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Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS

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1 Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS
presented by Natalia Fuzhenkova (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)

2 Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS
Introduction Scope Key provisions Russian approach Conclusions

3 Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS INTRODUCTION
SPECIAL THREAT TO slow-moving aircraft (incl.helicopters) aircraft during take off and landing other aircraft at low heights KEY CHARACTERISTICS portable and easy to use lethal, but affordable difficult to counter-measure CHALLENGES grey/black markets terrorists/non-state armed groups

4 Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS S C O P E
man-portable surface-to- air missile systems carried and fired by a single individual other surface-to-air missile systems operated and fired by more than one individual acting as a crew and portable by several individuals

5 Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS SCOPE
ITEMS CONTROLLED complete systems components spare parts models training systems simulators technical data software technical assistance demonstration an training associated with these functions secure transportation storage technology (2007)

6 Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS SCOPE
ACTIONS CONTROLLED TRANSFER AND RETRANSFER: licensed export sale grant loan lease co-production licensed production research design development engineering manufacture production assembly testing repair maintenance servicing modification upgrade modernisation operation use replacement or refurbishment demilitarisation destruction

7 Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS
RISK ASSESSMENT “Elements for Objective Analysis and Advice Concerning Potentially Destabilizing Accumulations of Conventional Weapons” motivation regional situation/regional balance of forces UNSC restrictions/sanctions political and economic considerations (compliance with international agreements; military expenditure; risk of economic destabilization) operational capability technology transfer considerations other factors (export control system, risks of diversion to illicit market, arms trade policy, etc.)

8 Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS
RISK ASSESSMENT potential for diversion or misuse ability and willingness to protect against unauthorised re-transfers, lost, theft and diversion adequacy and effectiveness of physical security arrangements for protection of military property, facilities, holdings and inventories

9 Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS KEY PROVISIONS
LICENSING CONSIDERATIONS Decisions on exports of MANPADS to be taken at senior policy level Exports only to governments or agents specifically authorised to act on behalf of a government Only government brokers or brokers specifically authorized by a government

10 Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS KEY PROVISIONS
LICENSING CONSIDERATIONS An official EUC certified by the importing Government required NO general licenses, only individual licenses

11 Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS KEY PROVISIONS
“GUARANTEES” (no re-export without prior consent of the exporting government) RE-EXPORT ASSURANCES (e.g. on-site verification) POST-EXPORT CHECKS (formal government to government agreements, including co-production or licensed production; and contractual documents) LEGAL BASIS (inform the exporting Government of compromise, unauthorized use, loss or theft of any MANPADS material) INFORMATION SHARING

12 Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS KEY PROVISIONS
“PHYSICAL PROTECTION” Written verification of receipt of shipment Inventory (by serial number) and maintenance of written records of inventories Physical inventory of MANPADS subject to transfer at least once a month; account by serial number for components expended or damaged during peacetime Storage conditions to provide for the highest standards of security and access control (see a list in “The Elements…”)

13 Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS KEY PROVISIONS
Exporting Governments to share information on non- state entities that are or may be attempting to acquire MANPADS Infringement of export control legislation related to MANPADS is subject to penalty provisions, i.e. involving criminal sanctions

14 Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS KEY PROVISIONS (outreach)
Participating States could provide, if requested, technical and expert support and assistance to non-Participating States Participating States should promote the application of the principles defined in the Elements to non-Participating States

15 Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS RUSSIAN APPROACH
Government Decree #604 dated 6 October 2006 on the approval of the order of exercising control over implementation by relevant authorities of foreign states of their obligations to ensure the authorized end use of certain types of military equipment imported from the Russian Federation

16 Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS RUSSIAN APPROACH
Government Decree #604 (2006) MANPADS anti-tank portable systems hand-held systems flamethrowers

17 Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS RUSSIAN APPROACH
Government Decree #604 (as amended in 2013) Government Decree #604 (2006) MANPADS anti-tank portable systems hand-held systems flamethrowers MANPADS anti-tank portable systems hand-held systems flamethrowers

18 Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS RUSSIAN APPROACH
Government Decree #604: The importer shall guarantee that the weapons are used only for purposes listed in the EUC issued by importing State The importer shall guarantee that the weapons will not be retransferred without prior consent of the Russian Federation The clause for post-shipment verification of the stated end-use by the competent Russian authorities should be included in contracts for arms transfers

19 Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS RUSSIAN APPROACH
END-USE(R) VERIFICATION: decision - Foreign Intelligence Service - Federal Security Service - Ministry of Foreign Affairs Decision by the Head of the Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation (FSVTS) upon recommendation by: - Ministry of Defence - FSVTS implementation 1 - analysis of relevant information provided by the importer 2 - on-site inspection Agreed through diplomatic channels Results reported to the Government

20 Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS RUSSIAN APPROACH
END-USE(R) VERIFICATION: decision - Foreign Intelligence Service - Federal Security Service - Ministry of Foreign Affairs Decision by the Head of the Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation (FSVTS) upon recommendation by: - Ministry of Defence - FSVTS implementation 1 - analysis of relevant information provided by the importer 2 - on-site inspection Agreed through diplomatic channels Results reported to the Government If breaches found, actions decided by the PRESIDENT

21 Elements for Export Controls of MANPADS

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