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Welcome to Freshmen Parent Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Freshmen Parent Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Freshmen Parent Night
BHS School Counselors Kevin Donohue (A-Chin) Keri Crowley (Choi-Ghassat) Courtney Stern (Goldstein-Labuhn) Jennie Viggiani (LaLonde-Minerva) Hennessey Lustica (Mohammad-Shafer) Holly Likly-Juliano (Sherwood – Z) Lisa Wetherbee (AIM )

2 Can You Believe They are in High School?

3 BHS Personnel Flow Chart:
Principal Dr. Hall Assistant Principal Mr. Comeau (A-G) Counselors Ms. Viggiani Mrs. Juliano Mrs. Lustica Mrs. Crowley Mrs. Stern Mr. Donohue Department Coordinators English: Mrs. Horowitz & Mrs. Wiggins Technology/Business: Mr. Darling & Blake Social Studies: Mrs. Pacatte & Mr. Hiller ENL: Ms. Wheeler Math: Mrs. Pearce Fine Art: Mr. Kunz Science: Mr. Metz Performing Arts: Mr. Struzik Language: Ms. Palmer Special Ed: Mr. Vick & Mrs. Vanstrom Counseling: Ms. Viggiani Athletic Director/Health/PE: Mr. Merritt School Psychologist Dr. Merydith Mrs. Gabriel Work-Based Learning Coordinator Mrs. Marra Social Worker Mr. Mitchell School Nurse Mrs. Fitzpatrick Ms. Jacob (H-O) Mr. Pincelli (P-Z) BHS Personnel Flow Chart: Assistant Principal Ms. Mosher (AIM Program)

4 BHS PTSA Perspective

5 The Role of the Counselor
9th-12th Grade Seminars Academic Planning Socio-emotional Support Short-term individual counseling Counseling groups Post High School Planning Resources and Referral

6 9th-12th Curriculum 9th LINK Crew (Fall) & Seminar (Spring)
Personality Inventory and Resume Writing 10th Seminar Career Exploration 11th Seminar Post High School Research and Planning 12th Seminar Post High School Planning and Facilitation

7 LINK Crew

8 LINK Crew- Semester Topics
Intro to BHS Goal Setting/Extracurricular Opportunities Inclusion (guest speaker) Shattering Stigma: Mental Illness (guest speaker) Building Strong Relationships Internet Safety (guest speaker) Making Informed Choices/Peer Pressure Making Assumptions Healthy Relationships (guest speaker) Honoring Yourself Sharing of Traditions Words of Wisdom from Upperclassmen

9 Program Planning Timeline of Process A) Teacher recommendations
B) Electives selected w/ counselors in seminar C) Course selection finalized and mailed home for final review. Please be sure to review these for accuracy. D) Opportunity to make changes in electives through April E) Master Schedule finalized in May F) Classes balances and individual student schedules created throughout summer F) Schedules available in mid-August

10 Graduation Credit Requirements
Regents Diploma Advanced Designation Regents Diploma English 4 Social Studies Math 3 Science LOTE 1 Health .5 Arts Phys. Ed 2 Electives 3.5 Total 22 English 4 Social Studies Math 3 Science LOTE Health .5 Arts 1 Phys. Ed 2 Electives 1.5 Total 22

11 Regents Exams Required
Required Exams Regents Diploma (5 Exams) Regents w/ Adv. Designation (9 Exams) English ELA 11 Social Studies Global History & US History Math Algebra or Geometry Algebra 2 Science Any Science Living Environment Chemistry or Earth Science or Physics Language - LOTE Exam or 5 Credit Sequence

12 Grading Scale A 93-100 4.00 A- 90-92 3.67 B+ 87-89 3.33 B 83-86 3.00
80-82 2.67 C+ 77-79 2.33 C 73-76 2.00 C- 70-72 1.67 D 65-69 1.00 E 50-64 0.00 F 0-49

13 Navigating the High School
Student/Parent Handbook (BCSD website) Extracurricular Activities Accessing Academic Help Academic Study Hall (ASH) Skills Lab Help Rooms FLEX/ Free Periods Before/After School Student / Parent Portal E-News and Hall’s Corner

14 Work Based Learning Programs Offered
General Work Experience: Earn 1 credit for 300 hours part-time work experience or ½ credit for attending Work Seminars 1 day per cycle during FLEX Professional Internship Program: Non-paid work experience Earn credit based on the number of hours served ( hours) Independent Study Program: Receive credit for self-directed learning opportunities not currently offered in the regular curriculum To sign up to receive new job postings or opportunities thru Remind: Text the to the number Contact Ida Marra at ext 5020 or

15 BHS Administration BHS Counseling
Tom Hall, Principal Matt Comeau, Assistant Principal (A-G) Sarah Jacob, Assistant Principal (H-O) Mike Pincelli, Assistant Principal (P-Z) Teresa Mosher, Assistant Principal (AIM) BHS Counseling Kevin Donohue (A- Chin) Keri Crowley (Choi-Ghassat) Courtney Stern (Goldstein-Labuhn) Jennie Viggiani (LaLonde-Minerva) Hennessey Lustica (Mohammad-Shafer) Holly Likly-Juliano (Sherwood-Z) Lisa Wetherbee (AIM) Erin Merydith, School Psychologist Heather Gabriel, School Psychologist Lance Mitchell, Social Worker Ida Marra, Work-Based Learning Coordinator

16 Parent Panel

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