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Beginning of school project on the AGE OF DISCOVERY

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1 Beginning of school project on the AGE OF DISCOVERY
Study the assigned notes in detail. Read background material for content that your do not understand. Review the assigned notes while viewing the PowerPoint. Know all of the geography of the unit. Take the associated multiple choice test on the second day of school. Write the SAQs on the third day of school.

2 Age of Discovery & the Commercial Revolution

3 Trade Routes to the Italian “Middlemen”

4 the caravel ship and its lateen and square sails

5 Compass Astrolabe

6 Da Gama Dias

7 Voyages of Columbus

8 Voyage of Magellan

9 the Treaty of Tordesillas
Notice the effect that the Treaty of Tordesillas had on Brazil.

10 The First Spanish Conquests: The Aztecs
Montezuma Fernando Cortez

11 Aztec drawing illustrating dying of smallpox

12 European Explorers (Know the significance of each.)
Balboa Ponce De Leon Pazarro De Soto Champlain Cabot Coronado La Salle Cook Cabral Hudson Drake

13 The “Columbian Exchange”
Squash Avocado Peppers Sweet Potatoes Turkey Pumpkin Tobacco Quinine Cocoa Pineapple Cassava POTATO Peanut TOMATO Vanilla MAIZE Syphilis Trinkets Liquor GUNS Olive COFFEE BEAN Banana Rice Onion Turnip Honeybee Barley Grape Peach SUGAR CANE Oats Citrus Fruits Pear Wheat HORSE Cattle Sheep Pigs Smallpox Flu Typhus Measles Malaria Diptheria Whooping Cough

14 The Spanish Colonial Class System
Peninsulares Creoles Mestizos Mulattos Native Indians Black Slaves

15 The Routes of the Middle Passage

16 Impact of European Expansion
Native populations ravaged by disease Influx of gold, and especially silver, into Europe created an inflationary economic climate (“Price Revolution”) New products introduced across the continents (“Columbian Exchange”) Deepened colonial rivalries

17 Hanseatic League

18 The Guild System The heads of each craft guild were the masters. Each master owned his own shop, tools, and raw materials. In order to become a master, a person had to start off as an apprentice. Apprentices were usually young boys who were starting to learn the trade. When an apprentice improved, he would become a journeyman and receive pay. If a journeyman wanted to become a master, he would have to submit a sample of his work to the craft guild for approval. If this sample was approved, the journeyman could become a master and setup his own business.

19 The home Domestic System is also called the “Putting-Out System.”

20 A Favorable Balance of Trade

21 Meeting of an early Joint-Stock Company

22 The Dutch East Indies Company dominated the Far East and contributed to the Rise of Antwerp.

23 Antwerp, Belgium

24 The Price Revolution was hardest on the peasants.

25 Beginning of school project on the AGE OF DISCOVERY
Study the assigned notes in detail. Read background material for content that your do not understand. Review the assigned notes while viewing the PowerPoint. Know all of the geography of the unit. Take the associated multiple choice test on the second day of school. Write the SAQs on the third day of school.

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