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Review of Authoring Subsystem

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1 Review of Authoring Subsystem
Anthony Yip Daniel Gindikin David Guttendorf Grace Ritter Jon Rosenberg Roger Hong Roger Smith You may want to mention that you’re Jon Rosenberg  Software Engineering October 26, 1999

2 Outline of this Presentation
Current System vs. Proposed System Requirements Overview of Use Cases In Depth look at the IETM-ize Use Case Activity Diagrams Object Model The Amazing Document Object Major Open Issues Nothing to see here…keep moving  Software Engineering October 26, 1999

3 Current System vs. Proposed System
Standardized IETMs “Black Box” model Stages of a Document Digital Document IETM Quality Control Electronic Annotations All paper Authored by manufacturers and assemblers. Annotations as memos New versions Expensive Get Military Standard - MIL-PRF-87269B Also mention the whole “It gives jobs to the Native Americans and Native Alaskans who work for cheaper than the old guys” thing. One day the system may be fully automated. Black Box model refers to the fact that the rest of the system can view the Authoring Subsystem as a black box that takes in a TM and outputs an IETM. New Versions in the Current System are fairly regular events, which is rather expensive. Software Engineering October 26, 1999

4 Software Engineering 15-413 October 26, 1999
Requirements Core Requirements Convert Technical Manuals into IETMs Allow for Annotations to the IETMs Quality Control Additional Requirements Know thy user (ease of use). Networked PC capable of running the required software Adequate storage space. IETMs can get rather large. Version Control System (special thanks to Workflow) System modularity The network should be both reliable and secure Quality Control is VERY IMPORTANT!! We really need to go for correctness and ease of use here. Native Americans and Native Alaskans…not computer experts. Required software == OCR software and an IETM viewer/editor. System modularity: Shouldn’t depend on AIMSS or ACS or GCS being there… The network should also be somewhat quick…IETMs are big. Software Engineering October 26, 1999

5 Overview of the Use Cases (10)
Digitize Document Distribute Scanning Task Edit Digital Document Edit IETM IETM-ize Issue Annotation Merge IETM Verify Digital Document Verify IETM View IETM 7 plus or minus 2… …for large values of 2 Software Engineering October 26, 1999

6 In-Depth Look: IETM-ize
Use Case Name: IETM-ize Participating Actors: Technical Writer Entry Conditions: 1. TW receives notification from Workflow that there is a Digital Document available to be converted into an IETM Section. Flow Of Events: 2. TW uses Workflow's Retrieve use case to retrieve the Digital Document. 3. TW opens the Digital Document in the Digital Document to IETM Section Converter and produces an IETM Section. 4. TW reads the IETM Section looking for errors brought about by the conversion process. 5. If any errors are found, TW corrects them. Exit Conditions: 6. TW uses Workflow's Submit use case on the IETM Section. Special Requirements: None When a paper Technical Manual comes into the system, it is split up into manageable pieces. Each piece is converted into it’s own Digital Document and then run through a lot of Quality Control. It then ends up in this use case. The technical writer receives notification that there is a digital document available to be converted into an IETM section. The Technical Writer uses Workflow’s Retrieve use case to retrieve the Digital Document. The Technical Writer loads it up into a converter, which turns the Digital Document into an IETM Section. This is necessary because the OCR software will not output to a format that is compliant with the military standards specified in MIL--PRF-87269B. Once converted, the IETM Section is compared back to the original paper document to verify correctness once again. If there are errors the Technical Writer can go back and fix them. Once the Technical Writer is satisfied with the IETM Section, it is Submitted using Workflow’s Submit use case, and notification is sent to yet another Quality Controller that the IETM Section should be verified. After this use case ends, the IETM Section will be verified and corrected if necessary, and then it will be merged with all of the other IETM Sections that came from the original paper document to form the IETM that corresponds to the original paper document. The new IETM is then submitted to Workflow, and can be used by the outside world. Software Engineering October 26, 1999

7 Activity Diagram Digital Document Digital Document With Annotations
Hello! My name is: Paper Document Your journey begins here. Sections Becomes Many Digital Document I get examined by a Quality Controller Scanned and OCR’d by the Document Specialist Digital Document With Annotations If There Are Errors Document Specialist Corrects IETM Section So Do I If There Are No Errors Converted by the Technical Writer IETM Section With Annotations If There Are Errors Technical Writer Corrects Non-Approved IETM If there are No Errors Merge Manager Merges all relevant sections Hello! My name is: IETM If there are no errors IETM With Annotations If There Are Errors Technical Writer Corrects Hello! My name is: Modification to IETM Software Engineering October 26, 1999

8 Software Engineering 15-413 October 26, 1999
Object Model Joint effort with Workflow We deal only with Documents Workflow owns the parent class And now, for your viewing pleasure… Since the object model contains the Entity objects, and the Authoring Subsystem really only deals with one object, it got it’s own slide…coming up next. Software Engineering October 26, 1999

9 The Amazing Document Object
State Machine 1 Associated 0..* Authoring Document Annotations Digital Document IETM Section IETM * Document is the Workflow object Software Engineering October 26, 1999

10 Software Engineering 15-413 October 26, 1999
Major Open Issues Dependencies and What We Will Provide Workflow, Workflow, Workflow. We will provide IETMs and a means by which to view them. Access to the IETMs will be achieved through Workflow’s Database. Other Issues AIMSS 4.0 and ACS are not compatible. We’re still looking for new OCR software that provides the same functionality as ACS. Workflow Workflow Workflow: We only really deal with the Workflow subsystem. Everyone else should really access us through them. A means by which to view them REALLY means HTML support  Pizza budget. Software Engineering October 26, 1999

11 Software Engineering 15-413 October 26, 1999
Summary The Authoring Subsystem will provide a means to convert a Technical Manual into an IETM. The system will be usable by those without training specific to the Technical Manuals or the existing authoring process. Self Explanatory Software Engineering October 26, 1999

12 Questions and Comments!
Now, it’s time for your… Questions and Comments! Good luck with the questions!!! Software Engineering October 26, 1999

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