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Ch. 27 Politics of Normalcy

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1 Ch. 27 Politics of Normalcy

2 Essential Question Did the Republican Era bring Peace and Prosperity to the US during the 1920s?

3 Add to your notebook Politics of Normalcy (ch. 27)

4 Theme Return to NORMALCY THIS MEANS = ??

5 Section 2: Republican Era Begins
Contributed to Peace and Prosperity Low Taxes, Decrease in Prices = Americans can purchase more goods and services Government Surplus

6 Section 2: Republican Era Begins
Did not Contributed to Peace and Prosperity Teapot Dome Scandal: Rights to Navy oil reserves were sold to oil companies that were friends of Albert Fall, Secretary of Navy. Corruption!

7 Section 3 After the Treaty of Versailles. America is an Isolationist Nation. This means =??

8 Section 3: Foreign Policies of the 1920s
Contributed to Peace and Prosperity Washington Naval Conference: limits the size of navy DID NOT Contribute to Peace and Prosperity Did not stop building small ships and submarines.

9 Section 3: Foreign Policies of the 1920s
Contributed to Peace and Prosperity Dawes Plan repaid war debts to the US DID NOT: Drove Germany into debt (rise of Hitler)

10 Section 3: Foreign Policies of the 1920s
Contributed to Peace and Prosperity Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928): US, France, Germany pledged never to go to war.

11 Section 4 Free Enterprise System: This means = ???

12 Section 4: Republican Boom Years
Contributed to Peace and Prosperity Businesses grew, Unemployment dropped, wages expanded. Stocks increased Buying on Credit

13 Section 4: Republican Boom Years
Contributed to Peace and Prosperity Ford: Mass Production of the Model T (Henry Ford) Good quality, inexpensive, increase in car ownership

14 Mass Production You can have any car….as long as its black – Henry Ford.

15 Section 3:Republican Boom Years
DID NOT Contribute Florida Land Boom: Speculators predicted that people were going to buy houses (1920s: Everyone’s making money and getting rich) Developed land in Florida, but no one bought Lots of empty houses, people lost money

16 Section 3:Republican Boom Years
DID NOT Contribute Crop prices were high during WW1, prices dropped after, farmers lost money and land.


18 Don’t judge anyone based on what they own, judge them on what they owe
Don’t judge anyone based on what they own, judge them on what they owe. -Mr. Bartlett (not me, my dad).


20 Political Cartoon. Draw a political cartoon expressing your point of view on the following question: Did the Republican Era of the 1920s bring peace and prosperity to all Americans? Make it about one or more of these (Buying on Credit, Teapot Dome, Kellogg-Briand Pact, Dawes Plan, Florida Land Boom). Make it about an ideal (Rights, Liberty, Equality, Opportunity, Democracy). It must include a picture and a caption.

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