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PROFESSIONAL RESUME Amanda Martinez, M. Ed..

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Presentation on theme: "PROFESSIONAL RESUME Amanda Martinez, M. Ed.."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROFESSIONAL RESUME Amanda Martinez, M. Ed.

2 Interests and Summary of Qualifications
Professional objective: Administrative Position-Elementary School level Curriculum Development Rigorous, Data-Driven Instruction Collaborative Learning Professional Development Community Engagement

3 Education University of St. Thomas, Houston, Texas August 2015
Master of Education, Educational Leadership (GPA 4.0 / 4.0) Texas Principal Certification (Grades EC-12) University of Texas-Brownsville, Brownsville, Texas May 2008 Bachelor of Arts, Interdisciplinary Studies (GPA 3.74 / 4.0), Magna Cum Laude Texas Classroom Teacher Certification (Bilingual Grades EC-4)

4 Administrative Experience
Instructional Officer August 2016-Present Lopez-Riggins Elementary, Los Fresnos C.I.S.D.

5 Administrative Internship
August 2014-May 2015 Pullam Elementary, Brownsville Independent School District 577 students, 44 certificated staff, 17 non-certificated staff Assisted with creation and implementation of Campus Improvement Plan Presented information to parents regarding expectations, curriculum, and assessment Conducted data analysis and assist with designing professional development for instructional improvement Designed technology training for teachers to use Pearson Realize and Think Central websites to facilitate core subject and technology instruction

6 Classroom Teaching Experience
Teacher, Grades 2, Kindergarten, and Pre-Kindergarten 2009-Present Pullam Elementary, Brownsville, Texas Develop and maintain a student-centered learning environment, including utilizing manipulatives in mathematics to engage students in problem-solving Apply Sheltered Instructional Observation Protocol model and strategies for bilingual learners Analyze student performance data on assessments to differentiate instruction to meet students’ needs Collaborate with teacher team and literacy specialist to plan and implement lessons to develop metacognitive strategies Develop and design with teacher team and dean of instruction rigorous reading assessments for each story in the reading adoption

7 Classroom Teaching Experience
Teacher, Grade 4 Benavides Elementary, Brownsville, Texas Planned and organized materials for instructional lessons; extensive use of novels Communicated and collaborated with parents to design home/school plans to enhance student achievement Analyzed student performance data on campus and district reading, math, and writing benchmarks to improve instruction Applied effective writing pedagogy practices learned in Sabal Palms Workshops

8 Technology Applications and Software Microsoft Office Suite
Etazo by Tango Software Website design Interactive White Board Etazo is a helpful software program that assists with providing data on student performance on assessments. I can create websites that facilitate communication between school and home.

9 Committee Responsibilities and Leadership
Texas Literacy Initiative Campus-Based Leadership Team Implement a comprehensive literacy plan Provide professional development on each of the six components of the Texas State Literacy Plan Assist with establishing short- and long-term local literacy goals Assist with measuring progress toward goals

10 Other Committee Responsibilities and Leadership
Contributing Curriculum Alignment Teacher (Kindergarten) Site-Based Decision Making Committee 2nd grade and Kindergarten Mathematics Point of Contact Attended trainings every six weeks to develop a deeper understanding of the new mathematics TEKS to address the increased rigor Provided turn-around training to teacher team, including technological component of Pearson mathematics Grade Level Lead Teacher Mentor Teacher to University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley student teacher Technology Support Teacher/Campus Webmaster U.I.L. Number Sense Coach Cheerleading Coach

11 Professional Service Conferences Attended: Affiliations:
Brownsville Independent School District Technology Conference, 2016 Presenter, GoNoodle for Brain Breaks, Fun, and Learning Texas Literacy Initiative: Explicit Instruction for Diverse Learners, 2014 Texas Literacy Initiative: Summer Institute, 2012 Affiliations: National Educators Association Association of Brownsville Educators

12 Presentations Conducted
GoNoodle for Brain Breaks, Fun, and Learning, June 2016 Presented five mini-sessions to district teachers (grades Pre-Kinder to 8) Shared and showcased educational technology for participants to obtain G/T and Technology professional development credit Using Pearson Realize and Think Central to Facilitate Core Subject and Technology Instruction, January 2016 Presented to campus certified staff Demonstrated how to utilize web resources in core subject areas June 7, 2016 Session participants commented: “I really enjoyed your presentation, and I know I will use this next school year.” –Pre-Kinder teacher “I really enjoyed your lively presentation; thanks for sharing!” –Elementary counselor

13 Community Service Vice-President/Coach 2006-Present
Little Miss Kickball International, Inc., Brownsville, Texas Teach fundamental kickball skills such as kicking, base-running, throwing, and catching to girls ages 4-18 Assist teams with scorekeeping duties Assist the league in organizing board meetings, fundraising activities, registration drives, and youth camps

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