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Calculation of Beam Equilibrium and Luminosities for

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1 Calculation of Beam Equilibrium and Luminosities for ENC@FAIR
28-30 May | Andreas Lehrach

2 Accelerator Working Group
K. Aulenbacher, D. Barber, O. Boldt, R. Heine, W. Hillert, A.Jankowiak, A. Lehrach, Chr. Montag, P. Schnizer, T. Weis

3 Content Introduction HESR Experimental Requirements Beam Simulation
HESR Layout Beam Simulation Beam equilibria and luminosities for protons and deuterons Summary List of Major Task

4 HESR Experimental Requirements
PANDA (Strong Interaction Studies with Antiprotons): Momentum range: 1.5 to 15 GeV/c (Antiprotons) Effective target thickness (pellets): ·1015 cm-2 Beam radius on target (rms): mm Momentum range Number of antiprotons Peak luminosity Rel. momentum spread (rms) High Luminosity (HL) 1.5 – 15 GeV/c 1011 2·1032 cm-2s-1 1·10-4 High Resolution (HR) 1.5 – 8.9 GeV/c 1010 2·1031 cm-2s-1 ≤ 4·10-5 Electron and stochastic cooling Thick internal (pellet) targets Cavities for acceleration and barrier bucket (h=1 … 20) 4

5 HESR Layout Straight sections: cooler and target section
Momentum range: 1.5 – 15 GeV/c Straight sections: cooler and target section Ring circumference: 574 m Stochastic Cooling 5

6 The Svedberg Laboratory Uppsala University
HESR Electron Cooler Momentum range (Antiprotons): 1.5 – 8.9 GeV/c Electron energy: 0.45 – 4.5 MeV Electron current: A Electron radius: 5 mm Temperature of electron beam (t,l): 1eV, 0.5 meV Magnetic field (cooling section): 0.2 T Field qualtiy (rms): Br/B < 10-5 rad Length of cooling section: Leff = 24 m Point out interaction section, electrons, antiprotons, solenoids, (normal conducting) (Magnetic spectrometer energy calibration) Cooling force needs to be stronger than at Fermilab to counteract the internal target The Svedberg Laboratory Uppsala University Cooling Section

7 Electron Cooling Force
Parkhomchuk model (*particle frame): Fit to Parkhomchuk formula CELSIUS measurement Dec. 2004 Measurements at CELSIUS seem to predict an accuracy of the longitudinal Parkhomchuk force within a factor of 2 Cooling force [eV/m] Effective Coulomb log: Cooling rate: Relative ion velocity [m/s] Longitudinal force (momentum spread ):

8 Beam Equilibria and Luminosities
Conservative design (protons) e-Cooler parameter: E=8.2 MeV, I=3 A, B=0.2T, TT=1eV, TL=0.5meV, Br/B < 10-5, L=24m RF parameter: f=52 MHz, U=300 kV HESR / 15GeV p eRing / 3GeV L [ring circumference, m] ~ 576 norm / geo [mm mrad, rms] ≤ 2.1 / ≤ 0.13 Δp/p (rms) ~ 4 ·10-4 IP [m] 0.3 rIP [mm, rms] ≤ 0.2 l (bunch length) [m] 0.1 n (particle / bunch) 5.4·1010 23·1010 h (number of bunches) 100 fcoll (collision freq) [MHz] ~ 52 lcoll (bunch distance) [m] ~ 5.76 ΔQsc (space charge) ≥ 0.05  (beam-beam parameter) 0.014 0.015 L (luminosity) [cm-2s-1] ~ 2 · 1032 BetaCool program JINR Dubna

9 Beam Equilibria and Luminosities
Advanced design (protons) e-Cooler parameter: E=8.2 MeV, I=3 A, B=0.2T, TT=1eV, TL=0.5meV, Br/B < 10-5, L=24m RF parameter: f=104 MHz, U=300 kV HESR / 15GeV p eRing / 3GeV L [ring circumference, m] ~ 576 norm / geo [mm mrad, rms] ≤ 2.3 / ≤ 0.14 Δp/p (rms) ~ 4 ·10-4 IP [m] 0.1 rIP [mm, rms] ≤ 0.1 l (bunch length) [m] n (particle / bunch) 3.6·1010 23·1010 h (number of bunches) 200 fcoll (collision freq) [MHz] ~ 104 lcoll (bunch distance) [m] ~ 2.88 ΔQsc (space charge) ≥ 0.1  (beam-beam parameter) 0.014 0.01 L (luminosity) [cm-2s-1] ~ 6 · 1032 BetaCool program JINR Dubna

10 Beam Equlibria Protons vs. Deuterons
Analytic formula for 15 GeV/c beams: Cooling rate (electron cooling) ~ 1/(A*gamma2) Factor of 2 larger for deuterons Heating rate (IBS) ~ 1/(A2*beta4*gamma) Approx. factor of two smaller for deuterons Beam equilibria of deuterons roughly a factor of three smaller geo ~ 0.12 mm mrad (rms) for protons geo ~ 0.04 mm mrad (rms) for deuterons Relative momentum spread also much smaller: Δp/p (rms) ~ 4*10-4 (rms) for protons Δp/p (rms) ~ 2*10-4 (rms) deuterons and half bunch length Luminosity could be much higher with same number of particles or cooling force can be reduced significantly But space charge limit has to be considered  Reduce Electron Current of the Cooler: Iecooler < 1 A

11 Beam Equilibria and Luminosities
Baseline design (deuterons) e-Cooler parameter: E=4.1 MeV, I=0.5 A, B=0.2T, TT=1eV, TL=0.5meV, Br/B < 10-5, L=24m RF parameter: f=89 MHz, U=300 kV HESR / 15GeV d eRing / 3GeV L [ring circumference, m] ~ 576 norm / geo [mm mrad, rms] ≤ 2.4 / ≤ 0.15 Δp/p (rms) ~ 2.4 ·10-4 IP [m] 0.1 rIP [mm, rms] ≤ 0.1 l (bunch length) [m] 0.17 – 0.19 n (particle / bunch) 1.1·1010 23·1010 h (number of bunches) 173 172 fcoll (collision freq) [MHz] ~ 89.3 lcoll (bunch distance) [m] ~ 3.3 ΔQsc (space charge) ≥ 0.1  (beam-beam parameter) 0.014 0.030 L (luminosity) [cm-2s-1] ~ 1.8 · 1032 BetaCool program JINR Dubna 11

12 Beam Preparation Goal: ·1012 polarized protons / deuterons in bunches Injection: 2·1011 pol. Protons / deuterons per cycle from SIS18 approx. 20 injections and bunch compression in h=2 cavity Pre-cooling? Acceleration: h=1 resp. h=2 system to 15 GeV/c Beam preparation: beam cooling to equilibrium and „adiabatic “ bunching in h= system Problem: Cooling time to equilibrium

13 Cooling Time to Equilibrium
Cooling time for 200 bunches: At 3.8 GeV/c: 200s At 15 GeV/c: s with same initial long. and transv. emittances With factor of 4 smaller initial emittance:100000s (27h!) Cooling time for one or two bunches: At 15 GeV/c: s With factor of 4 smaller initial emittance: s Cooling time for unbunched beam: At 15 GeV/c: 35000s With factor of 4 smaller initial emittance: 1000s  Low initial emittance (pre-cooling) and cooling of unbunched beams at 15 GeV/c Pre-cooling at lower momentum could be limited by space charge

14 Summary Protons (conservative) : L = 2 · 1032 cm-2s-1
IP [m] = 0.3 m, ΔQsc ≥ 0.05, Eecooler = 8.2 MeV, Iecooler = 3 A, Protons (advanced): L = 6 · 1032 cm-2s-1 IP [m] = 0.1 m, ΔQsc ≥ 0.1, Eecooler = 8.2 MeV, Iecooler = 3 A Deuterons (baseline): L = 1.8 · 1032 cm-2s-1 IP [m] = 0.1 m, ΔQsc ≥ 0.1, Eecooler = 4.1 MeV, Iecooler = <1 A

15 Major Tasks Hardware extensions and modifications:
Extension of the Electron Cooler for protons Additional MHz, 300 kV cavity required Major modification of the interaction region Beam dynamics simulations: Accumulation, acceleration and bunching process in HESR Ion-optical IP / detector integration Beam – beam effect in low energy e-n collider Space charge for Protons / Deuterons

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