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Shaping the Future of Transit In Nashville

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Presentation on theme: "Shaping the Future of Transit In Nashville"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shaping the Future of Transit In Nashville
Transit Leadership Citizen Academy 2016 Transit Alliance of Middle Tennessee October 19, 2016 Shaping the Future of Transit In Nashville

2 01 02 03 04 05 06 Presentation Outline Existing Transit Environment
Transit Master Planning 03 Transit Technologies 04 Examples from Other Communities 05 Funding The Plan 06 In Conclusion

3 Existing transit environment
01 Existing transit environment

4 Transit In The News… MTA Board approves nMotion 2016 transit plan. Staff Reports • Updated Sep 27, 2016 at 3:00 PM ​ Recommendations: Make Service Easier To Use Improve Existing Services Improve Access to Transit Make Service More Comfortable Develop a Network of Regional Transit Centers Expand Services to New Areas Build High-Capacity/Rapid Transit Network Transit is a business issue, a political issue, a media issue, a personal issue, a financial issue, a community issue.

5 transit MASTER PLANNING Success” Is A Comprehensive Word!
02 transit MASTER PLANNING Success” Is A Comprehensive Word!

6 Simplify service

7 Develop a single seamless system provide better customer information simpler fare payment smart technology

8 What about autonomous vehicles?

9 Improved pedestrian and bicycle connections
What about autonomous vehicles?

10 Transit technologies The Big Ticket Items…
03 Transit technologies The Big Ticket Items…

11 Transit Functions Better When It Offers Choices…
Bus Rapid Transit Modern Streetcar Electric Multiple Units Bus Rapid Transit (Lite) Light Rail Transit Commuter Rail Trolley Regular Bus Transit Functions Better When It Offers Choices…

12 Transit Functions Better When It Offers Choices…
Elon Musk Hyperloop Autonomous Personal Rapid Transit POD cars Maglev Smart Cars Monorail Bus on Shoulders Transit Functions Better When It Offers Choices…

13 How Transit Technologies Compare

14 Stories from other places What Have Others Done?
04 Stories from other places What Have Others Done?

15 Asheville, NC Boulder, CO Fort Worth, TX Grand Rapids, MI
TRANSIT MASTER PLANS Asheville, NC Boulder, CO Fort Worth, TX Grand Rapids, MI Sacramento, CA Saginaw, MI Seattle, WA Nashville

16 Linking Transit and Land Use Focus on Centers and Corridors

17 Station Priorities

18 Transit Friendly Development Types

19 Transit Development Strategy Linking Transit and Land Use

20 05 Funding & revenue strategies “To Build A Great Transit System, Additional Funding Will Be Needed For Both Capital Projects And Ongoing Operations” State of MTA System Report

21 Potential Funding Opportunities
Private Contributions/Donations Tax Increment Financing Improvement Districts Dedicated taxes (local or Statewide – but primarily local) Sales Tax Property Tax Payroll Tax Gas Tax State capital matching programs for capital projects e.g. Florida, Michigan and North Carolina (with legislation that requires States to provide match for capital projects) Rental Car surcharge Hotel/Motel Tax Parking Fee


23 governor Bill Haslam (January 2016)
““We've got to figure out some way to address mass transit and be able to not just build more roads and bigger and wider roads because that won't solve our problem but…to start to talk about public transportation” governor Bill Haslam (January 2016)

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