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Bell Ringer As a review, you will be asked to present slides 11-19 to a partner. Take time now to review the slides and gather any questions that you.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer As a review, you will be asked to present slides 11-19 to a partner. Take time now to review the slides and gather any questions that you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer As a review, you will be asked to present slides to a partner. Take time now to review the slides and gather any questions that you have about the purpose and process of data review Trainer Notes: While we are not required to have the 7-hour day for trainings, we have decided to keep a bell ringer activity in place to help teams get started for each training. The purpose of this bell ringer is to allow teams a chance to summarize the district’s MTSS efforts to date. This will help any new team members get up to speed and will provide team members with a quick review to get their heads back in the game. If you have multiple teams you can have them share their summary with each other. If you only have one team, please still have the team share their summary to you as the trainer. Consider using the stand and deliver technique.

2 ISD Fall Data Review Fall 2016 Trainer Notes:
Welcome to the ISD Systems Review. Be sure to thank participants for spending the day with us and acknowledge how difficult it can be to find time for training with all of the work they have on their plate.

3 Group Expectations Be Responsible Attend to the “Come back together” signal Active participation…Please ask questions Be Respectful Please allow others to listen Please turn off cell phones and pagers Please limit sidebar conversations Share “air time” Please refrain from and Internet browsing Be Safe Take care of your own needs Trainer Notes: These are the standard group expectations that we use during trainings.

4 Getting Ready for Today
Take a moment to identify the following roles for today’s training: Facilitator Action Plan Recorder MTSS Implementation Plan Recorder MIDATA Facilitator Accomplishment Recorder MTSS Update Developer Recorders should have access to a computer Trainer Notes: Please take a few moments to make sure they have assigned roles for the day.

5 Communication Support
During today’s Data Review you have been provided a template MTSS Update This can be used to support communication of “Nice to Know” information across the ISD There is a template provided on the website. Most ISDs seem to have their system for this down. Remember, the update can come in any form. A newsletter, a PPT, a video for staff. However it is done is fine. The goal is to keep this work at the forefront across the ISD. At this data review, it would be great to focus on including data and sharing successes.

6 Communication Support
Whether you use the MTSS Update or another form of communication: Not all communication needs will be captured in the MTSS Update. Be sure your Action Plan or Linking Communication Protocols are ready to be used throughout the day Example: Need to Knows: Something to share with the Superintendent? Be sure that gets on an action plan or communication plan. Something all Itinerants should know? Be sure that gets on an action plan or communication plan. Be sure it’s clear who is to do that communication and by when. Also, consider what information needs to be brought back to the team based on the communication.

7 Purpose of ISD Data Reviews
To look across data at multiple levels to continuously improve ISD supports for implementing MTSS with fidelity focusing on efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability

8 Intended Outcomes By the end of this session, ISD Implementation Teams will: Progress monitor your ISD MTSS Implementation activities related to Student Outcomes / Fidelity, ISD Capacity and Reach Update your ISD MTSS Implementation objectives and activities related to Supporting District Capacity Continue to Focus on Communication Trainer Notes: This slide lists the intended outcomes for the day.

9 Agenda 1.0 Review and Progress Monitor 2.0 Coaching Supports 3.0 Gather and Study 4.0 Plan 5.0 Do Trainer Notes: We have set up our agenda for the day to reflect the Continuous Improvement Cycle from Michigan’s School Improvement Framework with an additional emphasis on the Coaching System. You may want to also post the agenda somewhere in the room as a reference throughout the day.

10 1.0 Review and Progress Monitor

11 Continuous Cycle of Gather – Study – Plan – Do
Scale-up integrated MTSS to other districts and schools. Adjust from learning in initial implementation. Make it easier, more efficient. Embed MTSS work within current practices. Data Review meetings are set aside as protected time to engage in a Gather – Study – Plan – Do cycle.

12 Activity With a partner, walk through the next 10 slides
Present a slide to your partner and then your partner will present the next slide to you. Jot down any questions you have about the Data Review process to discuss with your team

13 Focus of Data Review Last meeting we focused on:
Student Outcome / Fidelity Objective MTSS Reach Objective and Activities ISD Capacity Objective and Activities Today we will start by looking at the work that has been accomplished

14 Maintain Focus on Progress Monitoring
MTSS Implementation is complex work To organize and prioritize the work, the ISD MTSS Implementation Plan should guide the meetings Work should focus on progress monitoring MTSS Implementation Plan activities, providing time to plan the work and time to bust barriers

15 When Time Becomes a Barrier
Divide and conquer Recruit help Prioritize what will have the most impact Consider smaller work groups or “Pit Crews” to begin work on activities and bring this back to the larger group Consider utilizing others across the ISD outside of the team that can meaningfully contribute to or support the work What is feasible, doable and will have the most impact if accomplished

16 Activity Progress Monitor the activities in your current MTSS Implementation Plan Give a status update for each activity Ensure people have been assigned and a due date has been established Ensure that the appropriate resources and first steps are in place so that each activity can be successfully completed Consider: Divide and conquer, Recruit help, Prioritize what will have the most impact

17 Activity MTSS Update: Add a summary of what has been accomplished so far this fall Include information about what activities will be worked on from now through winter in the “What’s Next for ” section of the update

18 ISD Meeting Agenda Template

19 Why a Template? Reduces the time spent on developing an agenda
Includes the range of agenda topics so the essential things, depending on the time of year / meeting focus, are not overlooked Promotes agenda consistency which helps the team know what to expect, when things occur throughout the course of a team meeting, and how decisions and important details are organized

20 Essential Agenda Components
Meeting information (date, location) Participants Team purpose Before meeting reminders Agenda topics

21 Range of Agenda Topics Review agenda and previous action items
Deepening team knowledge Professional learning preparation Assessment, data system, data coordination Data analysis and problem solving Implementation challenges Initiative / program or assessment request for review Need to knows: (communication from) Communication to groups / teams Meeting wrap-up

22 Determining Agenda Topics
Reoccurring Agenda Topics Review agenda and previous action items Deepening team knowledge Implementation challenges Need to Knows (communication from) Communication to groups / teams Meeting Wrap-Up Agenda Topics based on need / time of year Professional learning preparation Assessment, data system, data coordination Data analysis and problem solving Initiative / program, or assessment request for review

23 Agenda Topics vs. Agenda Items
Broad topics that allow for more specific but related things to be grouped together Topics remain constant across meetings Easier for team members to remember More narrow in scope Provide specificity so the facilitator and person who included it on the agenda remember it Frequently change from one meeting to another

24 Example Standard Agenda Topics
Communication from Groups/Teams Implementation Challenges Deeping Knowledge in MTSS Practices Preparation for Upcoming Professional Learning Data Coordination Work Time for MTSS Implementation Plan Activities Communication to Groups / Teams

25 Activity Consider the example standard broad agenda topics How does your current team meeting agenda topics compare to the examples? What topics from your current meetings should be included as standard topics? What topics from the example agendas might enhance your standard agenda?

26 Activity Begin agendas for November, December and January (we will meet for Data Review again in February) What activities/work from your current ISD MTSS Implementation Plan should be addressed as a team in these months? Continue to add to the agendas throughout the meeting today

27 Shared Agenda Creation
Today your team is working together to plan upcoming meetings As implementation occurs, additional agenda items will come up It is helpful to create an easy way to communicate about what needs to be added to the agenda

28 Tool to Organize Agenda Items
Pre-Meeting Sheet: Document for team members to populate agenda items Helps to ensure the meetings are addressing the range of needs Makes it easier for the person responsible for organizing the agenda since it is done using the information placed on the sheet Allows things that may not need to be addressed during the meeting to be done before hand or in other venues for efficiency of team meeting time Allows a quick way to document future meeting agenda items by accessing it at the end of each meeting

29 Pre-Meeting Sheet ISD Team Celebrations Deepening Knowledge
Preparation for Up-coming PD Implementation Challenges Initiative / program review for purchase consideration Need to Know(s) Other? Liaison MTSS-C Name

30 Activity Discuss and develop a system for shared agenda creation such as using the pre-meeting sheet Work out the details of the system Where will it be housed What are the expectations for use Who will do the final organization prior to the meeting

31 2.0 Coaching Supports

32 Layered Coaching Supports
The ISD is coaching multiple levels of MTSS work ISD supports district work At times ISD resources are direct to the school level ISD Supports District Supports ISD provides coaching to the DIT. The ISD also supports school level coaching. This could either be through direct ISD staff providing the coaching or through ISD staff supporting the district coaches. School

33 RCA Emphasizes Coaching
Coaching ISD Staff: RCA Item #4: Regional Education Agency has a plan to continually strengthen RIT staff skills Coaching the DIT: RCA Item #12: RIT provides support for the formation of DITs (guidance and ongoing feedback) RCA Item #13: RIT Uses a coaching service delivery plan to support district implementation teams RCA Item #23: RIT uses coaching effectiveness data Multiple items about RIT supporting (through training and coaching) stage-based work at the district The idea here is that focusing on coaching is going to help support increased capacity at both the ISD and district level. Keep in mind, a strong focus on coaching should also help get better fidelity and stronger student outcomes. This slide lists the places that coaching is focused on in the RCA. The next slide lists where coaching is focused on in the DCA.

34 DCA Emphasizes Coaching
Coaching School Leadership Team DCA Item #24: DIT uses a coaching service delivery plan

35 Your Turn Read the 2-point score for items: RCA - #4, 12, 13, 23
DCA - #24 As you read, put a question mark next to any part of the description that you need more information about Share out as a team how well current coaching supports align with the 2-point responses Trainer Notes: Please provide 15 minutes for this activity. The intent of this activity it to refresh team members memory related to the RCA and DCA items related to coaching and to identify the components that require more learning or information. Since we are going spend some time on the concepts in this item we want to start off with a quick refresher and formative assessment. You may want to either circulate the room to see where people are placing the questions marks or have a way to have the individuals call out the areas they need more information .

36 Effective Coaching Effective coaching is purposeful and planful
Effective coaching is linked to data Fidelity data – what is going well and where are improvements needed Outcome data – are the efforts leading to improvements in student outcomes Capacity data – teams are developing further capacity to support the work To help with this…MIBLSI is supporting the development of Coaching Service Delivery Plans Introducing the CSDP.

37 Coaching Service Delivery Plans (CSDPs)
CSDPs should be developed to focus the supports provided to every DIT and School Leadership Team (SLT) DIT CSDP are directly linked to the DCA SLT CSDPs are directly linked to fidelity measures We briefly talked about CSDP at the Systems review. Now we have more time to dig in an unpack the CSDP. This fits very well here because we’ve just gone over District Capacity data.

38 Coaching Service Delivery Plan (CSDP) Components
Coaching concepts / skills Coaching supports Coaching frequency Coaching preparation Mechanisms to provide feedback Timeline for written feedback Coaching effectiveness measure Trainer Notes: This slide calls out the specific components of the coaching service delivery plan. This is a concept that is newer to teams so we want to review the big components but move at a brisk pace since we will have them diving in deeper in the upcoming activity.

39 School-Wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory: SWPBIS TFI
Coaching Service Delivery Plan Roadmap = Fidelity and Capacity Measures School-Wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory: SWPBIS TFI Reading Tiered Fidelity Inventory (Elementary-level edition & Secondary-level edition): R-TFI District Capacity Assessment: DCA Trainer Notes: One of the great things about this work is that we have three road maps that spell out the work for implementing the EI – these are the fidelity measures that schools complete.

40 How to Use the Roadmaps ISD uses DCA data to support the District Implementation Team to develop systems of support for effective innovations School level coaches use TFI data to support School Leadership Teams (SLT) to implement practices related to effective innovations

41 Developing School Level CSDP
At the Coaching Support Session for Winter Data Review, school level coaches will: Develop an individualized CSDP for each school they coach Use school level fidelity data to identify 2-3 coaching concepts / skills as a focus of their coaching plan for each school IS you will need to explain the shift from MTSS Coordinator Network Events to RIT Network Meetings. Contact RIT Network Pit Crew with any additional questions.

42 Coaching Service Delivery Plans (CSDPs) for SLTs
Analyze aggregate fidelity/outcome data and data for each individual school At District Data Review Staff responsible for coaching the SLT develops a plan based on fidelity/outcome data At Coaching Support Session for Data Review Implement Coaching Service Delivery Plan At SLT monthly meetings, and through work with individual team members and school staff Coaching Service Delivery Plans (CSDPs) for SLTs Graphic showing how CSDPs for DITs are developed.

43 Developing District Level CSDP
Recall…MIBLSI will be holding Regional Implementation Team (RIT) Network meetings throughout RIT Network is an expansion of the former MTSS-Coordinator Network now open to all ISD Implementation Team members Purpose: Expand learning in implementation science with the overall goal of building capacity across ISD Implementation Teams Focus this School Year: Supporting the work of the DITs through the development of CSDPs and effective coaching structures The November RIT Network Meeting will focus on Coaching Service Delivery Plans This is referenced in Item #13 of the RCA Plan developed that outlines coaching supports provided to the DIT Developed based on individual District DCA results Include: Prompting, Modeling, Feedback, Self-reflection using data, assistance with adaptation to local context

44 Coaching Service Delivery Plans (CSDPs) for DITs
Analyze aggregate DCA data and data for each individual district At ISD Data Review ISD Staff responsible for coaching the DIT develops a Coaching Service Delivery Plan based on DCA data At RIT Network Meeting Implement Coaching Service Delivery Plan At DIT meetings, monthly meetings and through work with individual DIT team members Coaching Service Delivery Plans (CSDPs) for DITs Graphic showing how CSDPs for SLTs are developed.

45 Upcoming Opportunity: RIT Network Meetings
Attendance: MTSS Coordinators & others on the team interested in deepening knowledge on coaching district teams and developing capacity for MTSS implementation Meetings will be: November 17, 2016, March 7, 2017 & June 13, 2017

46 Role of the ISD Implementation Team
Deepen knowledge in Coaching Service Delivery Plans Send team representatives to the RIT Network Meeting Bring learning back to the entire ISD Implementation Team Begin by understanding CSDPs for partnering districts, look for themes in supports and consider how to make coaching more efficient and effective to DITs Design a process for collecting and using coaching effectiveness data Trainer Notes: This slide outlines the role of the DIT when it comes to the CSDP. We will be be addressing the last two bullets during the Mid-Year Continuous Data Review session this winter.

47 Coming Attractions ISD Winter Continuous Data Review will build on what has been learned and developed at the RIT network and at Coaching Support Sessions for Data Review We will begin to action plan how to collect and use coaching effectiveness data as a part of your continuous improvement process We will consider how to further develop a coaching system/structure We will continue to talk about CSDP and developing a system for coaching at the ISD Winter Continuous Data Review

48 Activity Ensure those selected to attend the RIT Network November meeting are registered for the day Develop a plan for attendance at the March and June sessions

49 Activity District level CSDPs – will be developed at the RIT Network meeting in November School level CSDPs – will be developed in the future when school’s enter data review Given this information, when might the ISD Implementation Team follow up on: Learning the coaches and RIT Network attendees gain related to school and district CSDPs. Add this work to your action plan or right onto an upcoming ISD Implementation Team agenda Plan out how the entire ISD Implementation Team will between understand CSDPs.

50 3.0 Gather and Study Trainer Notes:
This is a transition slide. Move quickly through it.

51 Not In Action Planning Mode Yet
Reviewing objectives and revising (as needed based on data) Determining current performance Note taker should be ready to capture any ideas that are generated during this time for later consideration during planning Facilitator should be prepared to acknowledge suggestions, ensure it has been captured and then move the team back to the work at hand Rationale for this: Action planning will be informed by all data. Let’s study everything before we begin problem solving and action planning.

52 Recall…Set Targets First, Then Set Action Plans
Graphic making the point about how we first need to decide where we’re headed and then we can plan how to get there. Once we start planning, we want to consider the shortest path as well as thinking outside the box. Target? Start

53 Remember Objectives Are:
S.M.A.R.T. Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely What will happen, with whom, by when, as measured by what.

54 Q #1: Where are we heading with our MTSS work?
Supporting District Capacity What are district teams aiming for: 80% or higher Minimum 10% growth per year Setting a Supporting Capacity Objective Example: 80% or more of partnering districts are at or above the Total Score target or are increasing their capacity by at least 10% annually on the District Capacity Assessment The revised RCA report should help with goal setting. It’s clear how much percentage gain would happen with an increase on any item.

55 Activity Before looking at MIDATA dashboard, look first at your ISD MTSS Implementation Plan: Using suggested targets: set, review or confirm Supporting District Capacity objective Review what activities were previously planned to support in this area of the MTSS Implementation Plan Update the status of the previously developed activities related to Supporting District Capacity. Be sure to include today’s date with your status update

56 Q #2: How close are we to getting there?
When looking at data consider: Any questions to note about accuracy of the data? Is there value in modifying the target for our context? What patterns do we see in the data, across total scores and subscale scores?

57 District Capacity Look at Progress Across Time
Summary of Each District’s Score is Included

58 DCA Item Report Click on Reporting
Click on Single Measure Reports – No Graph Select DCA as Report Change the start and end date if you just want recent data, otherwise you will receive all DCAs completed across time Leave District blank if you want all districts, or type in a district if you want results for a specific district Click Preview Can export to Excel or as a PDF

59 Activity Review the Supporting District Capacity outcomes using the ISD Dashboard Create a DCA item report if you are interested in digging deeper Create a summary statement of progress related to Supporting District Capacity. Capture this on chart paper Is the work that is currently happening across the ISD helping to increase district capacity for MTSS implementation? Recall that this is study mode. We need more information before we can begin to plan. Prompt the team to capture any brainstorming to review once all data (fidelity/outcomes, reach, capacity and supporting capacity have been looked at)

60 Activity MTSS Update: Add a summary statement, data summary and any other pertinent information regarding ISD work to support district capacity for MTSS implementation

61 4.0 Plan

62 What do we Tackle in our Plan?
Focus on what we can control Focus on big areas where long-term effort and work will show improvement in fidelity and outcomes Consider making plans to tackle the smaller items that can have high yield/impact

63 Create a Problem/Hypothesis Statement
An “if-then” statement that links contributing factors to actions that will results in improvements Examples: The lack of capacity for coaching is creating a problem with follow-up to training which is affecting school level fidelity and outcomes DIT and secondary schools are not following through on action plans related to EWI data, this is causing low percentages that are moving to 0 flags across time

64 Activity Create a problem statement for Supporting District Capacity based on the data you studied and the summary statements you developed

65 Key Questions to Consider During Study of MTSS Data:
Where are we heading with our MTSS work? Review Objective How close are we to getting there? Present Level of Performance Will our current work get us there in the designated timeframes and address any barriers related to MTSS implementation? Updating, modifying or adding activities

66 Next Steps with Your Plan
At this point you should have: An understanding of current progress on activities related to Fidelity/Student Outcomes, ISD Capacity and MTSS Reach objectives Multiple potential activities related to Supporting District Capacity generated as you worked through Gather and Study Trainer Notes: This slide provides a quick rundown of where the teams should be with their MTSS Implementation plan at this point in the data review process.

67 How to Prioritize Team should arrive at consensus on areas/items to prioritize for action planning These areas can be those that can be rapidly accomplished and movement made (e.g., “quick wins”) or other areas that with disciplined attention and focus result in significant large gains in the long term

68 Activity Develop activities to address the problem statement(s) related to Supporting District Capacity Add the actions to your MTSS Implementation Plan

69 5.0 Do Trainer Notes: Now we are transitioning to the final module of the day.

70 How to Accomplish Activities
Recall… Divide and conquer Recruit help Prioritize what will have the most impact The team should work together to ensure there is time available to complete activities Time within current roles/jobs Time to get together and complete the work Time to come back together as a group with updates, plan next steps and bust any barriers

71 Activity Ensure there is time scheduled in monthly agendas to update status on activities Can update all each month or focus on activities that are grouped under a specific objective each month Plan out now any activities the team wants to work on during an upcoming monthly meeting. Add this item to the agenda for the month Ensure there is time to discuss accomplishments and barriers This is similar to the earlier team time. This time we’re just adding anything related to Supporting District Capacity and overall just wrapping up and ensuring that we’re set for the next monthly meeting.

72 Now we need to think about updating our stakeholders
Trainer Notes: An indication that you have the capacity to do the work of MTSS is that you are consistently communicating about the work to garner political support for the work. We know from practical experience the power of communication keeps this work at the forefront across various groups.

73 Communication Protocol
Formal process or system for gathering and disseminating important information specific to a common focus that has been mutually agreed upon by all groups / teams who will be impacted by its use One way to ensure that communication is on-point is to have a communication protocol. This is a formal process for communication that helps to be sure we're gathering and disseminating the right information, to the right groups, at the right time.

74 Communication Protocol Components
Who (or what group) needs communication and for what purpose What information needs to be communicated Designee to carry out communication Format for gathering information Agreed upon timelines for communication and necessary responses Format for responding to challenges Listed here are the components for a strong communication protocol. We need to know who we are communicating with and what the purpose is for that communication. This helps to make sure we structure and tailor our communication to each specific group in the right way. Rather than having one blanket handout that's provided about EWS. We may want to reorganize a handout specific for our own district staff differently than we would for parents within our community.  We also need to know what information needs to be communicated, who is going to carry out the communication and what format we want that. Do we regularly provide update son EWS to staff within newsletters or is this something we provide specifically at staff meetings. Is EWS something that our parents and community members find out about through larger communications that go out to our community or are we going to be providing specific communication about EWS Want to be clear about timelines and that groups understand what timelines they will receive information on. And that we have a format for responding to any challenges that come up as schools work to install and implement EWS.

75 Linking Communication Protocol
Information necessary to be gathered and communicated Team Designees Format for Gathering Necessary Information Timelines for Responding to and Addressing Challenges Format for Responding to Challenges The next step is to go into further detail for those groups for whom a specific linking communication protocol would be useful. The details should go over additional information such as what information is necessary, who the communication will come from, format, timeline and how to respond to barriers, or challenges. There is an example of a communication plan and linking communication protocol in the resource tab of this module.

76 Activity Update the communication plans and protocols that were developed last year Update for new initiatives, groups that the ISD should communicate with Update due to staff changes or changes in groups Consider how to gather feedback on the effectiveness of the communication

77 Your Turn Ensure all communication items captured throughout the day have been discussed, next steps are clear and recorded on an action plan Use your Linking Communication Protocols to determine additional topics to add to your update or how any information will be shared with groups across the ISD and Districts Complete the MTSS Update and develop a shared understanding of how the it will be used Trainer Notes: Please provide 15 minutes for this activity. The deliverables for this activity are: Finalized MTSS Update Additional action items related to communication based on the linking communication protocols

78 Next Steps Continue to meet monthly
Monitor progress of your activities in your ISD MTSS Implementation Plan Distribute your MTSS Update Identify who will attend RIT Network meetings Communicate any identified barriers to your executive leadership team Trainer Notes: This slide and the next two provide an overview of the next steps for the DIT between now and the District Mid-Year Continuous Data Review. It is meant to provide a wrap up of the day. If you find there is additional time left in the day, teams should spend time creating the agenda for their next DIT monthly meeting and/or pull out the linking communication protocols from last year and determine if they need to be updated and/or if additional protocols will be needed.

79 End of Day Evaluation

80 2-Part Evaluation Retrospective Self Assessment
Feedback on the Session . . . both using the responders

81 Rate your knowledge / skills / competence for the following items at the end of this training.

82 Scale for the Retrospective Self Assessment Questions
4: I am confident that I know it and I can apply it to my context. 3: I am confident that I know it, but am unclear on how to apply it to my context. 2: I need more information and examples to know it better. 1: I have more questions than answers.

83 1. I can summarize the ISD MTSS Objectives related to Supporting District Capacity
4: I am confident that I know it and I can apply it to my context. 3: I am confident that I know it, but am unclear on how to apply it to my context. 2: I need more information and examples to know it better. 1: I have more questions than answers.

84 2. I can summarize communication structures in place related to MTSS
4: I am confident that I know it and I can apply it to my context. 3: I am confident that I know it, but am unclear on how to apply it to my context. 2: I need more information and examples to know it better. 1: I have more questions than answers.

85 Rate your knowledge / skills / competence for the following items at the start of this training.

86 1. I could summarize the ISD MTSS Objectives related to Supporting District Capacity
4: I am confident that I know it and I can apply it to my context. 3: I am confident that I know it, but am unclear on how to apply it to my context. 2: I need more information and examples to know it better. 1: I have more questions than answers.

87 2. I could summarize communication structures in place related to MTSS
4: I am confident that I know it and I can apply it to my context. 3: I am confident that I know it, but am unclear on how to apply it to my context. 2: I need more information and examples to know it better. 1: I have more questions than answers.

88 Feedback on the Session

89 1. Today’s learning was a valuable use of my time.
4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree

90 2. I am leaving with tools and strategies to successfully complete the next steps (assignments, communication, activities) that were identified in today’s session. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree

91 3. The content included clearly defined outcomes for the day.
4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree

92 4. The content and activities are well aligned with the goals and priorities of my ISD.
4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree

93 5. The trainer(s) presented the content in such a way that promoted active engagement, opportunities for processing, and time for participants to work together. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree

94 6. The pacing and amount of material presented were appropriate for the time allocated.
4: Just Right 2: To much or too fast 1: Too little or too slow

95 7. The materials for the day facilitated my learning.
4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree

96 8. The training space was acceptable for learning (comfortable temperature, good working space, functional technology). 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree

97 Please also take a moment to provide written feedback
Please also take a moment to provide written feedback. Forms are provided at the back of your workbook. The most valuable part of this planning session was. . . This planning session could be improved if. . .


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