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L4 Certificate in Housing Practice
Dutton Fisher Associates Ltd
Apprenticeship Standards
L4 Certificate in Housing Practice Apprenticeship Standards The new standards How they work ? The apprentice’s journey Assessment – Gateway and End Point assessment Utilising for training and development needs of all staff at all levels? maximising levy and co funding Thank you Alex – a lot of changes taking place with some issues to be resolved particularly around sub-contracting . I hope you found that interesting? Are things clearer for you on the Levy? So what will I be contributing to the discussions Three areas I want to look at: 1: Quick look at what the new Apprenticeship standards are – they replace the Apprenticeship frameworks 2: How they work – look at the Apprentice’s Journey 3: third area I want to focus my time on is to suggest how you are able to utilise the Apprenticeship standards (and the apprenticeship levy and co funding pots) for training and development needs for all staff at all levels So perhaps this may get you thinking – if you haven’t already – about utilising a ranges of apprenticeship standards for a variety of training and development needs your organisation may have and not just for recruiting of apprentices Dutton Fisher Associates Ltd
Apprenticeship Standards
L4 Certificate in Housing Practice Apprenticeship Standards New Apprenticeship Standards - replace the old Frameworks. ... Introduction of end-point assessment. End-point assessment is being introduced as the main assessment method for all Trailblazer Apprenticeships. ... Reforms to funding 1: So we are in the process of replacing old style Apprenticeship Frameworks with new Apprenticeship Standards Intention behind it is for the new standards – or Trailblazers – to be employer led. New Standards – Skills , Knowledge and behaviours requirements were established by groups of employers from range of sectors to meet employer and sector needs (Housing, Health and Social Care ). Old frameworks were seen as meeting demands of accrediting bodies / colleges / training providers new standards were meeting employer needs 2: so with the new Standards comes new forms of assessment methods / strategies–key words here are – end point assessment . Out goes emphasis of frameworks of qualification bundled up from pre-existing qualification – so in housing you had CIH L3 Certificate in Housing, City and Guilds NVQ in Housing together with Employer Rights and responsibilities as well as Functional Skills more of this in a minute 3: Reforms to funding – Alex has set out what's going on – again the intention is that funding and selection of training providers to deliver these apprenticeship standards are also in the control of employers Dutton Fisher Associates Ltd
The Apprentice’s Journey
L4 Certificate in Housing Practice The Apprentice’s Journey So what is the Apprentices Journey On-programme assessment End Point assessment Hopefully leading up to passing and Certification Dutton Fisher Associates Ltd
L4 Certificate in Housing Practice
Assessment Journey On-programme assessment: knowledge and skills (accredited qualification recommended but not mandatory) resulting in a portfolio to include evidence of regular performance reviews between apprentice & a senior manager Gateway to end-point assessment where employer and provider agree that the apprentice has completed the above and has the knowledge and skills to progress to the end-point assessment. Also confirmation that the apprentice has achieved English & mathematics at appropriate level End-point assessment : to include a review of the apprentice's completed portfolio by independent assessor; completion of a knowledge assessment; presentation of work-based project question/answer session; a competency based interview Let me spend a couple of minutes I going into this level of detail about Assessment Journey ? 1- so you have an idea about the words and phrases that will be used – its about ensuring the apprentices journey they are producing a portfolio of evidence they are working on a Project – that is agreed between employer/ training providers/ end point assessor which will be assessed as part and to work towards getting to the ‘gateway’ to end point assessment where employer and provider agree the apprentice has completed the portfolio/ project and has the knowledge and skills to progress to the end point assessment Dutton Fisher Associates Ltd
L4 Certificate in Housing Practice
Here is a detailed assessment schema for the Higher Apprenticeship in Housing (L4) – complicated at first look but you will see the portfolio/ project/ gateway and end point assesszment all important aspects of the apprenticeship standards Dutton Fisher Associates Ltd
L4 Certificate in Housing Practice
Third area I want to look at is how you are able to utilise the Apprenticeship standards and funding for the training and development needs of all staff at all levels? Suggest that Apprenticeship Levy and co-funding arrangement can be used for all areas of your training and development strategy . So following slides are examples how they could be used . I will give you examples of how we have used old Frameworks in the past as well as the new Apprenticeship standards . Dutton Fisher Associates Ltd
L4 Certificate in Housing Practice
Level 2 New Apprentices Any age any levels New starts - as part of Induction Training programme Contact Centre Staff Front line Staff Support Workers Team Leaders Housing Introduction to Housing Customer Service Communication Skills Equality and Diversity Health and Social Care Role of H&SC worker Person Centred Approaches Care Planning Example Connect and Leeds Fed – Apprenticeship programme Together housing – Induction training Level 2 range Adactus and Yorkshire Housing : Contact Centre Staff CCA EXCELLENCE AWARDS SHORTLIST(See shortlist for Best Training Programme). We made a submission for the CIH training of contact centre staff, delivered by Dutton Fisher. Here’s some info from the submission: In total, 39 staff from Connect have taken part in the CIH Level 2 courses, 37 of whom completed it successfully. Another 14 have moved onto the Level 3 course – 14 with successful outcome. As the course has become embedded at Adactus, ten staff from other departments have completed Levels 2 and five Level 3. The Adactus Connect CIH training programme merits consideration for this award because it was one of the features that successfully defined the new contact centre when it was put in place at Adactus. It conveyed to staff throughout the organisation the seriousness with which Adactus was taking the contact centre and so the central role it would, and has gone onto, take. It offered many staff a professional qualification that had not been accessible to them in their careers up to that point. The importance of improvement, a feature of Connect which has continued to change and develop, was reinforced by rewarding those staff prepared to challenge themselves and take the qualification. For Adactus, it enabled the company to recruit staff who showed the right attitudes, irrespective of whether they had pre-existing knowledge of the business we work in. Through focused delivery it enabled those staff to pick up the knowledge rapidly and in a controlled and assessed environment. By choosing a training partner with the ability to tailor a national qualification to our local needs, Adactus was able to offer an academically and professionally respected qualification that remained relevant to day-to-day work. It has also enabled a long-term partnership to develop between Adactus and Dutton Fisher. Chris Smith Director of Corporate Services Adactus Housing Group Dutton Fisher Associates Ltd
L4 Certificate in Housing Practice
Level 3 Housing Specialist functions Health and Social Care Dementia Pathway Upskilling Staff Admin / Support team New employees Housing Officers Organisational re-alignment Increased autonomy Care Assistant to Seniors Dutton Fisher Associates Ltd
L4 Certificate in Housing Practice
Level 4 / 5 Succession Planning Senior Operational Managers Leadership Registered Managers (H & SC) Dutton Fisher Associates Ltd
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