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To Know from Schrodt (2009) Basics of Koerner & Fitzpatrick’s (2002) General Theory of Family Comm Associat. b/w family strength & satisfaction among:

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Presentation on theme: "To Know from Schrodt (2009) Basics of Koerner & Fitzpatrick’s (2002) General Theory of Family Comm Associat. b/w family strength & satisfaction among:"— Presentation transcript:

1 To Know from Schrodt (2009) Basics of Koerner & Fitzpatrick’s (2002) General Theory of Family Comm Associat. b/w family strength & satisfaction among: Expressiveness Struct.Traditionalism ConflictAvoid.

2 Family Communication (Fitzpatrick & Ritchie, 1994)
Values open, controversial discussion Kids stimulated to express ideas, even if disagree Conventional beliefs about marriage, conformity orientation and power plays Stresses mainten. of harmony & IP relations Kids encouraged to avoid controversy & repress anger

3 How to ID a Family System TYPE
COHESION Emotional bonding twrd one another FLEXIBILITY Amount of change in leadership, roles, rules COMMUNICATION Group norms Listening Speaking Clarity Self-disclosure Continuity-tracking (meta-comm.) Respect Regard

4 CIRCUMPLEX MODEL (Olson, 2000) Patterns & Environment
Largely based on Cohesion/Flexibility dimension of family systems theory COHESION Ability to balance separateness & togetherness FLEXIBILITY Ability to adjust/adapt

5 COHESION types/levels
Extreme, emotional separateness & Little involvement b/w Lot of personal separateness & indep. Indiv’s “do their own thing” & have separate interests Some emot. separateness but not as extreme Time apart important, but some together & some joint decision-making Activities/interests generally separate but few are shared Some emot closeness & loyalty Time together more important than time apart; Emphasis on togetherness Separate friends, but also shared Extreme emot closeness & loyalty demanded; Indiv’s very depend & reactive General lack of personal separateness & little privacy permitted Energy of indiv’s mainly focused inside family & few outside friends/interests


7 Family flexibility has four levels
Chaotic Flexible Structured Rigid

8 Rigidly Enmeshed Negotiations Rules are Roles are Little
Time together & little Few Decisions made

9 Chaotically Disengaged
Little Limited Impulsive Frequently changing Emotional Low Private space Individual



12 COMMUNICATION! Continuum: Open to Closed REVIEW

13 Environment  Permeability?
So what affects Comm/Structural Flow….?

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