.70 0.008 Age - 0.84 -0.36 0.720 Nationality -0.79 -0.25 0.800 Specialty -4.05 -1.56 0.120 Years after graduation -3.68 -1.88 0.060 Previous coursework in epidemiology 6.07 1.88 Previous coursework in biostatistics II 7.04 2.28 0.030 Previous coursework in evidence-based medicine III -13.94 -4.65 <0.001 Reads medical journals 5.05 1.40 0.150 CONCLUSIONS Prior coursework in EBM as well as male gender were associated with knowledge scores. Besides the fact that knowledge in biostatistics is crucial in the early stages of medical education, it should be continuous throughout a physician’s medical career. Training should therefore be reinforced even after graduation from medical school. Given the importance of statistical methods in research, we recommend that more focus to be placed on integrating biostatistics and epidemiology, with special consideration on the practical aspects of research, which is the essence of standard patient care. <your name> <or Phone: CONTACT

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